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Realistic Optimism: The Truth About Life & Everything Else

Emma Fairclough

The Survival Guide For Modern Living

Realistic Optimism is the only way to survive modern living. An inspiring & fun read, with practical tools offering the reader immediate opportunities to put Realistic Optimism straight into action.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   60,000 words   25% complete   14 publishers interested
47 preorders
$1,026.00 funded



For everyone who has ever struggled - and I know that's most of us - this book is the permission slip and support system that you didn't know you needed but can't live without. It's all wrapped up in a straight-talking, down to earth, inspiring and hilarious, at times, guide.

Realistic Optimism is your new essential read for 2020 and beyond.

Realistic Optimism is for, well, everyone but if you want me to drill down, then it's for, yep, still everyone. Okay, let's be real for a moment. I get contacted every single day by people who are struggling to cope and need my help and that is why I've written this book. If you've ever felt under pressure to perform better, look better, vote better, sound better, feel better, be better, parent better, be a better daughter, sister, brother, boss, employee, friend, neighbour! Then this book is for you.

If I told you Realistic Optimism will change your life, would you believe me? If you’re an Optimist you might be buzzing with excitement yet unprepared for when things go wrong. But if you’re a pessimist, you’re probably rolling your eyes with a ‘yeah right’ narrative, in fact, you may not even read this at all, but those of you tired of the struggle may, and really must, give it a try.

The truth is neither of you is right in your approach, and... you both are!

When you lean towards Optimism, this powerful perspective can lead to better health, relationships, more happiness, and more ice-cream moments in life. According to the Optimism Bias, however, the challenge is - and this is where unnecessary worry, stress, and anxiety come in - that without a healthy dose of Realism, it can also leave you lying flat on your face, naked in cow dung, with no idea of how to get up.

The problem with our outlook is we've allowed ourselves to be led by everything and everyone else. Our family, school, place of work, religion, media, and social media of course.

We've been trying to keep up with the Jones's when all along we should've been keeping up with ourselves.

"As a Realistic Optimist, I can assure you this book most certainly 'will' change your life. However, the secret is 'not only' in believing it will but... you have to take action and do the work whilst understanding and accepting that the journey there will almost certainly be filled with failure, sacrifice, and disappointment...yet you do it anyway."

In this book you will learn:

The Truth About Our Society & The World
The Truth About You
The Truth About Everything Else

As well as my own story, this book includes real-life anecdotes of my work over the last 12 years as a life coach, corporate mental health trainer and working with well-known names in the entertainment industry. I also share some jaw-dropping statistics showing you exactly why there has never been a bigger need for this book to be on the shelves.

This book has been birthed from a powerful philosophy on life that gives you, the reader, everything you need to become more fulfilled, more resilient, and more connected to your own inner self, wisdom, and strength. It’s a wake-up call and your new best friend; insightful, hysterical and simple.

Embody all that Realistic Optimism has to teach you and your life will never be the same again.

Sales arguments

  • 74% of UK Men & Women and 83% of US population are unable to cope. Estimated 75-90% of all doctor visits are for stress-related issues. Stress is involved in 5/6 causes of death for heart disease, cancer, stroke, lower respiratory disease, and accidents.
  • In a time of perceived uncertainty, people need something good, yet real, to believe in and the tools to do that.  People have forgotten how to believe in themselves and social media contributes heavily to this. Instagram recognises this with its recent decision to remove 'likes' from public view. People are in desperate need of positive, real leadership & guidance - the author provides this with ‘Realistic Optimism’ to build resilience, maximise enjoyment & help everyone lead happier, more fulfilled lives.
  • Author is launching her own podcast show to gain momentum and interest, and create a community before the launch.
  • Author is a client of PR agency, Well Spirited, with an outreach strategy that includes press coverage - print and digital, radio interviews, tv interviews, podcast interviews, a buzzfeed campaign, speaking engagements and authors own events.
  • Author has a global audience through their own social media (13,000), social media influencers & personal development industry contacts, Public speaking, TV appearances, publications, clients and subscribers (1,500), and has experience in TV presenting and entertaining.

