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The Business of Being

Emil Ivanov

Navigate Your Way to Inner Peace and Well-Being

This book is for everyone who feels unfulfilled, stuck and exhausted in their job or their life in general to help them rediscover their essential nature, energy, and joy.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   80,000 words   100% complete   7 publishers interested
297 preorders
$7,587.00 funded



If we look at our own lives and the people around us, it is not difficult to notice that most of us seem unhappy at our jobs and in our lives in general. We appear to experience a state of perennial dissatisfaction, which is like a background against which everything in our lives is taking place.

We spend a lot of energy trying to alleviate this condition, pursuing everything which we think would bring us lasting fulfillment. All these efforts have two things in common: we are either trying to acquire something that we are missing which we think will make us happy (e.g. education, a well-paying job, the next promotion, an intimate relationship, a family, children, own business, travel, etc) or trying to avoid something, which we think will bring us suffering (e.g. negative situations or people, isolation, poverty, disease, crime, injustice, misery, unpleasantries, etc).

The irony is that no matter what we do, the state of dissatisfaction never goes away for good, because in both cases our attention is directed outwards as we are trying to deal with the circumstances around us, thereby completely ignoring our inner well-being. As soon as we have acquired the thing that is supposed to make us happy, we enjoy it for a brief period and then our dissatisfaction returns, often stronger than before.

"The Business of Being" helps you get connected inward so that you can experience yourself and the world in a completely different way — a way in which there is no psychological suffering; a way where inner well-being, freedom and creativity are present and where they don’t depend on anyone else but on you. If the old way of experiencing things ever returns, you will know what to do to correct it.

We, as the authors, want this book to set you free from the pain and the silent suffering triggered by the ever-changing external circumstances and help you connect with yourself and the people around you. In the process you will find inner strength and balance. Even though we use a lot of real life-example from work life, the principles descried here are universal and apply to all areas of life, such as family, relationships, community involvement, etc.

Kim Bellisimo and Emil Ivanov bring together two unique points of view to the book: the logical left-brain and intuitive right-brain perspectives. To overcome their different viewpoints Kim and Emil had to learn to see the value of the other's way of thinking and to bring the two perspectives into a relationship and wholeness. As a result, the book is written to appeal to both logical and intuitive people bringing together the authors’ personal experience and knowledge for the benefit of their readers.

Sales arguments

  • Size of Target Market: 85% of all employees are unhappy at work (Gallup).
  • > 6000 combined followers and friends across FB, LinkedIn and IG.
  • > 8 hrs of professional videos elucidating key aspects for the book.
  • Kim's Platform: 2000 mailing list and existing clients.
  • Emil's Platform: Host of TV Show "Beyond the Limitations" in four countries in Europe.

Similar titles

  • The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle, New World Library, First Edition 1999 - Our book is similar because it too gives the readers an inner pathway to their essential nature as consciousness and increases the readers’ awareness of the their inner and outer reality. Our book is different because we don’t use any new age or spiritual metaphors, which might put off people with more skeptic minds. Our explanations, examples and metaphors are geared towards the rational people in business, science, or engineering.
  • The Code of the Extraordinary Life, Vishen Lakhiani, Rodale Books (2016) - Our book is similar as it explains how the mind creates reality relying on a variety of beliefs and rules about the world, which are not necessarily true and must be consciously updated. Our book is different as it goes deeper in uncovering the essence of human nature. Consequently, our practical recommendations help the reader at the level of their inner Being without the need of applying any willpower.
  • The Happy Mind, Kevin Horsley and Louis Fourie, TCK Publishing (2018) - Our book is similar as it points to the facts that (i) happiness can’t be found in external things such as money, big houses, cars, vacations, etc; (ii) happiness is not in the past or the future; and (iii) happiness is different from sense pleasures. Our book is different because it points directly to the source of happiness, which can only be found within us by applying the process of inner navigation, which we outline in detail.


This book is written for everyone who feels exhausted, paralysed, or afraid of the unknown in their life or their job and want to discover the tools to find fulfilment and inner well-being.

Emil Ivanov

About the author

Personal website:

Emil Ivanov has spent 22 years of his career working in the financial services industry in Sofia, Cardiff, Norwich, London and Dublin. For the most part of his career Emil was focused on chasing the next big thing, which would finally make him happy. He was willing to move fast up the promotion ladder and take shortcuts wherever possible until he discovered that the only way to find happiness is to turn within.

All his life Emil had also pursued a second path, parallel to his formal education and professional development. Ever since he can remember he has been dedicated to exploring the nature of reality and consciousness. He started with reading Western philosophy and then gradually moved on to the teachings of Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, Shaiva Tantra, Taoism, and Shamanism. Most recently he has been studying the consciousness works of the physicist Tom Campbell.

