Unleashing Your Erotic Intelligence
This book is a magical map to more aliveness, passion, and joy. By practicing the teachings you will experience relationships that amplify your capability to create and experience great love.
This book is turning love and intimacy coaching on its head. While others are helping people to find “the one”, The Art of the Torrid Love Affair encourages people to practice cultivating conscious relationships by taking advantage of the short relationship trend and utilizing the teachings of emotional, relationship, and erotic intelligence. Growing and expanding our capacity to love through practicing the guidelines of a Torrid Love Affair, you will empower your ability to build a successful long term relationship when you choose it.
Learn the Art of the Torrid Love Affair Guidelines that set the foundation for a consciously created love affair. If practiced, the possibility of extreme growth, joy, expansion, authenticity, and connection is high. You will start to learn what stops you from being the loving, joyous, open, and free being that you long to be and what to do about it.
You will learn to use relationships as a practice to understanding your own barriers, self imposed limitations, and beliefs so that you can breakthrough them and replace them with what is more real to you and closer to the truth. By getting to know your true self, you get a keen understanding on what you want and don’t want and will take actions based on your true desires instead of the patterns from the past.
The book is filled with personal stories and learnings from the author. It shows the reader how she was able to apply emotional intelligence and transformational education practices to her life and relationships so that magic was created, passion was deeply explored, and hearts were broke open to be able to feel the great love that many of us desire.
You will get a ring side seat to her love experiences and learn what she did to be able to consistently and predictably amplify love, joy, and connection between her and others. She shares her failures as well as her successes as these are really the most potent teachings.
This book will dramatically impact your romantic relationship, how you show up in them, and the results you will produce.
If you have experienced unsavory and unsatisfying relationships in the past and desire something more then this is the book for you.
You will walk away with powerful, impactful, and attainable actions that you can apply to your life and relationships immediately to start getting better results and understanding your capacity to create and experience great love.
You are the magician in your love life, this book teaches you the magic.
Check out the PechaKucha talk that inspired it all and learn more about "Andy" from the promo video...
(Warning: Adult Language)
What exactly is a Torrid Love Affair? How does it differ from the types of love affairs? And why should you care? Here you will learn the answers to these questions and what you should expect to get out of reading the book.
*Section One - Creating the Conditions for Your Torrid Love Affair*
In these upcoming chapters we are going to explore what actually makes you tick, trust you on, and lights you up. We are going to unveil the powerful mature being that is inside of you waiting to be activated so it can co-create with you your every desire and wish.
Chapter 1 - Becoming a Mature Lover
Most of us are stuck in an immature patterns that produce mediocre results around intimacy, love, and joy. It is time to break free and evolve into our mature selves. Take these areas of your life from mediocrity to magnificence.
Chapter 2 - What Do You Really Desire?
How to reveal what you really want instead of what you have been conditioned to want. Learn how to own your desires and unapologetically communicate them so that they get fulfilled. Using the power of emotional intelligence we can start to reveal your erotic intelliengce.
Chapter 3 - Are you the Dom or Sub in the Relationship with Your Life?
Many of us are under the illusion that we only have the ability to react to the circumstances in our life making us the submissive role. In this chapter you will discover how to switch roles and dominate your life by becoming responsible for all aspects of what happens and what is created. In this power position you can and will create the life you have been dreaming about.
Chapter 4 - Self Love + Acceptance = Aura Exploding Pleasure
Nothing radically magical is possible without self love and acceptance. Even taking baby steps towards loving yourself and accepting what is will dramatically expand your love life and what is possible for you. Learn how these two ingredients will be your access to the most pleasurable life you can handle.
Chapter 5 - Choose Heartbreak Over Certainty (or The Willingness to Have Your Heart Broken)
In this chapter we will delve into the realities of love and how no matter how you slice it, it involves heartbreak. We will reveal how cultivate courage and trust with a knowingness that pain will be involved but it does not mean you have to suffer. You will also see how a life filled with heartbreak is one with adventure, love, joy, and connection.
