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Sensual Spirituality

Kristen Eykel

Align with the Divine

Feeling disconnected to self and others causes imbalance. Sensual Spirituality is about Cultivating Divine Alignment through your body and allowing you to vibrate consciously as a doorway that ushers in love, vitality, union, and purposeful connection.

  Mind & Body   40,000 words   0% complete   Published by Cranthorpe Millner
501 preorders
$9,881.00 funded



Sensual Spirituality - Align with the Divine is an integrative practice inspired by ancient wisdom but designed for modern yogis, sensitives, seekers, and spiritual warriors who are feeling the call to awaken within themselves and to the world that is changing all around us.

We are at a pivotal moment in human history. A moment where our next actions might very well push us over the tipping point, or root us firmly on new soil. Since we cannot force change from another, we must first learn to hold the change within ourselves. Countless authors and teachers have shared insights and tools for decades to prepare us for this work. Just as The Celestine Prophecy was a revelation for its time, we are now teetering on the cusp of a dawning era of enlightenment. This book lovingly illuminates the next step forward on that path.

The gathering wave of awakening is not happening in spite of the global catastrophe that threatens our experience of life, but is rather inspired by it. Since the dawning of the New Age in the 1980’s, wisdom keepers have been training us in secret to prepare the way and hold open the door for the bright, new souls who are emerging. Earth changes, social shift, species extinction and rising stress levels in even our youngest children are the hallmarks of this inescapable momentum. The cosmic shift from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian has been foretold as the bringer of this dawn of enlightenment, with the breakdown of the old, patriarchal mindset and social upheaval as the harbinger for the breakthrough to come.

This book sounds the clarion call that this moment is already here. The great gift of awakening, which to many may look like death and destruction, is actually the tolling bell of understanding ringing us all to alert attention. This experience is not what has been taught before.

Beyond our definitions as male or female, even beyond understanding of what being human really means other than a purely physical form, there is a new consciousness sparking in millions of souls, across all cultures and the social divide right now. For those who meditate or have sought expansion through altered states of sound or psychedelic journey, the feeling of merging with the inescapable force of the Divine is witnessed within everything - even the stuff we hate.

Using easy to follow principles that require no particular experience with altered states, this book teaches another natural doorway for the Divine consciousness to emerge. It is manifested through the sensual experience of the human body. You were literally born for this.

Deceptively simple techniques from yoga, tantra, shamanism and guided meditation, together generate self-ownership for a new paradigm of sovereignty, and a break from the broken status quo. Having a visceral interaction with Source as a conscious alignment is completely natural, but has been shrouded in mysticism for millennia. This beloved union is a deeply pleasurable experience, yet one that for many may feel taboo, or challenge previously held beliefs of the separateness between humans and God.

Sensual Spirituality is a full fledged inhabitation of new sensations that are felt in every part of the physical and non-physical body. It is beyond old concepts of what divine communion “should be”, as remote or belonging to religion, or as a practice reserved for the lucky few who meditate forever on the mountaintops. Indeed, each person is invited to discover a very personal state of intimacy with the Divine Beloved as a realized union of the Fe/Male within down to every molecule of being. Once felt and made welcome, this “in-to-me see” flows outwards into every relationship, and begins to generate experiences of harmony, social balance and vitality.

From Quantum Consciousness to the awareness of the singularity of all life in a shared biodynamic field, Sensual Spirituality- Align with the Divine allows the infusion of this uniquely Divine essence into an easy to replicate, daily experience for regular, everyday humans to enjoy. Learn to naturally awaken self and inspire awakening in others from a place of true liberation rather than from dogma or stigma.

Newly awakened readers become the newly embodied teachers who hold enlightened energy for friends, family, and coworkers purely because they now know that simply no one is more qualified, and it feels completely natural to do so.

Those who choose to self-select and hold, expand and vibrate within these new frequencies available to us all right now are crucial for the very survival of each and every one of us if we wish to remain within life on earth. It is not a far stretch to say, that the future we aspire to create depends upon each of our abilities and desire to evolve right now. At the same time, learning to honor with dignity and non-judgement those who have not yet made the same choices to evolve, one discovers that as long as this new harmonic is felt within, this delicious vibration itself becomes the catalyst for the very changes in others previously thought to be a struggle to experience.

