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Raising Humans With Heart

Sarah MacLaughlin

Not a How-To Manual

Here's the good & the bad news: our kids are always watching us. Let's focus on what’s important: who WE are and how that affects our relationships with children.

  Society & Culture    Parenting   25,000 words   25% complete   Published by Isabella Media Inc
267 preorders
$6,746.00 funded


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Update #3 - Happy Interdependence Day! July 4, 2019

Well, at least that's what I would call it...

Because we're not built to be truly "independent." We're supposed to lean toward, and on, one another. We're meant to share and cooperate. Isn't that what we spend so much time teaching young children?

I read an article online today entitled "Five Habits to Heal the Heart of Democracy." Go give it a Google. An excerpt:

"(D)emocracy's future would depend heavily on the 'habits of the heart' its citizens developed, and on the health of the local venues in which the heart gets formed or deformed: families, neighborhoods, classrooms, congregations, voluntary associations, workplaces, and the various places of public life where 'the company of strangers' gathers. These habits and the places where they are shaped form the invisible infrastructure of American democracy on which the quality of our political life depends. It is an infrastructure we have neglected at our peril, just as we have neglected its physical counterpart."

THAT IS JUST IT. And these words: "formed or deformed."

What of the venue of family? Of the neighborhood? Of classrooms? In these places where we are FORMING HUMAN HEARTS? When we pick up a baby to soothe him we are wiring his brain and FORMING HIS HEART. When we comfort a disappointed toddler we are FORMING HER HEART. When we remain calm in the face of a child's defiance, rage, or fear and SEE THEM THROUGH IT we are wiring their brain for connection and FORMING THEIR HEART.

Yes, there is double meaning in my book title RAISING HUMANS WITH HEART. We must STAY IN OUR HEARTS when we interact with growing humans. We do that when we are kind, connected, and compassionate toward children as we are forming their VERY HEARTS. And then we will have raised humans who HAVE HEART.

Thanks again for buying my book, please do share or post again (feel free to copy and paste this or a similar post I just put up on Facebook). I'm very far from my goal and would love any last push in the coming days. 

With heart, 