*Section Two - Attracting Your Torrid Lover*
As you learned in the introduction, a Torrid Lave Affair is distinct from other love affairs. Because it is unique, and not common, finding someone to play in this realm with you takes conscious effort. Making sure the other person creating the love affair with you is on board for the experience and willing to contribute to it is key.
Chapter 6 - Would You Recognize Them if You Saw Them?
What are you really looking for in a practice partner? What attributes would have you grow and expand? What do you want to be for them and what do you want them to be for you? These and other questions to answer so that when they show up you will recognize them!
Chapter 7 - Follow Your Heart But Bring Your Head and Gut With You (or Hormones, Heart, Head, and Gut)
It is highly likely that you will find yourself attracted to them same type of people that you have been attracted to in the past. The challenge with this is if you keep doing the same actions you will keep getting the same results. If you continue to let biology choose for you, you will be disappointed as biology will fail you. Learn how to break free of patterns by experimenting with who you explore the possibility of a Torrid Love Affair with and why this is important.
Chapter 8 - Create Turn On
In order to start a romantic relationship with someone you must create turn on between you and them. This is the subtle but bold art of flirting. Learn how to amplify your unique way of flirting and play with the energetic of turn on in order to let the other person know that you are interested in more than just friendship. If they come towards you, the game is on!
Chapter 9 - The Structure for Your Torrid Love Affair
This is your first act of radical courage - you must ask the other if they would be willing to have a Torrid Love Affair with you. You will learn the framework of the conversation, how to set it up powerfully, and how to make sure all desires, concerns, and agreements are shared, heard, and acknowledged.
*Section Three - The Guidelines for a Torrid Love Affair*
In this section you will learn the guidelines for creating a Torrid Love Affair and how to navigate the waters of a consciously created relationship. You will learn how I used the guidelines in my Torrid Love Affairs (or did not use them) and the results I got.
Chapter 10 - Guideline #1: Slow Down to Speed Up
Intimacy moves at the speed of molasses. In order to get to the depths of intimacy required for a Torrid Love Affair you must slow everything down. In this chapter you will learn simple but powerful tantric tools that have you tap into the energetics behind the physical in relationships.
Chapter 11 - Guideline #2: High Level of Communication
In your Torrid Love Affair you are going to learn and practice communication in different ways than you ever have before in a relationship. You will learn what to share and what not to share. How to be powerful and vulnerable in your sharing and how that impacts the relatedness that is created. You will break down stories that keep you separate and replace them with clear, real, and authentic communication.
Chapter 12 - Guideline #3: Become Aware and Recalibrate
Because we have the ability to watch ourselves while we are in action in our lives, we have the ability to reveal what is in the drivers seat. We act in very specific was when in a relationship. It is our default and not necessarily how we really want to behave. In this chapter I teach you a powerful exercise that will allow you to see what is driving your actions and question if that is what you really want.
Chapter 13 - Guideline #4: Stay in the Present Moment
One of the biggest relationship killers is when one or both people flip into fantasy land. The desire to create a false future sets the relationship up for failure. In this chapter, learn how to practice being in the present moment where there is no past and no future and how this will empower connection. You will also learn the difference between being unattached and detached.
Chapter 14 - Guideline #5: Turn Yourself and the Other into the Best Lover
We may always have that one person that really did it for us but it doesn’t mean we can not experience what is happening in the present moment as the best experience we have ever had. How to use acknowledgement, language, and actions to bring the best out of yourself and your lover so that you will always have the opportunity for peak experiences.
Chapter 15 - Guideline #6: Whole Body Activation
This is your access to having full body orgasms! So often in love making we focus on the sexual organs and pleasure points. And it feels amazing! But what if I told you that you can take your pleasure to the next level by activating all the cells in your body to orgasm in a simple but powerful exercise. Would you want this? Of course you would! Learn how in this chapter.
Chapter 16 - Guideline #7: Own Your Own Turn On
For many years I outsourced my own turn on. I let outside circumstances dictate if I got turned on or not. The problem with this is that I was always dependent on something else to give me the feeling I wanted. Learn how to own your turn on so that you can use this power at any time, fan the flames of passion between you and your lover, and experience the beauty and magical powers of turn on whenever you want.
