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SOS: A Navigation Guide for Women at Work

Lidewij Wiersma

SOS: A Navigation Guide for Women at Work is an accessible and practical guide to improve gender equality, embrace diversity and rewrite the unwritten rules of the workplace.

  Management & Leadership   37,500 words   100% complete   Published by Morgan James Publishing
617 preorders
$8,136.00 · €6,672.00 funded


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Update #3 - Campaign Update #3 SIGNED CONTRACT WITH PUBLISHER! June 2, 2023

Dear readers,

In our March campaign update #2, we informed you that we expected to close a publishing deal by the end of spring…

We are super happy and proud to inform you that we have indeed closed our publishing deal! We signed a publishing contract with MorganJames and we signed a special editing contract with Jennifer Bright (Bright Communications) who will be our editor and book ‘doula’, supporting us in bringing our book to life. 

Wow, what a journey this was too. So much to learn about this industry for us. We talked to many publishers and made a true effort to understand the US publishing industry…. from types of publishers (traditional vs self-publishing vs hybrid) to editing, printing, designing, promoting. And from royalties, to foreign rights, e-book versions, audio book versions, to timelines, front cover options, marketing opportunities etc. There was a lot we needed to learn before we could make a wise decision, one that worked for the whole team. 

At the end of the day, as with many things, it comes down to trust, to confidence, to collaboration and to intuition. We truly feel that we made the right choice contracting both Jennifer and MorganJames and are grateful – again – to Bethany Marshall from Publishizer who introduced us to both of them and supported us in our journey of finding the right publisher for us.

So – what’s next? Well, in short: we have a book to finish, edit, design, print, promote, sell, ship AND most importantly – get into your hands! We will keep you posted on timelines, and to give you an idea publishing a book takes on average as long as delivering a child. 

As books can still be pre-ordered please do share our book project with your networks.

We are looking forward to the next part of our book journey and to interacting with you on the content of "SOS: A Survival Guide for Women at Work". Let us know if you want us to come speak about it at your events, or if you already want to sign-up for one of our book signing events – to be planned.

All the best,

Chantal, Lidewij, Marijn and Tessel