Similar titles

  • Happy: Finding joy in every day and letting go of perfect by Fearne Cotton, published by Orion Spring, 2017. We love this book. RO is like Happy in its intention to help people focus on what matters, and less on what doesn’t but RO helps the reader walk the middle path. RO’s advantage is it’s disruptive in it’s content & approach. It looks at more than just happiness and the author's style is different in her compassionate yet straight talking and humourous blend.
  • Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis, published by Nelson Books, 2018. This is a great book and goes through some of the lies in life. RO has the advantage, not only with the author's personal experiences, expertise and the author’s writing style but also because the content and philosophy of RO is so powerful, it has the potential to create a global movement.
  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson, published by Harper, 2016. RO is similar to this awesome book because they've both been written to wake people up from the hypnotic sleep they’ve become accustomed to, yet struggle with. They both have a straight talking tone but RO has the advantage as it introduces a whole new philosophy to life that not only builds resilience but focuses on the best possible outcome, always. People need an authentic & compassionate guide and RO is it.


This is for everyone, more specifically, Men & Women aged 28-55, and even more specifically those who consider themselves an optimist, pessimist or somewhere in the middle and find they are struggling with the ups, downs and roundabouts of everyday and more dramatic, life. People need this, they need to know that life itself is a balance of ups and down, and anything that goes against this instead of flowing with it causes unnecessary stress and dis-ease. I get contacted every day by people who are struggling to cope and need my help - that is why I'm writing this book. People who have felt under pressure to perform better, look better, vote better, sound better, feel better, be better, parent better, be a better daughter, sister, brother, boss, employee, friend, neighbour. This book is for them.

Advance praise

"Is it realistic to be happy all the time? Is it realistic to expect life to run in a straight line? Many of us come from an expectation of that, however, that expectation alone can cause so much mental fatigue and pain. What if we just accepted life for what it brings, overcome challenges and then had the belief that, once we do, happiness will return. This book, Realistic Optimism, provides a philosophy that is right for our time and is a fundamental choice that we can all make to have a more balanced outlook and therefore a more balanced life." Penny Power OBE, author of 'Business is Personal'

"Emma is a compassionate, wise voice for our times. With humour and practicality, she uses her expert knowledge of mental health to cut through the nonsense and deliver sound advice that will change your life". Danielle Woodward, Journalist, Hearst UK

“I have been lucky enough to have followed Emma’s work for years and her dedication to helping others realise their potential is unrivalled. To add to this, her warmth and humour make her approach a breath of fresh air. Thank you, Emma, for being such a light in my world!” Lucy Sheridan, Author

Other Praise:

"An outstanding reflection of positive inspiration"

"Emma's words are like the smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked scones - totally irresistible and uplifting"

"So refreshing and incredibly insightful"

"Your words nourish the soul"

"Someone who speaks from the heart….how refreshing!"

"You just "can't touch this" stuff, it is too good!"

"Love it! And it could be written just for me."

"Thank you, Emma, your words are a lifeline to me, they help me to be grounded."

"I love the magic in this. I did have a 'big' problem but when I did what you said ... I noticed the solutions that were available to me and the problem sorted itself (with some legwork). Thanks"

Emma Fairclough

About the author

Emma's natural talent as a thought leader in human behaviour was initially recognised when she was approached by Hollywood writers and producers - on titles including Friday the 13th, Toy Story, Lion King and Guernica - to have her own TV show. Recently she has been approached to join a prestigious mastermind group for 2020.

Emma's experience in working within change and human development started 24 years ago when she wrote her first piece on the subject - a 50,000-word dissertation on "The Importance of Change and how to Manage it in Organisations". For the last 21 years, Emma has been researching personal development, has become an expert in this field and for the last 12 years has worked in the industry as a coach, trainer, mentor, and communications & relationships expert.

Emma's mission is to elevate the lives of people on this planet so they are happier, more resilient and more fulfilled. Her opinion is, if we are to change the world, it's of paramount importance we change the way we 'see' it.

It's her life's work to lead the way for you, lift the veil and help you bring more joy, peace, and fulfillment into your lives.