Chapter 17 - Guideline #8: Give Yourself Permission to Act Foolish, Silly, Dorky, Awkward, Bold (aka FREE)
Unfortunately many of us are trained to stay safe and in our comfort zone. This puts a cap on our self expression and aliveness in life. In this chapter, learn how to be willing to get outside your comfort zone and take risks safely so that your experience of yourself is one of unbridled joy, freedom, and aliveness.
Chapter 18 - Guideline #9: Consent Creates Freedom
Many people feel that spontaneity is the spice of love making but I want to shine the light on how it can cause more trouble and upset when relating newly in sexual activity. In this chapter learn what you can do instead by using the Consent Wheel. You will start to see how a consent conversation will empower your love making and create space for more freedom. connection, and creativity.
Chapter 19 - Guideline #10: Deep Dive into Your and Your Lover’s Desires
In this chapter you will learn a framework that will enable you to easily and safely share your desires and get agreement and consent from your lover. You will get a chance to joyously tap dance on your edge to create expansive growth and ability to create and receive pleasure. Learn how far to go so you do not experience a shame hang over in the morning and empower yourself to get what you want.
Chapter 20 - Guideline #11: Worship, Honor, and Revere the Magical Powers of Sexual Energy
Sexual energy is the energy of creation and is not just for the bedroom. You can use this energy to create anything in your life. In this chapter I will teach you a ritual that will take your and your lovers sexual energy to the next level. Learn how to do this for yourself and your lover so that you feel empowered, healed, and seen.
Chapter 21 - Guideline #12: Surrender into Indulgence
A Torrid Love Affair is activated by your willingness to surrender into indulgence, lose control, and be spontaneous. Learn why we stop ourselves from taking actions that will get us what we really want and how to shed the shame around indulging to get radical rewards.
Chapter 22 - Guideline #13: Integrity is Your Access to Whole, Complete, and Perfect
Doing what you say you are going to do is the foundation of building trust. In this chapter you are going to learn how to be in alignment with yourself and the agreements. You will also learn what to do when you want to break your word and how to get back on track.
Chapter 23 - Guideline #14: Become the Magician in Your Life (or Learn How to Pull Rabbits Out of Hats)
So many of us are waiting for the other to create magic in our lives. This leaves us powerless. Learn how to practice becoming the magician so no matter where you are you can always experience magic.
Chapter 24 - Guideline #15: Complete the Torrid Love Affair Powerfully
When the Torrid Love Affair comes to an end, learn how to close it out powerfully where you and the other feels heard, seen, and appreciated. You will learn why this is so important and how it sets you up perfectly for what is next.
*Section Four - Grieving, Healing, and Evolving*
In this section you will learn how to powerful grieve the completion of the Torrid Love Affair, heal any wounds that my have been uncovered or created, and to use what you learned to evolve yourself into the more loving, courageous, passionate self.
Chapter 25 - The Grieving Process
It is a rare thing to be taught how to grieve. Even though we experience grief being thrusted upon us throughout our lives, most of us are left to our own devices to understand how to do it properly with power and compassion. Learn how doing simple but powerful exercises can help you process and let go allowing for better clarity, acceptance, and space in the future.
Chapter 26 - Harvesting the Delicious Sexy Fruits of Your Labor
In these reflection exercises, you will articulate, recall, and create the beautiful teachings you received for having this experience. You will have a chance to recognize what happened with an open heart, choose what you want to take forward with you, and complete whatever no longer serves you. What you learn will empower and enhance your next relationship, whatever that is.
Chapter 27 - Becoming Great Love (Conclusion)
Great love is who we are not a destination to get to or something to find. Learn how to cultivate this forever knowingness so that wherever life takes you and whatever you experience you have the power to be an unwavering source of love, compassion, understanding, and joy for yourself.
Online dating has dramatically changed the landscape of dating in many ways. On one hand there is more choice than ever and on the other hand this choice is creating paralysis and relationship jumping fueled by FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).
Though many people claim they are looking for “the one”, studies have shown that the gamification of dating through the apps is taking people away from finding that one and looking towards the many for their relationship needs. People feel they are coming up empty even though there is a perception of abundance.
