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Brandy Ange

The Kingdom Come Series: Book Two

Achaia and Shael's transgressions have angered a lot of Nephilim, including Lucifer. Now they must pay the price, and the price has never been higher.

  Science Fiction & Fantasy    Young Adult   118,000 words   25% complete   10 publishers interested
16 preorders
$380.00 funded


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Update #1 - Penance Update April 15, 2021


Happy Spring! I am excited to update you pre-orderers and let you know that Penance is coming out August 6th! 

I am so beyond grateful to you guys, and can't wait for you to read the book. Make sure you leave a review on goodreads or Amazon, so I can know your thoughts! I am sorry you had to wait so long, but I hope you'll find the wait worth it! 

God Bless! 
