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T.A.G.! You're it!

Sarah Harrison

How to Play T.A.G. (The Abundance Games) and Win Abundance

T.A.G.! You're it! is about winning a dream life of enlightenment, peace, joy, love, and prosperity. It's simple once you know the rules of the game called T.A.G. (The Abundance Games), which is a formula for happiness. What you get is a complete model which incorporates spirit, mind, body and uses science to progress you from your current state to whatever future abundance state you choose.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   40,000 words   25% complete   12 publishers interested
$1,308.00 funded
8% of goal
41 preorders
8% of goal
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Update #2 - Slow and Steady Wins the Race! 2nd Update Oct. 14, 2020

You are my motivation.  

Without your love and support I would not still be working on this book.  2020 has been a doozie of a year. That makes the books timing perfect, but also makes getting it done more of a challenge.  

However, the first 1/3rd of the book has been written and edited by my genius editing partner.  The second 1/3rd has been written from a previous training and placed into the book. Now it needs to be customize for you!  My desire is to have it complete by end of November.  

If everything goes as desired (2020 proves this is unlikely, but I'm going to strive for it anyway) then the final section will be done in December (ideally).  Meaning we could have lift off and you could have your book by or before January 2021!!! 

Please take a moment to visualize me on an old school book tour with lines of people waiting to get their copy signed,...and my name on the New York times best seller list.  :) Without you none of this would be possible.  Remember we are all connected.  

Thanks again for all your support. You are some of the first TAG (The Abundance Games) Players and your support will help bring this message of health, love, and prosperity to a lot of other people.  You are a beautiful contribution in the world. 

With love and gratitude, 

Sarah Kay Harrison 

Soon to be Author