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Special Delivery

Eryn Young

An Interactive daily devotional revealing God's powerful life-saving grace

Special Delivery: An interactive 30+ daily devotional. Aimed at revealing God’s powerful life-saving grace often through Divine intervention, despite being unworthy. This engaging book based on true stories combines humor, hope, and thought-provoking insights. After, nine near-death rescues I hope to share that God still offers powerful life-saving grace.

  Motivation & Inspiration   32,000 words   100% complete   2 publishers interested
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1) Currently, the presence of short attention and the constant bombardment of visual/physical stimuli has made the way for people of all ages to rely on the need for truth to be accepted when it is connected to things that are proven to be real or tangible. Sadly, that has translated into less confidence and energy for the concepts of faith/ belief in God because the connection isn't visible, unfortunately. 

2) The overarching theme is that God is willing and able to move mountains to allow us peace in times of uncertainty. With all of personal/political/societal stresses like continues t offer, what better time to receive that reminder then Now! An element present in Special Delivery is shares true life story-telling which has lasted the test of time and transcends culture. Points are laid out without pretense and instead of all the filtering offered throughout society the reader is able to follow the not always bright journey into morals and beneficial life lessons as it naturally unfolded in my life. The book weaves together real-life stories, reflections on sermons, and the testimonies of others who have overcome challenges. It offers a mix of humor, hope, and thought-provoking insights. This narrative oscillates between moments of near tragedy and miraculous interventions, encapsulating the essence of a life uniquely marked by Divine Irony. The takeaway's

- That the same God that performed amazing feats in the Bible, still cares about us and continues to do miracles even now. 

- His Grace is big enough to work through our severe or ironic circumstances to often build us or to impact others beyond our expectations.

-It is also a testament that the Bible promise in Revelations 12:11 to lighten the load and encourage others struggling can still be sparked, by pushing past our comfort zone and taking the time to reflect and share our journey with others.

3) My background professionally is as a health educator with an appreciation for writing poetry has expanded my ability to match tone with messaging to a variety of audiences The idea for the book came after being challenged to write out some of the major life-altering situations I survived. While reviewing, two things happened. I was shocked that the near death count reached a total of 8 events. I also noticed that my fear of the future subsided, and my confidence in God's ability to guide through difficulty was strengthened.  (An editor shared ) "That it is valuable for those readers who appreciate a mix of humor, personal anecdotes, and spiritual reflections in the context of a life lived with both irony and grace".

A readers review, Eryn weaves a compelling story of God's grace and mercy by highlighting the angels who have carried her along the way. Her testimonies are unbelievable,  unless you have your own lived experience with the God of the impossible. You will encounter Jesus The Savior within these pages in a deeply personal way.

Sales arguments

  • Pew- while 33% say they have become less religious. Also, 89% of adults feel that belief in God is improved by the frequency of reading scripture by reading once at least 1x/week. 8% not certain of connection.
  • US Survey shares that 37% percent of Americans who were raised religiously but are now unaffiliated say they feel lonely all or most of the time, It also shared that those with robust religious experiences growing up, are likely to maintain those beliefs and practices into adulthood.[3] Without robust religious experiences to draw on, Americans feel less connected to the traditions and beliefs of their parents’ faith. The Strategic writing prompts allow reflection time improving perception .
  • Age at which groups surveyed disaffiliated from religion by highest Percentage. – US Survey 65+ -36% from the age 18-29 : 50-64- 32% for 18-29 : 30-49 -36% at 13-17 : 18-29-48% at 13-17.
  • The above stats represent the importance of reinforcing relevant faith experiences including scriptures for those 18+, as studies have been shown to assist in maintaining/ growing their religious experience towards connection w God. Also the inclusion of daily reflection writing space improves the readers retention for lasting links to memory (according to scholars).
  • Yes I have approx. 2k friends/follows between Fb & IG. I've had 2 news articles written. I have been on a few online interviews, also am a public health/fitness speaker w an average of 5 speaking engagements yearly to varying audiences. I was also blessed with a feature for a live award with the LA Lakers for excellence as a Women entrepreneur also on all their platforms. Here's a link- .

