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Bryan Hill

Bryan Hill

Artlysium is a growing community that creates positive enlightenment for the world through all art forms. Bio Bryan Hill, born in Little Rock, AR has always wanted to use his creativity growing up and began writing songs as a teenager. He first started writing and learning how to use music and software. He just recently finished his first novel and has began landing local acting roles.

His goal in life is to write and direct movies. He’s a new and upcoming artist that feels if you’re a consistent hard worker, slowly but surely more people will know of your creations. He promotes peace and believes all positive energy is beneficial for becoming a good artist. He firmly believes that everything we need in this world God has given us, and that as individuals we must learn how to nurture ourselves and motivate ourselves to achieve whatever it is that we want. True success comes from within. His art targets the minority community, and those like him. He understands the struggle does exist but feels it’s not the end of their generation, it is the beginning.

Bryan A. Hill – Author/Director/ Actor/Recording Artist/Internet Marketer/ Business Owner “I approach new projects with the attitude that any problem can be solved with a little bit of hard work, expressive technique, and imagination.”

Join Bryan on his revealing self exploration of a young man challenged by a dangerous new world of Love and Artifice.

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