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Prayers for Success: Daily Meditations for Marketplace Influencers

Jacqui Showers

These bold powerful declarative prayers are designed to bring about transformation and change to encourage, inspire and empower individuals to experience spiritual, abundance, wholeness and wealth.

Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success empowers and transforms individuals for illimitable success.

  Religion & Spirituality   90,000 words   75% complete   1 publisher interested
10 preorders
$95.00 funded



When I started writing these prayers I had no idea the impact they would make on my life let alone the lives of others. The impact has been phenomenal. Every day I receive feedback from across the world about how these prayers has impacted and empowered others.

Sometimes people share their stories with me such as a former Council Member with the City of Minneapolis. In her search on the Internet for prayers to provide to her adult children, she happened upon the Prayers for Success. She subscribed to our email list and started forwarding the prayers to her children. Although she had sent them prayers before, they exclaimed to her how great these prayers were because they were bold prayers they enjoyed praying.

Recently, a financial planner inquired about including the prayers in her presentation. She indicated that as she was putting it all together, she realized that she needed prayers to accompany each section. Immediately, she said why write them when Jacqui has already done it. She contacted us got permission and included them in her presentation. They were a huge success. Weeks after I ran into someone who attended the seminar and she was exclaiming how great the prayers were and how much they added to the presentation.

A pastor was having a service to commemorate members who had died over the past year including her husband who was the Pastor. She included the prayers in their ceremony for healing of those dealing with grief. They prayed the prayers and each person was given copies of the prayers to assist through their healing process.

The Prayers for Success were created to not only reach the faith-based community, but others as well in taking this message out of the four walls of church into the wall-lessness of the marketplace. My goal is always to seamlessly integrate spirituality with the reality of the marketplace. The Prayers for Success enables me to do that. They are very succinct bold prayers that can be prayed in 60 seconds or less. They are prayers for the information age. Each prayer is virtually 500 characters addressing various aspects of life—spiritually, personally, physically, professionally, financially, relationally, environmentally and socially. From encouragement to live out your passion, to establishing a healthy lifestyle, to increasing your relationship with God, to managing money, to overcoming the loss of a loved one and more, the Prayers for Success are written to empower and encourage the total individual to embrace the abundant life God envisioned for them.

The prayers are disseminated across the world using email and social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, InstaPray and Pinterest) every day. The prayers are posted on the Showers’ Blessing Blog and through the RSS feed emailed to its list of subscribers. In each case, the prayers have been well-received and people are forever exclaiming how much they enjoy receiving them in their inbox, praying  and sharing the prayers with others.

It has resulted in a reach that substantially exceeds my expectations. They are shared far and wide. I can’t fathom the breadth and depth of the prayers’ impact and the pervasiveness of their reach. We have gotten feedback from all over the world from people who read the prayers, look forward to receiving them every day and share them with others. It is such great joy when you hear from someone and they express how a respective prayer was exactly what they needed.

From executives like Lori George Billingsley, Vice President, of a major corporation, licensed minister and Pastor’s wife, who is writing the foreword for
Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success, to people at every socio-economic status these prayers have had an impact on their lives.  
The expansion of
Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success includes publishing subsequent volumes of the devotion and to create audience-specific devotions as well. For instance, Prayers for Success for Women, Prayers for Success for Men, Prayers for Success for Teenagers, etc. It is endless using a similar model like the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.  
It is not only limited to publishing of books and ebooks, but it also has merchandising components as well to include
Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success perpetual calendars, planners, t-shirts, journals and more.
From all indications we have created an audience receptive to embrace
Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success.


Prayers For Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success will be designed as a daily devotional with each chapter representing a month of the year. Billingsley, who is writing the foreword, has been committed to Prayers for Success over the years and is excited about being included in the book.
Prior to each month there is a brief encouragement. It is designed as a perpetual 366-day devotion with a Prayer for Success along with a scripture for that respective day. The Prayers for Success empowers individuals as marketplace influencers to overcome the vicissitudes of life in experience illimitable success. They are designed for everyone, regardless if they are affiliated with a faith-based institution or not.

The prayers are written to address every area of a person’s life. They are powerful bold declarations designed to bring about transformation and change. These bold powerful marketplace prayers encourage, inspire and empower individuals to experience spiritual, abundance, wholeness and wealth in every area. When read on a daily basis, the prayers help to transform mindsets from thinking small to thinking big, living their dreams and taking big actions.