Match.com Chief Scientific Advisor Helen Fisher acknowledged as the fundamental challenge of dating apps…“The biggest problem is cognitive overload,” she said. “The brain is not well built to choose between hundreds or thousands of alternatives.”
This phenomenon is part of the foundation for the overwhelming loneliness many are reporting they feel. The quick snack, fast food intimacy is not a replacement for the nourishing possibility of intimacy and relationship with a deeper connection.
Vivek Murthy, the 19th Surgeon General of the United States, wrote in a Harvard Business Review article that "loneliness is a growing health epidemic," "rates of loneliness have doubled since the 1980s," and that "today, over 40% of adults in America report feeling lonely, and research suggests that the real number may well be higher."
He goes on to say that technology has had a role in this, “For too many people technology has lead to substituting online connections for offline in-person connections…spending time on Facebook or other social media thinking that that is equivalent to sitting down and seeing a friend and talking to them face-to-face.”
A recent survey conducted by Cigna asking 20,000 Americans ages 18 years and older revealed the following about the state of loneliness and connection:
Going back to the “way it was” is not the solution but what may be more rewarding is inquiring on how we can learn from the distant and recent past and evolve to create something that works for us and feeds our ability to connect, love, and thrive.
An article in Psychology Today (The Cure for Loneliness) reveals that one of the most powerful ways to shift this emotion is through “Changing maladaptive thinking”. Otherwise known as mindset and how you perceive the world.
“Interventions aimed at changing maladaptive thinking patterns were, on average, four times more effective than other interventions in reducing loneliness.”
This book goes at the lack of connection phenomenon rigorously in order to dramatically shift the perspective of the reader and how they can easily and powerfully take back their ability to create authentic, deep, loving relationships by becoming the creator of magic in their own lives.
This book is targeted towards single men and women who are interested in taking their love life and intimacy to the next level. They have had enough pain to know what they are currently doing is not working to fulfill and enliven their lives in the area of romantic relationships. They are willing to explore how to become responsible for how their lives go and are waiting for someone or something to show them how.
While readers explore, experiment, and enjoy short relationships they will learn how to practice vulnerability and authenticity to create more meaningful relationships and how to attract the mature deep connections they really desire.
Colleen has an extensive close-knit network of friends and clients she has coached, mentored, and worked with in the past which includes:
She is currently touring the world with her new intimacy workshop that has already been experienced by over 100 singles. Her next stops include Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland.
She is often asked to speak at conferences, festivals, and podcasts. She is currently booked to speak at the leadership conference Open Circles in Bali, Resolution NYE Festival in New Zealand, and the Beth Bell radio Show on iHeartRadio.
Since recently changing from a business coach and mentor to a love and intimacy expert she is just starting to share her content online. Her fist Facebook Live video has received almost 1,500 views and she is launching a Facebook Live Show that will air every week.
From her business development executive days through her leadership consulting practice, Colleen is a highly trained speaker and loves to do it. She will be searching out any chance to speak and share with large audiences either live or online.
Colleen will be promoting this book through her existing network while also growing the network through partnering with her personal influencers, affiliates, and leadership networks, creating powerful and entertaining content, doing Live Facebook Videos and trainings, and facilitating live and online workshops.
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero (Perseus Books, 2013)
The highly entertaining Sincero delivers her self-help message through funny personal anecdotes, colorful language and gentle encouragement in You Are a Badass. The Art of the Torrid Love Affair also uses personal anecdotes, bold language and profound teachings to take readers on a journey of self-discovery, but the topic is focused on relationships, love and intimacy as oppose to finding your purpose, monetizing your talent and getting out of your own way in life.
The Gift of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene´ Brown (Hazelden Publishing 2010)
Brown addresses the core of what each of us seeks – a sense of worthiness that comes from simply being who we are. In her book The Gift of Imperfection, Brown uses a series of guideposts to look at how life teaches us to view ourselves through the lenses of others, rather than knowing that at our cores, accepted by others or not, we are worthy simply because we are. The Art of the Torrid Love Affair also defines guidelines that the reader can use to shift ones life but focuses on how love and practicing relationships can be a source of transformation.
