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One of the Few

Jason Ladd

A Marine Fighter Pilot's Reconnaissance of the Christian Worldview

A Marine fighter pilot struggles with doubt during his reconnaissance of the Christian worldview. Join him on his most important mission as a husband and father: the search for truth.

  Religion & Spirituality   0 publishers interested
534 preorders
$7,950.00 funded


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Update #11 - All pre-orders have shipped! Nov. 4, 2015

To the Few,

All Publishizer pre-orders have shipped!

Everyone who pre-ordered a copy should receive it before Launch Day on November 10th, with one exception.

My supporters in Italy, Australia, Japan, and Canada, might receive them a few days after. So, a-here's-a my spicy apology, mate: gomen-nassai, eh?

Status on Versions

  • Softcover: available NOW from CreateSpace and Amazon
  • Kindle e-book: available for pre-order on Amazon and able to receive reviews, FREE promotion from Nov 10-12
  • Audiobook: available Nov 10 on Gumroad and soon on Audible and iTunes
  • Hardcover: the cover is in revision and will be available on Barnes & Noble soon

A Note on Reviews

If you've read One of the Few, I would love to have your review on Amazon and Goodreads. They are powerful!

Unfortunately, Amazon will not allow reviews from friends or family members. If you are a blood relative or have met me in person more than once (my criteria), then you cannot leave a review. However, you may participate in the Customer Discussion Forum section on the Amazon Page.


Help me gain more visibility by sending me a picture of you and your copy or any picture of the book in your possession or a unique location! How creative can you get?

Here it is on the desk of Insurgent Publishing CEO Tom Morkes. Guy Vincent, will you be next? Post your picture on Facebook, tag my name and use #OneoftheFew!

Thank you for your continued support!

