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Stevenson Farnsworth

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Michael Appleton

The Shame Deception

Michael Appleton

We're taught shame afflicts wrongdoers, but actually it punishes the innocent, and negatively affects our mental health - which is already in crisis. Shame is tangled up with anxiety and …

Mind & Body
Emily Goodson

Dating "Disability"

Emily Goodson

Intimacy issues are widespread. What if being a person with a disability made you more equipped to thrive in intimate relationships, rather than inhibited you? And what if the skills …

Sex & Relationships n/a - haven't decided yet
Emily Goodson

Dating "Disability"

Emily Goodson

Intimacy issues are widespread. What if being a person with a disability made you more equipped to thrive in intimate relationships, rather than inhibited you? And what if the skills …

Sex & Relationships n/a - haven't decided yet