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YA/ Adult 18-100

Advance praise

- Press Release-

-Reader Reviews 

I recommend this devotional "Special Delivery" by Eryn Young to anyone who is listening for the voice of Our Creator. John 10:27 (#11, page 46). Oh, do not forget to follow. Eryn has a way of writing that her personality (SMILE) always puts a special view/turn. Just when you think the obvious, then something unusual happens to show us the many ways Our Creator works. The interaction - activity sections, gives you a time to reflect on her experiences and/or yours as related to the Scripture of that day/section. If you have this devotional, you can overstand my comments. If you know Eryn Young, you know this book is a "SPECIAL DELIVERY" from Our Creator to Eryn, and delivered SPECIAL TO YOU. Enjoy the read. I highly recommend this book, not just used for daily devotional, but for a reference for sharing "TRUTH". Karen D. Best

- I loved the story on God turning around the madness of losing $200 in being blessed with a scholarship you never applied for! I know the book will touch many who still have time as it reached me & I’m an older one. -Ms Essie Brown

Eryn Young

About the author

Eryn Young is a public health professional, and speaker in Southern California. As the “Well-Life Catalyst” and author of Launch! She has received awards from the state assembly as-well-as other multinational health service organizations. Given for reducing population disparities and sharing health restoration workshops across the U.S. Eryn revealed that the appreciation for God's life-saving graces ignites the passion to point others to the real source of complete healing.

The One able to spread renewed energy to the weak and disheartened. The God who cares and is still willing to deliver. When not dodging calamity she is often found soaking in new-day mercies around great food with loved ones. For events and requests follow On IG@Eyoungspeaks2

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Day 12

Pain  reliever + bleach= A Lifesaver Be (SALT)- Join the Save Another Life Team

You are the salt of the earth: but if the salt loses its flavor,

How shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing

 but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men

Matthew 5:13 NKJV

Ever had a day where you wake up, and whether you feel well or not, you would rather do anything but roll out of bed and go to work? Despite the struggle that day I made my way, and the majority of the day went well. However, somewhere around the midday, my body started to rebel. After checking my pockets for pain medications coming up dry, I made a B-line to the car and then back to the classroom. I walked in to check the bag I brought in that day. Well, after going through every single pocket as if my life depended on it (I felt like it did), there was no pill; only a saved vitamin, which is not helpful in that situation. Things were getting bad, and it was time for reinforcements, so I requested my legally owed. My supervisor cleared my break, and I rushed to the nearest store to grab and bring back the reliever that I needed.

I arrived at the store, grabbed my item off the shelf, and made it to the checkout line; quickly, as there were not many people in the aisles. Just as I was getting excited about the odds of actually making it back to work in the 15-20 minutes I requested, I noticed something odd. The people in front of me, would randomly leave the line to go to the window of the store. They would watch, shake their heads, and come back and say something to the person they came with, and then they would alternate and do the same. This piqued my curiosity, despite not hearing music or witnessing any reactions that called for my fight or flight sense to kick in. By now, I’m sure you have begun to realize that it doesn’t take much for my curiosity to take over. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, I paid for the Aspirin and also joined the crowd at the window. After taking in the scene outside, it didn’t take much time to join the others in shock and disgust.

After the initial shock and confusion subsided, I inquired if anyone had called the police, to which they replied yes. I was puzzled to find that no one even stopped what they were doing or looked bothered to do anything more. The group just continued to record the videos of the activity on their cameras, pointing, staring in awe, and reacting. What happened next, I can’t say came more from being mad at the unconcerned click-baiters; or from being a first responder for so long. But I decided to approach the lady.

 I didn’t really have a plan, but knew something had to be done as there was something very wrong with the 30ish lady; picking up a 64-ounce jug of bleach-filled commercial cleaning fluid and drinking it as if it were juice! I was horrified to watch her drink until she physically couldn’t, followed by her stopping only to vomit violently, drink more, and again turn and vomit!

I sent up an ok, help me, Jesus…  Then went over and asked, “What is going on?” She kept the drinking going, ignoring me the first few times, but eventually, when I’m guessing I annoyed her by not going away; she stopped long enough to rest after retching as it seemed there was nothing left in her stomach. Now upset, she clearly did not appreciate me distracting her, so she shouted, “I hate my life, and I don’t want to be here anymore!” While those words still shock me to this day, I was a bit confused. Though I couldn’t understand, for her to choose this painful way meant that whatever led her here had to somehow be worse than what she was doing.

It also occurred to me that, the fact that she did this publicly left enough of a gap for hope or will to live. So, when I asked her to stop, sharing that she didn’t need to do this, she interrupted, shouting, I do! Though it felt a little tug-a-warish, I replied No... You don’t! Things can eventually get better. She went directly back to the cleaner and took a swig, so it seems that she didn’t believe me and, like clockwork, started retching. Well! I tried reasoning with her, but that didn’t work. And I can’t say I had this planned, but as soon as she put down the jug and turned, I grabbed it and ran to the car.

Yes, I stole her bleach and drove off… Let’s call it risk management, to save her life As I drove off, I could hear her shouting choice words; however, I continued to make my way to the nearest police office, where I left a report and directed them to the location where the incident occurred. After all the commotion, I returned to work a bit in shock, trying to process everything that just happened. I made a B line to my bag, cracked open the bottle, and finally got a chance to take the medications I purchased.

