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R!k Schnabel

Tomorrow's Leaders Today

Tomorrow's world will be forged by today's teen. Teenedge delivers courage, kindness and impeccable wisdom, because a great future comes when we groom tomorrow’s leaders today.

  Career & Success   60,000 words   75% complete   8 publishers interested
141 preorders
$4,270.00 funded


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Update #4 - Currently talking with Publishers Sept. 6, 2019

Hi There,

Just thought I'd keep you in the loop.

The Teenedge pre-launch was a roaring success - thank you!

I'm currently speaking with publishers, so I'll keep you in loop once we've chosen the best publisher to get Teenedge out there.

I'm so surprised at how many people emailed me that said that they sadly missed the promotion of it and so missed out on getting the Millionaire Master Academy (MMA) bonus - so we've created a special page where you can still pre-order your copy of Teenedge AND get the MMA bonus.

You can do that here.

Have an amazing weekend

R!k Schnabel
Life Beyond Limits