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert (Riverhead Books 2015)
What leads to the willingness to take chances, live life to the fullest, and act on risky ideas? Glibert shows us how to tackle what we most love, and how to face down what we most fear. She discusses the attitudes, approaches, and habits we need in order to live our most creative lives. The Art of the Torrid Love Affair touches on these themes but focuses on how we love and create relationships that transform us form the inside out.
Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown (Spiegel & Grau; Reprint edition 2015)
It is the rise from falling that Brown takes as her subject in Rising Strong. As a grounded theory researcher, Brown has listened as a range of people from all walks of life and found that their success lies in recognizing the power of emotion and they’re not afraid to lean in to discomfort. The Art of the Torrid Love Affair also follows these themes but applies them to the creation of powerful, impactful, and meaningful relationships.
Mating in Captivity: How to keep desire and passion alive in long-term relationships by Esther Perel (HarperCollins 2006)
In Mating in Captivity, Perel looks at the story of sex in committed couples. Modern romance promises it all - a lifetime of togetherness, intimacy and erotic desire. In reality, it's hard to want what you already have. Our quest for secure love conflicts with our pursuit of passion. The Art of the Torrid Love Affair has a big theme about passion and how to keep it alive within the context of practicing short term relationship as oppose to the longer term relationships Perel studies and supports. This book is specifically to empower singles to create the mature relationship they have been desiring.
Colleen is a highly trained leadership and emotional intelligence expert turned love and intimacy coach.
She is a wild, playful, free spirit that teaches others to be the same. As she is untangling herself from shame, she unapologetically teaches you how to live a life of more passion and love.
250 copies • Partial manuscript • Looking for religion at the margins, soulful spirituality, mystical poetry, and badass Christian fiction.
Apocryphile Press is a small, new-paradigm publishing company based in the San Francisco East Bay. We specialize in edgy spirituality, and pretty much anything that snags our fancy. We are especially interested at this time in literary or genre fiction with a spiritual bent that portrays religious people in realistic ways. (Translation: if your religious characters aren't deeply flawed and don't cuss, don't send it to us.)
250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Atlantic Publishing has been providing millions of readers information to jumpstart their careers, start businesses, manage employees, invest, plan for retirement, learn technologies, build relationships, and live rewarding, fulfilling lives. Our award-winning authors and publication staff strive to make our products the best and most up-to-date available. We go further than most publishers to get our customers the best products.
250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Ballast Books is a full-service hybrid publisher that handles all aspects of book creation, design, publishing, marketing, distribution, and platform building. We help our authors sell more books, secure more keynotes, do more consulting, earn more customers, and book more media appearances.
We want to work with the best of the best: Former Special Operations Forces, CEOs, big thinkers, industry-leading experts. Top-performing people with experiences worth sharing and skills that translate into a larger message and goal.
We've seen particular success with military memoirs, but we've also recently hired a children's book specialist, so we run the spectrum of genres. We're a small but growing team and take pride in dedicating more time and energy to all our authors than traditional publishers.
250 copies • Partial manuscript • Looking for business, entrepreneurship, personal development, success psychology and mindset, health, and lifestyle.
BrightFlame Books was set up with one key purpose: to help experts like you get your message out into the world, increase your impact, and ultimately, grow your business. Wherever you are in your publishing journey, we can support you. As a full-service publisher, we transform your draft manuscript into a beautifully finished book. Our editors edit and polish your words, then our creative team turns it into a professionally designed finished product, inside and out, that presents you as the thought leader and industry leader you are. Once your book is published, as a marketing consultancy we specialize in turning you into a bestselling author by orchestrating launch campaigns to drive sales and awareness of your book internationally and creating book-based lead generation and client acquisition campaigns that turn your book into a powerful business development tool.
250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Cranthorpe Millner operates a hybrid publishing model. This means, should an author pass our editors’ strict filtering system, we can offer different kinds of agreements depending on the author and the manuscript. With some authors, we work under a ‘traditional’ model, whereby we cover the full cost of publication and the author is offered industry-standard royalties (8-10%). To some authors, we offer what we call a partnership or contributory agreement, whereby the author is asked for a financial contribution so that we may share the risk and enter into a partnership together to publish the author’s book. In this case, the author receives around 60-75% royalties.
