Hard-Hitting Strategies To Make Yourself More Marketable
You can only win if you know how. This book is a comprehensive guide to achieving sustainable employment through personal marketing. It's written with you in mind to help you stay on top of the game.
If you want to achieve success at anything, the fastest way to do it is by modelling the strategies of those who are already successful at it.
If you have said 'YES' to all these 3 questions, you are not alone.
The workplace of today and the future are always evolving. Work is done much faster, more effectively and efficiently using technology. The workplace of today has far more highly educated, qualified and skilled talents than ever before. However, possessing outstanding paper qualifications and a core set of skill sets can no longer promise and guarantee job security in today's unpredictable world of the knowledge-based economy. More employees find themselves increasingly vulnerable to losing their jobs as employers place a greater emphasis on non-academic skills, people skills, as well as technical skills. Ever since I started training and coaching employees on employability skills in 2004, I observed that employees face a common set of issues at their workplace and these are but not exclusive to:
Such issues were unknowingly created due to:
These preceding issues will continue to exist unless we begin to look inward, learn to market ourselves to become a desirable human capital and win the war of talent. 'NAIL IT: Hard-Hitting Strategies To Make Yourself More Marketable' is intentionally written for individuals thriving in the world of work. Individuals who want to take control of their own career and remain employable in any economy. If achieving sustainable employment is what you want, this book is definitely for you.
Marketing is the lifeblood that runs through the veins of all successful organizations. Without marketing, no matter how good the product or service, the organization will fail. It's marketing that defines the distinctive features and benefits of the product or service. It's marketing that sets the price. It's marketing that communicates those features and benefits to the appropriate audience. It's marketing that delivers the goods to the consumer. An excellent example is when Steve Jobs, the late CEO of APPLE Inc, introduced the first iPhone in 2007 to the world of mobile phone users. His introduction of the first iPhone has became one of the much talked about marketing strategies of our time.
The same goes to all individuals thriving in the world of work. Individuals are products of their own unique creations. They must be able to easily identify their transferable skills and market them to employers (if they are employed) or potential clients (if they are entrepreneurs). Unfortunately, not many people are fully aware that they have a set of transferable skills that can be nicely packaged and marketed successfully.
In fact, most of the people whom I trained and coached felt that the concept of personal marketing should have been introduced to them in their early career stages so that they can better position themselves to enhance sustainable employability. With those invaluable experiences under my belt, I decided to write a book and share with you the things I've learned and helped you avoid some of the errors I made.
Here are some of the things you'll find inside the book:
I will share with you how to market yourself and remain employable using the following 7 Strategies:
1. Open and Expand
2. Discover and Accept
3. Scan and Mark
4. Pick and Package
5. Plan and Build
6. Sell and Secure
7. Pay and Support
These strategies are developed based on my personal and working relationships with people who know how to market themselves and enhance sustainable employability. A few of them are featured in the book. They are from all walks of life and from different education background. All of them have one thing in common - 'Achieving Sustainable Employment Through Strategic Personal Marketing.'
To make this book worth paying for, I have also added some self-discovery and self-reflection exercises inside the book. The self-discovery and self-reflection exercises contained will allow you to UNEARTH YOUR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES, LEARN MORE ABOUT YOURSELF, AND DETERMINE THE DIRECTION YOU WANT TO GO. I have also added many resources (online and offline) in the book that you can use to your advantage. In a nutshell, this book contains practical tips on marketing yourself that you simply can't miss out on
This campaign serves a DUAL purpose:
You can help a lot by just spreading the word about my book. You know people I don't know. Please tell people you know about my book. The more people who know about this project, the better chance it has of becoming fully funded.
Thank you!
With deepest gratitude,
Terence Chiew
Terence is an Employability Skills Trainer specialises in Personal Selling Strategies, Customer Engagement, Career Management, Sales Communications and Presentations. He is a certified career coach and is NLP qualified.
Terence has a passion for people development and has trained talents in a variety of industries including insurance, information technology, food and beverage, retailing, healthcare, automobile, charitable organizations, academic institutions, private organisations and government statutory boards. His articles on personal development and career management have appeared on Straits Times Recruit Section, professional journals (printed and online) and job-search portals.
Morby Lin is Founding Member and Creative Director of Mojo Forest Game Studios. He has been in the mobile games scene for more than a decade. His deep passion for game graphics creation knows no boundaries. Morby has always been on a lookout for new projects and ideas where his illustrations and designs could connect with the world in a meaningful way.
Samy Rajoo is Manager (English Department) and Curriculum Director at one of Asia's best run Education Centre. His was editor for The Judiciary's in-house magazine 'Judicare'. He had also contributed to anthologies, magazines and publications.
Li Leng is a the Dry Land Coach for Pink Spartans. Formed in May 2009 by 32 breast cancer survivors and supporters, the team’s mission statement is:
There is life after cancer.
With our lives we honour those who have gone before us and who fought cancer bravely.
Listen to the drum beat, follow your heart, make every stroke count.
Let us unite and continue that fight.
250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Ballast Books is a full-service hybrid publisher that handles all aspects of book creation, design, publishing, marketing, distribution, and platform building. We help our authors sell more books, secure more keynotes, do more consulting, earn more customers, and book more media appearances.
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250 copies • Completed manuscript.
SOOP is a small virtual publishing company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, with a core team based in the US and additional contractors around the world. SOOP currently focuses on curating a small number of volumes for publication each year to enable its team to dedicate a great deal of time to working with its authors directly - not just on the manuscript, but also on platform-building and promotion.
Hope this note finds you in good health.
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