Mike Will Downey is a writer and entrepreneur in California. He loves stories that promote kindness, compassion, love, caring, giving, heart, and soul. In his early years, Downey won the Minnie Hite Moodie Writers Award & was a journalist in Ohio. He has helped many charities with youth programs and completed a mission with Save Our Youth in Mexico. In 2007, he sold his Colorado-based sports high-tech social application PlayCoed.com to 212 Media. In 20 years Downey has published over 3,000 songs, started four businesses, written 7 screenplays, & worked with various Denver Nuggets, Colorado Rockies, and Denver Broncos players.
A chance encounter with a stranger in the woods transforms the life of a teenager.
Literary Fiction
A chance encounter with a stranger in the woods transforms the life of a teenager.
Literary Fiction