Before returning to my workstation, I unzipped a pocket inside my bag to store my pill bottle and was amazed to find pain-relieving medications sitting in clear sight. Yes, the exact bag that I searched feverishly from top to bottom only about 30 minutes before; the very action that sent me to the store in the first place.

To this day, it baffles my mind. I even asked coworkers to look in the pocket to verify that I wasn’t seeing things; they also confirmed. God is always in need of vessels and though we continue to ask Him to perfect our character or wait to be given a great responsibility. But we often miss the opportunity as it can be disguised detours in life. A quote a friend recently used in her sermon comes to mind share that “We are the change we’ve been waiting on, we don’t have to keep waiting on anybody else”-Kimberly. Mann

As You Go…

There are so many things to take away from that day, so I’ll leave it between you and the Lord, but I will share that I was meant to be at the store at that time. The other thing I can confirm, and it’s as sure then as it is now, is that God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform! Roman 11:33.  In Psalm 37:23, the Bible says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Though the status of where we may fall on the “good scale” may waver, one thing that stays the same is that God is always interested in the use of vessels for His will.

A question we must pray and ask ourselves: Are you available? Or will there be a busy signal?

Day 10

Others #2


He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble;

 I will deliver him and honor him.

Psalms 91:15 NKJV

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times just kidding. Well it was actually a good day. It happened to be one of the days of the week where I was able to work from home, which always is a blessing to me and my gas tank. Any who, I was in the house doing something between paperwork, watching a show and typing when I heard a strange sound. Initially I dismissed it as one of my phones or other devices probably dying. However the sound persisted and even seemed to get louder. I decided to get up and investigate and ended up going into my front room. At this point I picked up the closest heavy thing I could potentially protect myself with. I mean I don’t know how -scary a squeaking thing could be but it’s not supposed to be in my house, it’s gonna have to get out one way or another. Now back to the story.

After careful discovery, I found that the noise was actually outside… Thankfully. With the heavy item still in hand, I peeked out through the window and found a large cat intently staring at something. It was moving around and then returning to the same spot. It was disturbing as, we don’t own a cat and he looked very comfortable. Secondly, what in the world is he looking for as it is probably ours because it’s our yard. I guess that’s still point one, and two. Cats do a lot of things but squeaking is not one of them, so now my curiosity is on fire and I have to go out. So with my backup item I open the door and now said cat is watching me watching him. The stare down continues and so does the squeaking that is distracting the both of us.

 I closed the doors so that whatever the 3rd party is, does not cause us to pack up and move. After finding a safe distance away from the situation I look over to find that the sound is coming from behind a small cabinet that we keep on the patio. I start eyeballing the cat who has now found a new position closer to the cabinet, I bend over and Squirrrreeeeeellllll!!

Whaaaaaaat! There’s sooooo many questions, like who knew that the sound they can make is a squeak and oh my goodness this poooor little guy is out here literally screaming for his life as the cat has got him cornered. Literally, if it had not been for an inch sized gap where he was hiding; the cats arm would easily been able to reach this little guy, whose new name would have easily been lunch. I snap into action as I’m pretty sure I could take a cat. So I let out a shout and began running after him which thankfully worked as I would have hated to use my item. 

Over the fence and out of the way goes the cat and I went back to go find my new little friend. Still scared even though he stopped squeaking and I’m sure I saw the little guy shaking. I don’t know if it’s because I watched to many Dr. Doo Little movies but I told him or her “ok, you’re good to go, which did little to inspire him. That didn’t work since apparently, squirrels don’t speak good English. I opted to move the cabinet and it slowly came out and ran across the yard.  As I watched it go, ensuring that the cat was not watching. The thought of wait, what in the world just happened passed and I started laughing and shaking my head (SMH) at the thought that this is the type of stuff that only happens to me. The bigger picture dawned on me that I will probably never forget, which is … If A God that is (as Stevie the Wonder says) millions of light years away found this squirrels situation important enough to trouble the mind of this human, who “just happened” to be home, who just happens to have a life-long sense of curiosity to be a part of the squirrel save, then how much more is He able to deliver us from the things that seem too hard to bear.

Yes life is sometimes scary and unexpected, bad things can happen, you don’t always know what’s around the corner. But when God promised to cover you with his feathers (Psalms 91:4) or storage cabinet to keep you from harm, believe that He will. Never be ashamed to pray or even squeak until God has dispatched a choice vessel to aid and assist in a rescue mission just for you

   All I could do the rest of the day was to continue to SMH but also praise Him for the privilege. It’s amazing how something that was little for me, meant everything to that little guy.

As You Go…

Identify a few things that you could do to make a little space to do daily, weekly or monthly that could be impactful to something/someone else and try it who knows the reward could be heavenly!

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