When Emma's not doing this she's training to compete in the 2019 British Indoor Rowing Championships and 2020 British Masters Rowing Championships. And when she's not doing that she's loving life on the south coast of England with her soulmate fiance, shared doggy and 2 stepchildren. Life is good as a Realistic Optimist.

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Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc.

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Atlantic Publishing has been providing millions of readers information to jumpstart their careers, start businesses, manage employees, invest, plan for retirement, learn technologies, build relationships, and live rewarding, fulfilling lives. Our award-winning authors and publication staff strive to make our products the best and most up-to-date available. We go further than most publishers to get our customers the best products.

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Blooming Twig

500 copies • Complete manuscript.
Blooming Twig is an award-winning boutique publishing house, media company, and thought leadership marketing agency. Based in New York City and Tulsa, we have represented and re-branded hundreds of thought leaders, published more than 400 titles in all genres, and built up a like-minded following for authors, speakers, trainers, and organizations with our bleeding-edge marketing strategies. Blooming Twig is about giving the people with something to say (“thought leaders”) a platform, walking its clients up to their own influencer pulpit, and making sure there is a like-minded crowd assembled to hear the meaningful message.

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Boyle & Dalton

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Boyle & Dalton was founded in 2014 and publishes works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. The world of publishing is changing, we're changing with it. Our founder Brad Pauquette, conceptualized a hybrid model that balances the financial and rights model of self-publishing with the quality controls and production excellence of a traditional publisher. Our designers and editors produce exceptional books that are distributed in both print and digital formats to all major retailers, including and Boyle & Dalton carefully consider all submissions for publication, based on manuscript quality. We do not accept erotica or children's books.

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Cranthorpe Millner

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Cranthorpe Millner operates a hybrid publishing model. This means, should an author pass our editors’ strict filtering system, we can offer different kinds of agreements depending on the author and the manuscript. With some authors, we work under a ‘traditional’ model, whereby we cover the full cost of publication and the author is offered industry-standard royalties (8-10%). To some authors, we offer what we call a partnership or contributory agreement, whereby the author is asked for a financial contribution so that we may share the risk and enter into a partnership together to publish the author’s book. In this case, the author receives around 60-75% royalties.

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Inside Edge Publishing

100 copies • Partial manuscript.
Inside Edge Publishing works with our writers every step of the way on their literary journey, helping to bring out the most from their work. From an idea and rough draft to editing and publication, Inside Edge Publishing helps our authors produce high quality, interesting and entertaining books. We are looking for innovative writing in just about any genre but love memoirs, thrillers, sci-fi, business, and motivational books just to name a few. Our books frequently appear on the bestseller lists and our authors are among some of the best known in their genre. At Inside Edge Publishing, we believe that every author has a story to tell and that every story deserves to be told.

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Wonderwell is an award-winning, values-driven, forward-thinking hybrid publishing company specializing in books and ebooks that help, heal, and inspire. We believe that authors should have access to high-quality, elegant publishing services and full-scale in-store distribution without having to give up their publishing rights or control over the timing and execution of their book. Many of our clients are first-time authors who know a great deal about how to help make the world a better place, but who need help translating that knowledge into a compelling book. That's where we come in. Wordsmiths, idea sculptors, and enthusiastic cheerleaders for the human race, we make a difference in the world by helping authors to make their difference in the world. We publish primarily practical nonfiction in the following categories: Business and Tech, Health and wellness, Parenting and Relationships, Personal Development, and Inspirational Memoir.

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1106 Design, LLC

Dear Author,

You worked hard to write your manuscript, and you know that expert assistance is needed to ready it for the market. But perhaps you didn’t realize that working with a publisher is no longer necessary—especially publishers who charge fees to produce your book upfront and "share" more of your revenue whenever a book is sold.

1106 Design is an author services company that has served over 4,000 authors since 2001. We offer all the editorial and design services you’d expect from a publisher, transforming your manuscript into a polished book. But here's the difference: we help you secure print-on-demand printing and worldwide distribution in YOUR name. This means you'll earn several dollars more for every book sold instead of a meager “royalty” and never lose control of your book or your book files.