Sales arguments

  • Kristen Eykel MHt. distills almost 30 years of experience in yoga, tantra, altered states and shamanism for her students.
  • A speaker for the Science and NonDuality Conference, Sedona Yoga Festival & other influential conferences give access to some of the greatest teachers & influencers in the world as her peers and support team.
  • Supermodel & Media personality for decades, Kristen has the unique ability as a spiritual teacher to impart deep insight simply said.
  • Celebrated yoga expert and spiritual coach for students worldwide, Kristen loves to support her students' growth, and has proved to be a relentless, passionate supporter of newly awakening souls for decades.

Similar titles

  • A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle published in 2005 by Namaste Publishing shifted consciousness but gave no tools for awakening.
  • The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure, a 1993 self published novel by James Redfield sparked interest but no practice.
  • E-Squared by Pam Grout, published 2013 by Hay House. Practices for manifesting stops short of inviting Divine consciousness.


Sensual Spirituality - Align with the Divine is an integrative practice inspired by ancient wisdom and designed for modern yogis, sensitives, seekers, and spiritual warriors who are feeling the call to awaken within themselves and to the world that is changing all around us.

Advance praise

Karen Newell, co-author “Living in a Mindful Universe ‘ , published by Rosales Books 2017

Karena Virginia, author "Essential Kundalini", published by Sounds True

LA Weekly Magazine, “Best of LA”.

Kristen Eykel

About the author

Spiritual Teacher, author & engaging public speaker, Kristen Eykel MHt. began as a supermodel in Paris & culminated as a TV host with her own lifestyle show on the Oprah Winfrey Network. For 30 years, she simultaneously trained as a Shaman in the Amazon Rainforest, an Usui/ Karuna Holy Fire lll Reiki Master Teacher, Master Hypnotherapist, and Kundalini & Pregnancy Yoga Expert. Kristen brings her unique expertise to events and conferences worldwide. A frequent teacher at the Science and Non-Duality Conference in Italy & San Jose, the Sedona Yoga Festival, Yoga Expo LA, the Best You Conference, & the Imagine YogaMusic Festival, she has been featured in and on the cover of Yoga Journal, Health, Fit Pregnancy and other publications for her unique expertise. She is the creator of 6 yoga DVDs, including the bestselling "Yoga for Your Pregnancy" made with Yoga Journal and Lamaze. Kristen Eykel founded Sacred Circle Teachings in 2012 to usher in the emerging spiritual and emotional consciousness that is igniting the planet today. Offering powerful insight and practical techniques through a variety of disciplines, she helps others to discover their purpose, align with Source, and generate a sense of Self from a place of joy, so that the individual, once illuminated, can easily elevate others as they awaken as well.

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1106 Design, LLC

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Divine Duo

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Expansion Experience

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5 copies of the autographed edition of the book "Sensual Spirituality"

+ FREE one hr Sensual Spirituality Alignment session live via Zoom anywhere in the world. (Valued at $175.)


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12 readers

10 copies of the autographed edition of the book "Sensual Spirituality"

+ FREE 90 minute Sensual Spirituality Couple's Alignment session live via zoom anywhere in the world. (Valued at $250.)


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Alignment Level

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15 copies of the autographed edition of the book "Sensual Spirituality" including a big Thank You to you personally in the book

+ 2 FREE 90 minutes Align with the Divine group sessions for you and your team via Zoom anywhere in the world. (Valued at $500.)


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Healer Level

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20 copies of the autographed edition of the book "Sensual Spirituality" including your name gratefully acknowledged in the book

+ Training, Certification & Attunement to Usui Holy Fire lll Reiki, LEVEL 1 & 2, or LEVEL 3 /ART.

(* In person for the LA community or via Zoom live & online for anywhere else in the world!)


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Divine Package

5 readers

25 copies of the autographed edition of the book "Sensual Spirituality" including your name gratefully acknowledged in the book

+ 4 FREE one hr private healing sessions or Align with the Divine sessions online via zoom anywhere in the world. (Valued at $700.)


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Ascension Level

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100 copies of the autographed edition of the book "Sensual Spirituality" including your name gratefully acknowledged in the book

+ Inclusion into 3 months of my personal mentorship program, Awesomeness Training. ($2,700 value)
*Your 3 months mentorship program includes 2 private zoom sessions per month, plus weekly online group discussions, clearing and delicious guided meditations, plus unlimited email contact with me personally for any questions that may arise.

+ FREE - my signature 6 week online training program, Yoga for Transformation ($399, value)


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