Title Page

Copyright Page

Dedication Page


Table of Contents




      I.          Chapter I—January

    II.          Chapter II—February

 III.          Chapter III—March

 IV.          Chapter IV—April

    V.          Chapter V—May

 VI.          Chapter VI—June

VII.          Chapter VII—July

VIII.          Chapter VIII—August

 IX.          Chapter IX—September

    X.          Chapter X—October

 XI.          Chapter XI—November

XII.          Chapter XII—December

XIII.          Epilogue

XIV.          Notes

XV.          Appendix I


As indicated in the overview, Prayers for Success reaches a diverse audience. However, from analytics with social media we find that we have a larger following of women than men. The age group of respondents to Prayers for Success is between 18-55+. The largest majority of respondents is within the 18-55 age range. From our observation, these prayers reach and are read by people across the world who follow us on a daily basis. Prayers for Success will continue to expand its reach as we develop a series of books and other promotional materials to complement the it.

Prayers for Success are marketplace meditations with a Biblical perspective, however, the readership of the prayers represents a cross-section of individuals from every facet of society. They are written with the express intent not to engage every one, with the express goal for people to embrace prayer as an integral component of their lives as they increase in their spiritual faith.


The marketing strategy for
Prayers for Success has already been underway. Initially the prayers were written and haphazardly posted to social media and shared via email, but over time that has changed resulting in a concerted effort to share Prayers for Success on a broader scale. The natural progression was for them to be compiled into a 366-day devotional as both a traditional book and an ebook.
Our goal is to continue utilizing social media, but to branch out to include other ways to promote the book outside of using digital media. Our marketing approach will include hitting the market at every point to generate the coverage to increase its marketability and purchase power. We have already established relationships with local bookstores and other boutiques to host book signings and feature it in their store. Below are some of the ways we look to promote the book for maximum impact.

Media Information Kit: Develop a media kit for the Prayers for Success to include:
Prayers for Success Press Release
Prayers for Success photos
Prayers for Success Fact Sheet
Prayers for Success Testimonials
Links to video promotion for Prayer for Success

Author’s biography

Author’s photo

Website(s): A separate site for Prayers for Success will be created to promote and merchandise the book and its products. Presently we have websites for The Showers Group Ministries, The ME Place Empowerment Institute, Oh Break Out Empowerment Leadership Experience and the Showers’ Blessing Blog. On each of these sites, we will promote Prayers for Success with a link back to its website.
Book signings: We have already established relationships with local bookstores, and have entered into an agreement that as soon as the book is published they will open their doors for a book signing and to feature it. Within the first month of the release of Prayers for Success we will conduct as many book signings as possible. In addition, we have identified a number of boutiques catering to the faith-based community to also host book signings, especially around holidays such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Christmas. These merchants are eagerly awaiting the publishing of the book as many of them have been following us on social media and receive our emails every day.
Social Media Engagement: As indicated we have utilized social media effectively. We will continue to use it to expand our reach even more. Social media is critical to our success because we can reach a vast geographic audience in a short amount of time. In addition to the social media that we already use, we will expand to include live stream platforms such as Periscope.
Speaking Engagements: With every speaking engagement Prayers for Success will be available for purchase. Roughly, we have about 10 speaking engagements a year and look to increase to promote the book. At each speaking engagement we will give away 1-3 books. We will identify speaking opportunities with prayer groups, marketplace bible studies in businesses and other venues. Coinciding with travel, whether for vacation or not, speaking opportunities will be identified for book signings and other speaking opportunities in that respective location. I will put together a team of local individuals to help promote the book and identify additional opportunities for book signings and speaking engagements.  
Webinars, Seminars, Conference: Throughout the year we will continue to host webinars, seminars, conferences and the Prayers for Success will be promoted. Each month we host 11:59 A Minute ‘til Midnight Marketplace Prayer Boot Camp for seven days. Prayers for Success will used as a teaching guide to promote sales. Prayers for Success will be promoted and available for purchase at the Oh Break Out Empowerment and Leadership Experience for marketplace influencers scheduled for later this year. This is a conference we’ve hosted since 2006 featuring speakers from the faith-based, government and business communities and will be sold in the conference’s Marketplace Medley Vendor Expo.
Participate in Network Events, Conference and Expos: We will identify and compile a directory of networking events, conferences, and expos for exhibit/vendor opportunities at faith- and community-based events, marketplace ministry events, and business events with a goal to attend at least one per month. At each event in order to spotlight Prayers for Success, we will offer a giveaway by having the individuals fill out information complete with email address. This will help us to increase our email list, not only for marketing and promoting this volume of Prayers for Success but future ones as well.
Media Opportunities: A comprehensive list of media for publicity opportunities will be compiled. Our goal is to have scheduled interviews prior to the launch with an emphasis on local media, but identifying media with a broader reach that caters to our demographic. We have already established relationships with editors in local media and with media in some of the larger markets (Washington DC) who follow us on social media.
Guest Blogging: Presently, I do some guest blogging, but will increase this in order to broaden our audience and our reach for the Prayers for Success. Many of the articles will center around marketplace ministry, but include a blurb about me as the author of Prayers for Success.
Host Contests: In the launching of Prayers for Success contests will be conducted. Initially these contests will be conducted via social media. The goal is to increase exposure, the Prayers for Success email list and purchases.
Evangelists: Word of mouth will be a major catalyst in promoting Prayers for Success. These evangelists, whom we have established relationships, will help to create excitement by encouraging their network to purchase the book. These individuals will work with us in posting and sharing to their social media, as well as writing testimonials encouraging others to purchase the book.
Merchandising: Merchandising products will not only promote the book, but reinforce its message. This would include t-shirts, mousepads, etc. Links will be included on each of our respective websites linking them to the merchandising store on the Prayers for Success website.
Although this seems to be an extensive marketing strategy, we already have people in place to assist with this effort. Family, friends, co-church members and other colleagues are offering their services to ensure our success.



Prayers that Avail Much
Commanding Your Morning
Power of a Praying Woman
Prayers that Rout Demons
Prayers that Get Results
All of these are great books. However, they are not prayers written for every day. Prayers for Success is a daily devotion of prayer. It is book of prayers that can easily be prayed while you're going through your hectic day. They are prayers that deal with the daily things we confront in our lives every day in every way. Each day it is a new prayer. It is not a how to pray book, like the others, but it is a book of prayers you can just pray.


Jacqui Showers

About the author

JACQUI SHOWERS, Visionary and Business Encouragement Coach, she provides a collaborative integrated holistic approach to empower, equip and develop spirit-centered leaders and individuals to be effective change-agents in an ever-evolving marketplace for purposeful living spiritually, professionally and personally. Showers, known as The Bold Encourager, bold in your face coaching style is not for the faint at heart, as she encourages you to become all God envisioned so you can experience what God S.A.W.W. (Spiritual, Abundance, Wholeness & Wealth).
She is the visionary and founder of Showers’ Blessing Enterprise, The ME Place Mentor Empowerment Institute, The Showers Group Ministries, Oh Break Out Empowerment & Leadership Experience, Showers’ Blessing Inspire Blog, Prayers for Success Marketplace Meditations, Not a Downpour, Just a Showers’ Blessing Periscope and Wisdom Wealth & Riches with Jacqui BlogTalkRadio Show. As a Kingdom solutionist, marketplace leader and sought after speaker, Jacqui provides unboxed coaching for unboxed success through individual consultation, workshops, seminars, webinars, conferences, books, blogs, eblasts to companies, faith- and community-based organizations, and other venues for personal, spiritual, professional, business and leadership development.
Showers is an ordained Elder at House of Prayer & Praise Ministries where she faithfully heads up their Intercessory Prayer Ministry and serves on the Ministerial Alliance. She is a graduate from Wayne State University and resides in Detroit, Mich. She holds dear the love affair she and God share that is totally beyond compare. Connect with her on Twitter (@ShowersBlessing), Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest. Visit,,, and subscribe to her Showers’ Blessing Blog.

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    I'm excited about the launch of the campaign. The response has been good! We're on our way. Look to hear from me often to keep you …

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  • Jacqui Showers
    on May 2, 2016, 9:54 p.m.

    Thank you for purchasing Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success.



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5 Registrations to the Oh Break Out Empowerment & Leadership Experience
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8 Registrations to the Oh Break Out Empowerment & Leadership Experience
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