We understand that your book is not just a passion project but also a potential source of income. No two books or authors are alike. That's why we'll customize a package of services tailored to your needs at affordable prices, starting at $5,555. And here's the best part: after this one-time investment, every penny of revenue from book sales is deposited directly to your bank account, never to ours first.

If this sounds like a better way to publish your book, I invite you to browse our services, design samples, no-surprises pricing, outstanding customer reviews, and educational articles at You can download a free PDF of my book, "Publish Like the Pros: A Brief Guide to Quality Self-Publishing and an Insider's Look at a Misunderstood Industry," and request a free, no-obligation consultation.

1106 Design is rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. We are a “Highly Recommended Expert” at and rated "Excellent" at Alli, The Alliance for Independent Authors, at Alli's "watchdog list" of the best and worst publishing services companies is an invaluable resource.

How can we serve you today?

Michele DeFilippo, owner

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Atmosphere Press

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Atmosphere Press is an independent publisher dedicated to author rights. We publish in all genres and have an exceptional editorial, design, and promotional staff. We stand for Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, and Kindness. We want our authors and their readers to be blown away when they first hold that book in their hands. It needs to look good inside and out, and feel good to the touch. And, of course, the words need to be top-notch, and our editors are devoted to making that the case.

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Authors Unite

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Authors Unite helps you become a profitable author and make an impact. We take care of printing and distribution through major online retailers, developmental editing, and proofreading with unlimited revisions. We take care of the entire process for you from book cover design all the way to set up your backend so all your book royalties go straight to your bank account. We can also help with ghostwriting if you prefer not to have to figure out all the steps on how to write a book yourself.

With our book marketing services, you don’t need to worry about figuring out all the steps on how to market a book or how to become a bestselling author. We’ve helped hundreds of authors become bestselling authors on Amazon, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal. We take care of the entire book launch process for you to help you sell thousands of copies of your book and become a bestselling author.

View case studies here:

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Bright Communications LLC

Looking for all types of books, including fiction, children's books, health, memoir, business books, and cookbooks
Bright Communications LLC is a woman- and veteran-owned custom publisher in Hellertown, PA. Founding CEO Jennifer Bright is a Book Doula, whose passion is helping authors bring their books to life. Our team of expert editorial, design, and marketing pros help authors go from idea to completed books and retain 100% of the rights to their work. We also offer four custom publishing packages and a $1900 self-publishing assist program.

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100 copies • Completed manuscript.
eBooks2go, Inc. was founded in 2011 to provide the missing link for all your publishing needs. Our end-to-end solutions provide the guidance and support that enable publishers and independent authors to pursue their passions. To date, we have helped more than 1,000 authors and 250 publishers worldwide. We offer an array of simple and affordable solutions to assist self-publishing authors at every stage of the book publishing process. Our comprehensive service offering includes editing, print and eBook production, book marketing, cover designs, ISBN registration, and even website designs. We are a single source for all of your publishing needs.

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Happy Self Publishing

100 copies • Completed manuscript.
Happy Self Publishing has helped 500+ authors to get their books self-published, hit the #1 position in the Amazon bestseller charts, and also establish their author website & brand to grow their business. And the best thing is, we do all this without taking away your rights and royalties. Let's schedule a call to discuss the next steps in your book project:

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Momosa Publishing LLC

Looking for health, parenting, inspiration, and children's books.
Momosa Publishing LLC is a woman- and veteran-owned custom publisher in Hellertown, PA. Founder and CEO Jennifer Bright is a Book Doula, whose passion is helping authors bring their books to life. We are an efficient, effective, excellent team of editorial, design, and marketing pros.

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Smart Women Publish

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Smart Women Publish is an Australian boutique service provider that works with business owners who are authoring books to establish themselves as credible experts or thought leaders in their industries. They understand their own purpose and they see their books as an integral way of achieving a greater impact and making a difference.

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Topics for questions may include but are not limited to Realistic Optimism, The Truth About Communication; The Truth About Relationships; The Truth About Stress; The Truth About Balance.

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Realistic Optimism Impact

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Topics for questions may include but are not limited to Realistic Optimism, The Truth About Communication; The Truth About Relationships; The Truth About Stress; The Truth About Balance.

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Realistic Optimism Live

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[value: $23,500]
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