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Portraits of Women in the American Fur Trade

Kris Swanson

How Marie Dorion, Mountain Lamb & Owl Woman Shaped the West

The stories of several iconic American Indian women illustrate the pivotal role native women played in the Fur Trade and opening of the American West.

  History    Western North America   50,000 words   25% complete   34 publishers interested
$8,442.00 funded
82% of goal
411 preorders
82% of goal
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Update #7 - You are my HERO! June 5, 2019

Thank you for your support of my upcoming book Portraits of Women in the American Fur Trade! Pre-orders are now over, and the results are in! And it's clear: 

YOU ARE A HERO for helping me achieve my goal! Together, we made this happen and I can't thank you enough. Here's where I stand today:

9 publishers are interested in publishing my book, including one traditional publisher and four independent publishers! 

271 confirmed pre-orders were received!

Superhero status goes to: Museum of the Mountain Man, Wray Museums, Scott Chartier of Greeley Centennial Village/Greeley City Museums, Kricket Crosby, Charles Willis of Ft. Buenaventura Mountain Men, and all my American Mountain Man brothers! 

Now I am working diligently on finishing the book and sorting through publisher information so I can submit formal proposals to them that  meet their expectations and will give me the best deal! I'll keep you apprised of my progress!

Bless you all and know that it was each and every one of you who helped me show there's a market for this book, each one of you made a difference! I appreciate you very much.

Love and light,


Sharp Knife Woman