Elite Online Publishing is based in Utah & Texas, and will help put your self-published book out into the world to grow, become a #1 bestseller, and give you a foundation of credibility, powerful marketing appeal, and new contacts. We have been in business for over 6 years and have helped over 150 authors become bestsellers.
250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Hybrid Global Publishing is a full service Hybrid Publishing Company dedicated to helping authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs get their message out by writing and publishing a book. We offer developmental editing, publishing, distribution, and marketing services for independent authors who are interested in speaking on stage, becoming more visible in the media, and establishing more credibility. The team has a combined 80 years of experience in publishing and has held editorial, management and marketing positions at major publishing houses, including The Free Press, Crown, Random House, and Avon.
250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Koehler Books is an Indie publisher based in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Our team of dedicated professionals promises you a holistic publishing experience where you'll receive our full attention, collaboration, and coaching every step of the way. We offer two publishing models: a traditional non-fee model for the highest quality work, as well as a co-publishing model that includes creative development fees for emerging authors. Our titles are broad-based and include nearly every major non-fiction and fiction genre.
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The book business is a difficult pursuit. Especially for an Independent writer. The decision to go it alone and self-publish, or go with a small press is strictly an individual business decision. Hiring professional freelance resources like editors, cover designers, and formatters can be daunting enough. Let alone that dreaded marketing and promotion. All of that takes precious time away from what you could be doing. Writing!
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What about the nitty-gritty financial workings?
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If you are looking for mediocrity or status quo, RJ Parker may not be a good fit for you. However, Parker is a go-getter in the industry who will not cease until he makes your dreams become your reality!
Please send your proposal to agent@rjparkerpublishing.com and include:
Book Title
Book Description
Synopsis (what your book is about and why you think it’s a good fit with RJPP)
A brief bio, including your city of residence, and publication history
First two chapters
250 copies • Completed manuscript.
SOOP is a small virtual publishing company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, with a core team based in the US and additional contractors around the world. SOOP currently focuses on curating a small number of volumes for publication each year to enable its team to dedicate a great deal of time to working with its authors directly - not just on the manuscript, but also on platform-building and promotion.
250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Atmosphere Press is an independent publisher dedicated to author rights. We publish in all genres and have an exceptional editorial, design, and promotional staff. We stand for Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, and Kindness. We want our authors and their readers to be blown away when they first hold that book in their hands. It needs to look good inside and out, and feel good to the touch. And, of course, the words need to be top-notch, and our editors are devoted to making that the case.
250 copies • Partial manuscript.
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100 copies • Partial manuscript.
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100 copies • Completed manuscript • Looking for novels, memoirs, fantasy, and other fiction.
Crescendo Publishing is a boutique-style, concierge VIP publishing company assisting entrepreneur authors with writing, publishing, and promoting their books for the purposes of lead-generation and achieving global platform growth, then monetizing it for even more income opportunities.
100 copies • Completed manuscript.
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100 copies • Completed manuscript.
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Project Bestseller is about creating bestsellers. More importantly, it’s about building author platforms and long-term success. We’re building books that sell well over time, generate income for their authors, and create a lasting impact for their readers.
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A deeper answer is: with strategy, curiosity, and intense passion.
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You can probably think of half a dozen books that have become part of the grain of your life, because they gave you exactly what you needed at the time—whether it was a feeling, an experience, a different perspective, or just the information you needed to unlock your next possibility.
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We've been helping authors finish and publish their books since 2012. Services include: ghostwriting, editing, cover design, book design, formatting, publishing guidance, launch planning, marketing.
Hello my amazing community of torrid lovers!
Just a quick update to let you know that things are moving forward and not a quickly as …
Hello powerful supporter!
It has been one month since the last day of my campaign and a lot has happened.
As you know the purpose …
You said YES!!! ----- >> And got me to 275 PRE-ORDERS!!!
You said yes to me.
To my book.
To love.
And to you living …
You amazing being full of love and support!
Thank you soooooo much!
This campaign is coming close to the end (4 days left!) and I …
OMG I feel so special!!
You know it may look like I know what I am doing, but I do not...
I am fumbling through …
Thank you NORA! I feel your support everyday.
Because you pre-ordered in the first week, I am going to send you a private video sharing 4 turn-on energies that you can play with while flirting, dating, and in bed.
This will take your performance and pleasure to the next level. It is so fun, easy, and GOOD!!
THANK YOU for your support! It means so much to me. xxooxxoo
You are so welcome, Colleen! So excited to read this! xo
Is it okay if I have some “practice affairs” BEFORE your book comes out? Hahahahahaha!
I’m so happy for you! Congratulations. Very inspiring. Go girl. We love you xxxxx
good luck!! <3
Excited for you to share your brilliance with the world! XO
Go Colleen!
Maybe I should start to eat fries 🙄 hehehe. Love your work Colleen and so happy to support you (and myself eh!) Heidi xx
Go Girl ❌⭕️❌⭕️🥂
You're amazing and I can't wait to see you grow this passion of yours!
Nice job, Colleen! Can’t wait to follow the rest of this awesome journey you’ve embarked on! 💗
Love You Sister
I am so excited to read all the juicy insight. Wishing you all the best Colleen!! XO
Love you, Colleen Schell!!
You go girl, you’re an inspiration to all of us who want to write books, and who want to feel more alive Everyday!! 😘
I still think you're one of the bravest and most inspirational women I know. Go get them! :D
Awesome, can't wait to read it Colleen :)
Good luck Colleen! <3
So excited for you! It's amazing that you are making this a reality xx
love you xx
102 readers
1 Copy of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Art of the Torrid Love Affair" + Free invitation to the book launch. You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my online community where I share tips, tricks, and trainings on how to create your most deisrable relationship.
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3 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Art of the Torrid Love Affair" + Free Torrid Love Workbook / Journal + A Big Thank you mention in the book.
You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community where I share tips, tricks, and trainings on how to create your most desirable relationship.
7 readers
5 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Art of the Torrid Love Affair" + Free invitation to the book launch + Your name mentioned in the book + FREE Torrid Love Affair Online Crash Course + 4 Week Torrid Love Affair Group AMA Coaching and Advice Session. Valued at $200USD.
You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community where I share tips, tricks, and trainings on how to create your most desirable relationship.
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10 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Art of the Torrid Love Affair" + invitation to the book launch + Your name mentioned in the book + FREE Torrid Love Affair Online Crash Course + One 2 Hour Personal Session valued at $500USD
You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community where I share tips, tricks, and trainings on how to create your most desirable relationship.
2 readers
20 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Art of the Torrid Love Affair" + Free invitation to the book launch + Your name mentioned in the book + FREE Torrid Love Affair Online Crash Course valued at $200USD + Free 8 Week Personal Coaching Package Valued at $500USD ($700USD total value).
You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community where I share tips, tricks, and trainings on how to create your most desirable relationship.
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25 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Art of the Torrid Love Affair" for you and your team or community + Free invitation to the book launch for you and 2 members of your team/ community + Your company's or community's name mentioned in the book as a Sponsor/ VIP Supporter + A half-day workshop for your team/ community teaching the tools from my book. Valued at $1,500USD.
You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community where I share tips, tricks, and trainings on how to create your most desirable relationship.
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50 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Art of the Torrid Love Affair" + Free invitation to the book launch + Your name mentioned in the book + FREE Torrid Love Affair Online Crash Course valued at $200USD + Workbook + One Spot at the Torrid Love Affair Bali Retreat including accommodation and more! Valued at $3.500USD ($3,700USD Total Value)
4 nights accommodation
5 day Torrid Love Affair Workshop and Experience
Breakfast each morning
Airport pick up
Local SIM Card
Bali Excursions
If you can not join the week of the retreat, feel free to arrange another time to join me in Bali to have a personal retreat. Happy to coordinate schedules with you.
You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community where I share tips, tricks, and trainings on how to create your most desirable relationship.
on Nov. 11, 2018, 3:04 a.m.
Can't wait to support your SUCCESS with so much joy, love and kisses xoxox