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One of the Few

Jason Ladd

A Marine Fighter Pilot's Reconnaissance of the Christian Worldview

A Marine fighter pilot struggles with doubt during his reconnaissance of the Christian worldview. Join him on his most important mission as a husband and father: the search for truth.

  Religion & Spirituality   0 publishers interested
534 preorders
$7,950.00 funded


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Update #13 - #1 Best Seller on Amazon and Hardcover available! Nov. 17, 2015

To the Few,

Due largely to your support, One of the Few broke out as a #1 Best Seller on Amazon after the initial launch and 3-day promotion with over 3,000 downloads!

Thank you!

#1 Best Seller on Amazon!

One of the Few hit #1 in the Kindle Store in Christian Living, as well as the subcategories Inspirational, Theology, and Apologetics!

In fact, it made it to #79 of all free ebooks in the Kindle store!

Now it's time to continue building momentum.

The initial free promotion is over, but there are still several offers for readers. The Kindle version is only $2.99 with the purchase of a paperback with the KindleMatch program.

And listeners can download the audiobook free by subscribing to FIGHTER FAITH, my blog on leadership, parenthood, and worldview development.

Leave a Review!

Keep spreading the word, and don't forget to leave a review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Goodreads!

What other best-selling lists will we hit?!

Hardcover Available!

By the way, the hardcover is now available on Amazon, and you should find it on other websites soon (Barnes and Noble).

Check out one of my latest interviews here, and be on the lookout for a podcast coming soon with Byron Chen of SuccessVets.

Book Giveaway

I had the privilege of speaking at Calvary Chapel Montebello in L.A. where I shared a story surrounding the first and last chapter of the book. After speaking during the three services, we gave away 100 copies (we ran out!) while I signed books and met the amazing people of Montebello. The message and the book were well-received.

As always, thanks for your support.

