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My Home, Our Stories

Yuan Teoh

True stories from an Airbnb superhost

My Home, Our Stories follows the journey of Yuan Teoh as an Airbnb host for the past eight years. The books is filled with heartwarming stories and positive vibes as she shares her accounts with guests and along the way experiencing cultural differences, creating unique relationships with strangers, and collecting wisdom from each individual who walks through her door.

  Travel   50,000 words   25% complete   11 publishers interested
77 preorders
$1,870.00 funded


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Update #4 - New Year Dec. 29, 2020


Firstly, I want to wish you guys a Happy New Year. The new year we’ve been looking forward to. I believe we’re stronger than before and we have more clarity on what matters most to us in life. 

It is time to celebrate our growth and reflect on how far we have come. Many of times in this journey, we question ourselves ‘ What’s my purpose in life?’  One may have found the purpose at the early stage of their life, some may not. It takes courage and acceptance to take on risk in the search for that. 

When I first started hosting, I received many doubts from others. I questioned myself many times the first few months and as years passed by, I was sure of what I want to do and for the rest of my life. Thank YOU for being a part of my journey. 

There is a delay in editing which take a longer time than I expected. I will keep you posted when I have a new update! 

I hope this new year you find what brings you peace and happiness. Stay well and take care.

Shine on 2021!

Much love,
