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Portraits of Women in the American Fur Trade

Kris Swanson

How Marie Dorion, Mountain Lamb & Owl Woman Shaped the West

The stories of several iconic American Indian women illustrate the pivotal role native women played in the Fur Trade and opening of the American West.

  History    Western North America   50,000 words   25% complete   34 publishers interested
$8,442.00 funded
82% of goal
411 preorders
82% of goal
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Update #6 - 13! Only 13 left to go! May 31, 2019

Hi everyone! 

Whew! This month of promotion for pre-orders is almost finished, and here's where we are: 

          6 Publishers are interested in the book!

          187 pre-orders to date! (2 from museums!)

          Museums and historic sites are interesting in stocking the published book! 

Thank you all for subscribing or pre-ordering! It's very much appreciated. By tomorrow, I need to get to 200 or more if possible! Here's how you can help: 

        * Pre-order if you have only subscribed thus far!

        *  Share with anyone who belongs to a book group, loves history or women's books

Getting to 200 significantly improves my chances of a favorable publishing contract.

And again I appreciate your support of my labor of love! I am ever grateful! 

Love and light,


Sharp Knife Woman

PS ~ Thanks for continuing to share! Here's the link: