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Johnny Blackburn

A Practical Guide To Awakening Greater Potential in Work, Love, & Life

Through explanations of twenty of the most important skills for cultivating a greater presence in work, love, and life, "Presence" provides a practical guide to awakening greater potential.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement    Personal Growth / Spirituality   67,603 words   100% complete   15 publishers interested
284 preorders
$5,582.00 funded



Presence is a practical guidebook for awakening greater potential in work, love, and life. It will address the foundational skills to help one realize greater presence whether one wishes to become happier, enhance professional value, have more satisfying relationships, or seek deeper spiritual connection. Presence is the entry point to greatness as people increasingly move through the world with more freedom and open-heartedness. It will change the way the reader engages with the world and experiences life.

This is a unique time in human history with ever increasing technological innovations, more potential digital distractions, and a faster pace of life, which have all changed the way we live. As a result, we need to develop new ways of working, relating, and living in the digital age. A global consulting study shows that only 13% of the world’s workforce is “engaged” in their work. It can seem so nebulous but Executive Presence is the X factor for professional development in organizations and the sweet spot of peak performance for athletes in the zone or performers on stage. It is easy to be distracted by our mobile devices, yet presence is the doorway to the deeper connection those closest to us crave, whether in a romantic relationship, with our child, or with friends. The full engagement of Presence, also commonly pointed to as the Power of Now, is the doorway to our greatest Self and to thriving in every area of our lives. Our work, loved ones, and life itself yearn for our deeper presence. This practical guide elucidates the twenty most important skills (including definitions, benefits, barriers, success stories, and how develop each skill) for cultivating greater presence for thriving in work, love and life

Once floor-ridden for 22 hours a day for 2 years, the author is a professional coach, facilitator, and speaker. He has spent over fifteen years honing his craft and more than a decade empowering clients, groups, and audiences to live with greater presence, connection and prosperity in work, love and life.

Presence will contain:

  • a clear definition of presence and its three essential aspects: embodiment, connection, and awareness

  • ways people lose presence and the detrimental impact of this loss
  • inspiration and ways to access greater presence in practical life situations

  • benefits and barriers to developing each of the twenty skills of presence in work, love, and life

  • real-life stories of Johnny's clients, who have successfully developed one of these skills and explain how it enhanced their life

  • outlining the developmental process from unaware, to becoming aware, to competence and mastery 

  • tips to learn presence skills of embodiment that relate to confidence, physicality, focus, productivity, ability to take action, and emotional intelligence,

  • tips to learn presence skills of connection that relate to empathy, connection, rapport, listening, communication, conflict resolution, sexual attraction, etc.

  • tips to learn presence skills of awareness that relate to spiritual including, mindfulness, awareness, and openness



CHAPTER 1 Introduction & Intention: This chapter includes essential questions that inform this book and an explanation of how to read and integrate this book.

CHAPTER 2 Inspiration & Impact: This chapter includes inspiring examples of how presence benefits us at work, in relationships, and throughout our lives and concept montages of ways we lose presence.

CHAPTER 3 Definition & Thesis: This chapter includes the definition of presence and the book's essential thesis .

CHAPTER 4 My Story: This chapter includes Johnny's story of humble beginnings, questioning, challenges, healing, training, and returning to serve.

CHAPTER 5 Digress of Presence in Daily Life: This chapter explains the statement that presence is a matter of degrees and includes comparison infographics depicting examples of presence in various life scenarios.

CHAPTER 6 Skills for Mastering Presence: This chapter includes definitions, quotes, benefits, barriers, success stories, comparison diagrams, and the developmental process for each presence skill.

EMBODIMENT: Breath, Body Sensing, Grounding, Emotion, Heart, Authentic Expression

CONNECTION: Attunement, Listening, Communication, Vulnerability, Connection, Boundaries, Gender Essence and Sexual Polarity, Conflict Resolution

AWARENESS: Attention, Behavioral Flexibility, Perspective, Worldview, Vantage, Immediacy

CHAPTER 7 Challenge, Practice, & Application: This chapter is the conclusion, which provides challenges and next steps for how readers can apply presence in their lives.      


About the Author


Although this book could be beneficial to many people, the primary target markets are as follows:  entrepreneurs, coaches, and those interested in meditation, spirituality, mindfulness, and relationship self-help. These are individuals who want to embody greater presence in work, love, and life, including those wanting to be more productive, focused, innovative, confident, empowered, relaxed, mindful, accepting, joyful, and alive. The book would also appeal to couples who want to learn better communication, connection, openness, emotional awareness, conflict resolution, boundaries, intimacy, trust, listening, empathy, compassion, and presence. There is a growing audience hungry for a clear set of action steps to cultivate greater presence in all areas of life, and Presence: A Practical Guide provides an inspiring and practical approach.


The coaching industry has been skyrocketing in the last ten years. Membership in the main governing and certification body, the International Coach Federation (ICF), has more than tripled during this time, and the United States' industry alone is worth $1 billion (IBISWorld). Presence: A Practical Guide offers twenty practical skills for cultivating greater presence that can easily be utilized by coaches in helping their clients achieve their goals.


There are 27 millions entrepreneurs in America, many of whom want a better lifestyle, more freedom, a sense of purpose, and to contribute something positive to the world via their work (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor).

Meditation & Mindfulness

Presence not only bridges all of the benefits of mindfulness but it also includes feeling confident and empowered in our bodies. Indeed, 18 million or 8.0% of U.S. adults practice meditation (National Center for Health Statistics) and mindfulness is a $4 billion industry of magazines, apps, and books (Forbes).


37% of U.S. adults consider themselves “spiritual” but not “religious," and, increasingly, many of these people desire to integrate greater presence and spirituality into their daily lives (PEW Forum).

Personal Development & Self-Help

Each year, Americans spend an estimated $11 billion in the self-help industry (Marketdata Enterprises). Baby Boomers, wanting greater independence, desiring to be the best version of themselves, and defining success as climbing to the top and gaining accomplishments, began the self-help phenomena. Now, Millennials, numbering 75.5 million, are the largest U.S. generation. Their more open-minded perspectives, innovative entrepreneurial spirit, more collaborative style, and progressive ways of living will change not only our technological landscape and the ways we do business but will likely shift self-help from an exclusively “self” focused game to a more collaborative experience in which personal and professional development will be in service of contributing to the betterment of organizations and the world.



-Johnny Blackburn is a respected coach in the local San Diego community with over 3000 client coaching hours in the past 10 years, and these previous clients will be a base target for book sales.

-He currently has more than 22 coaching clients.

-He has more than 30 5-star YELP Reviews.

-He has marketed his practice from the ground up and created a loyal customer base, and he will use similar tactics to promote his new book.


-Johnny has been a respected Men’s Group leader, activating greater potential in hundreds of local San Diego men since 2010 by facilitating as many as 8 rounds of 8-10 men in bi-monthly group programs in 4 month intervals.

-4 more groups will begin in the first week of August in San Diego, CA.

-Present and past group members will be book sales opportunities.


-Johnny has facilitated more than 40 live events in San Diego and Los Angeles over the past 5 years.

-He hosted two live events in San Diego in May, both of which contributed to his book pre-sale results.

-His next live event is slotted for July 22 at EVE Encinitas, with more planned for the fall.  At all of these events, Johnny will be able to promote his book.


-Johnny has also been a weekly public speaker for organizations from 2007-2009 and 2010-2016.

-Public speaking engagements are currently being planned for later this fall and early next year depending on book publishing timing.

-These engagements will be opportunities for back of the room book sales and promotion.


-Johnny appeared on a "Dudes to Dads" podcast on August 2, 2016, speaking about Presence.

-He is scheduled for two more podcasts, "Wellness Force" and "Rebel Health," this summer, where he will have the opportunity to promote Presence.


-Presence Academy, Inc., Johnny's business, is partnering with No Typical Moments' proven team of business strategy and digital marketing experts who specialize in online customer acquisition for values-aligned progressive organizations.

-No Typical Moments' client list includes Eckhart Tolle, Nisha Moodley, Amy Applebaum, Mamma Gina’s School of Womanly Arts, and National Resource Defense Council, among others.

-Presence Academy and No Typical Moments' strategic plan is designed to rapidly grow Presence Academy's existing Email List, LinkedIn network, Facebook page, and YouTube Channel.


-Presence Academy offers experiential learning and video training courses designed with game levels to teach users the practical skills for personal, professional, and relational development.

-Presence Academy offers an extensive list of blog articles, which will promote the book to their readers.

-Website traffic will be used to promote the book.


Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges

By Amy Cuddy 

Published by Little, Brown and Company, 2015

Brief Summary: power-posing: “fake it until you become it”          

Harvard social psychologist Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk on “power posing” is the second most watched talk in TED history. Her message is for leaders and has inspired stories from the masses. At Harvard, Amy teaches MBA, executive education, and doctoral courses on power, influence, leadership, and decision-making. Cuddy studies how nonverbal behavior and snap judgments influence people. She teaches readers how to use simple techniques to liberate themselves from fear in high-pressure moments, perform at their best, and connect with and empower others to do the same by tweaking our body language, behavior, and mind-set in order to access our personal power in our day-to-day lives.

Presence: A Practical Guide is based on similar principles of leveraging mental and physical states to feel more empowered, connected, and aware, but has nothing to do with “faking it until you become it." Instead, this book teaches the best practices for developing greater presence as a new baseline skill throughout our lives. 


The 4 Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

By Tim Ferriss    

Published by Vermilion Publishing, 2011

The 4-Hour Body is a compilation of some of the most effective ways to hack the human body to achieve peak physical potential with minimum effective effort. Tim Ferriss, the New York Times bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, spent more than a decade experimenting on himself and consulting with some of the leading experts on optimal human performance. With over 592 pages, The 4-Hour Body covers over 50 topics.  Ferriss fills his books with real-world experiments, his own fascinating and sometimes hilarious anecdotes, and the collective wisdom of hundreds of other body-hackers, elite athletes, and medical doctors, who have discovered small and potent changes that produce the biggest results.

Presence: A Practical Guide is similar to Ferriss' work in that it stresses the cultivation of human potential and the need for fast result that inspire people to continue.  With presence skills, one need only know the best practices for direct experiential changes.


Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success

By Sylvia Ann Hewlett

Published by HarperBusiness, 2014

Brief Summary: Appearance, communication, and gravitas can be learned and are the missing link between merit and success.

Sylvia Ann Hewlett challenges the conventional wisdom that executive presence is an innate quality that can barely be defined, much less developed. An economist with 20 years of experience in global talent management, she has forged a signature style of inquiry, which blends hard data and rigorous analysis with concrete solutions and on-the-ground action. She tells readers how to observe the external behaviors that characterize the famed Executive Presence (EP) for workplace power, influence, and leadership. She says professionals are judged on presence as well as on performance. Furthermore, she states that one can have the experience and qualifications of a leader, but ,without executive presence, one will not advance. 

In comparison to Executive Presence, Presence: A Practical Guide has a greater focus on being authentic, powerfully inhabiting one’s body, genuine connection with others, and greater awareness. While Hewlett gets close to the essence of true presence with the quality of gravitas, she does not clearly outline how to cultivate presence as Blackburn does in Presence: A Practical Guide.


The Power of Presence: Unlock Your Potential to Influence and Engage Others

By Kristi Hedges   

Published by AMACOM, 2011

Kristi Hedges is a communications expert, author, speaker, and highly sought-after leadership coach. In her 20-year career, her workshops and leadership coaching programs have been utilized by CEOs and teams originating from Fortune 500 companies, the government, non-profit organizations, and privately held businesses.

The author notes that everyone recognizes leaders with presence due to their ability to command attention and inspire commitment. She states that, while great presentation skills, strong work ethic, and solid technical knowledge are important professional development skills, a compelling presence is what puts people on the career fast track. In her I-Presence model, she outlines twenty qualities of leadership presence intersecting between internal mental conditioning and outward influence.

Presence: A Practical Guide also includes twenty practical skills to cultivate greater presence. Executive Presence, however, focuses on image and appearance, while Presence: A Practical Guide focuses on authenticity. Additionally, The Power of Presence's target market is executive leaders, whereas Presence: A Practical Guide is more generally applicable to work, relationships, and life.


The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

By Eckhart Tolle

Published by Namaste Publishing, 2004

The Power of Now has sold over 2 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 30 foreign languages. The book takes readers on an awakening journey, clearly pointing out the nature of Awareness, the egoic mind, emotional pain in the body, and ways to more fully be in the ever-present moment.   

Tolle is a powerful transmitter and pointer to Presence beyond identity. Presence: A Practical Guide presents three faces to presence: embodiment, connection and awareness.  This awareness, which is presented as a facet of Presence by Blackburn, is the awareness that Tolle points to. Akin to a later Tolle book, Practicing the Power of Now, Presence: A Practical Guide offers readers a variety of access points to the levels of spacious awareness, witnessing awareness and non-dual awareness—progressive vantages similarly outlined by numerous spiritual traditions.


The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire

By David Deida

Published by Sounds True, 1997

The Way of the Superior Man is a men’s guidebook for living a masculine life of presence, purpose, freedom, integrity, authenticity, and openness. Deida explores some of the most important, practical, and masculine topics, including sense of purpose, career, family, fatherhood, women, intimacy, sex, love, and spirituality. He poetically discusses each topic with an air of challenge and inspiration in just a few potent pages for each chapter.

Both The Way of the Superior Man and Presence: A Practical Guide offer practical skills and body-based practices to becoming one’s best self and integrating deep spirituality into one’s daily life. While The Way of the Superior Man is written for men with sexual spirituality as its base, Presence: A Practical Guide is written for both men and women and has embodiment, connection, and spirituality as its three essential aspects.


The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

By Bessel van der Kolk

Published by Penguin Books, 2015

In his New York Times best-selling book, The Body Keeps Score, Bessel van der Kolk, psychiatrist, researcher, professor at the Boston University School of Medicine, and one of the world’s leading experts on trauma, offers a bold new paradigm for healing. Since the 1970s, he has successfully worked with thousands of patients and conducted research that demonstrates the spectrum of severe shock trauma. Van der Kolk explores how previously suppressed emotions can be stored in our body and that emotional presence and body-sensing based approaches are necessary to desensitize individuals and allow them to release the past. Based on his own research and that of other leading colleagues, he discusses innovative body-based treatments such as neurofeedback, EMDR, meditation, relaxation, exercise, yoga, and theatrical drama that offer new paths to recovery by activating the brain’s natural neuroplasticity.

Presence: A Practical Guide is aligned with the principles and science of The Body Keeps the Score. In fact, much of van der Kolk’s work is cited in the Body Sensing section, one of the twenty skills to greater presence. People can use a variety of defenses to avoid feeling emotional intensity; two of the most significant, as they relate to losing presence and diminished body sensing, are numbness and dissociation, which van der Kolk discusses in detail in his book.


Johnny Blackburn

About the author

Johnny Blackburn is a professional coach, speaker, & facilitator. His background in Consulting & MA Psychology and 3000+ client-coaching hours make him a respected guide to a greater presence.

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    on May 6, 2017, 7:17 p.m.

    Congratulations--I'm so happy for you!! Just pre-ordered my copy:) Stacy

  • Guy White
    on May 6, 2017, 7:22 p.m.

