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One of the Few

Jason Ladd

A Marine Fighter Pilot's Reconnaissance of the Christian Worldview

A Marine fighter pilot struggles with doubt during his reconnaissance of the Christian worldview. Join him on his most important mission as a husband and father: the search for truth.

  Religion & Spirituality   0 publishers interested
534 preorders
$7,950.00 funded


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Update #5 - 100% Funded! Feb. 26, 2015

Thanks to more than a few amazing people, One of the Few has reached 100% funding! That's great news because it guarantees this book will go to press. Thank you to everyone who has given time, energy, and support to this campaign.

With 24 days left in the campaign, I am continuing to explore methods and partnerships for expanding its impact and achieving the ultimate goal of One of the Few, which is to impact the many.

I have reached out to the Director of Resources for Ratio Christi, an apologetics ministry for university students, to see if we can get donated copies of this book into the hands of young adults during a critical period of their worldview development.

The book has already touched fighter pilots in Japan, music and film directors in L.A., published authors around the world, pastors, theologians, and young Midshipemn preparing to enter the service. I have already seen an impact. This makes me honored, humbled, and even more driven to ensure the quality of this work.

Hold on. Strap in. This is just the beginning.

-Jason B. Ladd