    Been waiting for your book! So excited. Am telling my friends.

  • Josh Trent
    on May 7, 2017, 4:35 p.m.

    I'm both honored and excited to support one of the most pivotal speakers, coaches, and professionals in our wellness world. I've had the privilege of working with Johnny Blackburn 1-1 and in accelerated learning groups to discover profound new insights in living my life with an open heart, deepening my ways of being with others, and showing up with full presence. Thank you Johnny for your powerful work and for giving us your gifts with this book! - JT

  • Eve Wilmot
    on May 8, 2017, 5:36 a.m.

    Love you. Thank you doesn't capture how grateful I am for everything you have been to me and given me. Blessings on your successes! Love you. -Eve

  • Brent Kozlowski
    on May 8, 2017, 3:19 p.m.

    Johnny! So so stoked for you brother! Can't wait to get my hands on this thing.

  • john schwartz
    on May 9, 2017, 4:22 p.m.

    looking forward to the book, you deserve all.
    your help in community and teachings in practice has been a great contribution to me

  • Tracey Bain
    on May 14, 2017, 9:12 p.m.

    So happy to support your work. Looking forward to reading your book... I know already it will be amazing. Delighted to share my additional copies too. Much love gorgeous one 💜

  • Nora Ghandour
    on May 15, 2017, 11:17 p.m.

    I totally believe in you Johnny!! Congratulations for your achievement after all this hard work :)

  • Daniel King
    on May 16, 2017, 7:27 a.m.

    This guy changed my life. Never asked for a single thing in return. Pure Legend.

  • Roberta Firoved
    on May 17, 2017, 6:10 p.m.

    Purchased extra books to give away as gifts. Looking forward to reading the book and always open to expanding my potential. Good luck with meeting your goal!

  • Michael Paige
    on May 21, 2017, 4:01 p.m.

    Love this and all that you do brother. Stoked to get my eyes on this and share it with the world. It's so needed!

  • Skeet Frazee
    on May 24, 2017, 4:59 a.m.

    I have no doubt this will be a manuel of awakening.

  • Stacie Cooper
    on May 24, 2017, 7:42 p.m.

    Johnny! I have no idea why we have not connected sooner. I just saw a post of yours on Facebook (I rarely spend any time on FB), and it was the first I've seen of your professional endeavors... Not sure if you remember me from USC, but I remember you! We are in similar lines of work...and I live in San Clemente now. Would love to connect and hear more about what you are doing. I'm working with teens in OC privately as well as in the community as a life coach and mindfulness instructor teaching them to be present through mindfulness and meditation... I also teach Pilates. Looking forward to reading your book. :)

    -Stacie Cooper

  • Viraja Prema
    on June 6, 2017, 11:18 p.m.

    So exited for the world to have this resource you have written and compiled for us all! Thank you for all your work!

  • Michael Mojica
    on June 7, 2017, 6:50 a.m.

    Sorry Man. I didn't see your message til today. I hope this helps.

  • Sean Fitzgerald
    on June 7, 2017, 11:25 p.m.

    Johnny, thank you for who you are and all the gifts you bring into this world. I am grateful and feel privelaged to have been transformed through your guidance and ellated to see that you have brought your dream of writing your book into fruition. I am excited to read this workbook and go through the Presence Academy Foundation Course.

  • Carla Mcewan
    on June 8, 2017, 4:36 a.m.

    Looking forward to reading what you have to share



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Gift of Presence Package ($100 value)

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COURSE (10 Levels) : Presence Academy Foundation Course ($400 value)
- a gamified online video training course to help you learn 10 foundation presence & connection skills in a practical low-time intensive interactive learning style


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COURSE (10 Levels) : Presence Academy Foundation Course ($400 value)
- a gamified online video training course to help you learn 10 foundation presence & connection skills in a practical low-time intensive interactive learning style


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