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Kim Bellisimo

A life transition coach and a career counsellor

Personal website:

Highly intuitive from a very young age, Kim would always know an embarrassing amount of intuitive information about the people around her like her teachers, friends, parents, classmates and family members. As an adult, she found her abilities growing stronger and became like a sponge for these people, often absorbing their physical and emotional pain, leading to many health problems. Motivated by a desire to heal her body, she set out on a journey to discover and develop the tools to help her on her own path of transformation. This led to the development of her EnergyWorks method for creating new possibilities.

Kim has a Master’s Degree in Life Transition Counselling from the University of San Francisco, which provided her with a psychological framework to go with the intuitive skills she was born with. As a life coach, Kim's methodology consists of helping people create from the whole, as opposed to being either stuck in the negative or swept along by the overly positive. Her passion is to help people create and live in new realities, moving through their hearts, transcending chaos and reconnecting to the world.

Inside Edge Publishing

100 copies • Partial manuscript.
Inside Edge Publishing works with our writers every step of the way on their literary journey, helping to bring out the most from their work. From an idea and rough draft to editing and publication, Inside Edge Publishing helps our authors produce high quality, interesting and entertaining books. We are looking for innovative writing in just about any genre but love memoirs, thrillers, sci-fi, business, and motivational books just to name a few. Our books frequently appear on the bestseller lists and our authors are among some of the best known in their genre. At Inside Edge Publishing, we believe that every author has a story to tell and that every story deserves to be told.

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Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press

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Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press was founded by international best-selling author Jesse Krieger and focuses on personal development, healthy lifestyles, and entrepreneurship-focused titles. Our process starts with your nearly-finished manuscript, which we turn into a beautiful publish-ready book and launch up the best-seller charts. But it doesn't stop there, our most valuable work is in helping you use your book as a business development tool so you can build a thriving book-based business and brand.

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Something or Other Publishing

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
SOOP is a small virtual publishing company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, with a core team based in the US and additional contractors around the world. SOOP currently focuses on curating a small number of volumes for publication each year to enable its team to dedicate a great deal of time to working with its authors directly - not just on the manuscript, but also on platform-building and promotion.

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1106 Design, LLC

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  • Rajesh Manirajan
    on May 12, 2020, 1:10 p.m.

    Glad to be part of the campaign. I am a big follower of you and Kim.

  • Clare Kavanagh
    on May 13, 2020, 8:27 a.m.

    Good luck Kim and Emil. Loved your session at Positive Nights in Dublin and can’t wait to read the book. Congratulations and lots of love x

  • Svetlana Nedkovska
    on May 13, 2020, 12:47 p.m.

    So happy to be part of the pre-order process of this Best Seller to be book! Emil Ivanov is one of the most trusted and knowledgeable yet humble and lovable person I have met.. Go Emil!

  • Boris Potskov
    on May 13, 2020, 1:14 p.m.

    I can't wait to unfold the covers of this book, which looks inspiring.

  • Jeremy Masding
    on May 14, 2020, 1:01 p.m.

    Good luck with the funding and launch. I’m sure it will be a success.

  • Tom Joyce
    on May 14, 2020, 4:17 p.m.

    Hi Kim, I am so happy to see that you are publishing a book. Looking forward to reading it and I wish you all the greatest success.

    Tom Joyce

  • Rebecca Carter
    on May 14, 2020, 9:15 p.m.

    GOOD LUCK, Kim and Emil - your book sounds just amazing and I can’t wait to read it. And so, so happy to be back in touch, Emil! Love Becky xxx

  • Nancy Kukacka
    on May 15, 2020, 3:19 a.m.

    I am so excited to share and experience Kim and Emil’s collaboration!

  • Tim Long
    on May 15, 2020, 10:05 a.m.

    Best of luck Kim and Emil. Looking forward to reading the book and sharing it with good friends.

  • Simon Holmes
    on May 15, 2020, 11:01 a.m.

    Very best of luck with this great project Emil!

  • Sarah Ryan
    on May 15, 2020, 1:05 p.m.

    Congratulations Emil. I’m really looking forward to reading your book. Sarah.

  • Diana Miteva
    on May 15, 2020, 2:15 p.m.

    Thanks dear Emil for making part of your success story! Diana

  • Vanya Koonce
    on May 15, 2020, 6:35 p.m.

    I'm looking forward to reading the book. I'm certain it’s a game-changer!

  • Stacie Solt
    on May 16, 2020, 10:57 a.m.

    Many congratulations to you both. I read the first few chapters available online. I look forward to reading the rest too!

  • Anna Koleva
    on May 18, 2020, 3:55 p.m.

    Looking forward to read the book!Best regards, Anna

  • Silviya Rashkova
    on May 19, 2020, 12:50 p.m.

    Good luck, Emil! You have such a brilliant mind and a pure soul, I can't wait to read what you wrote with Kim Bellisimo!

  • Magdalina Altavanska
    on May 22, 2020, 7:15 a.m.

    Hi Emo, I have just ordered the book. I look forward th have it. Best regards Megy Altavanska

  • Atanas Dinkov
    on May 22, 2020, 7:10 p.m.

    Dear Emo, good luck with the book! Please let us know if we can do something else to support you. Love. Nasko Dinkov & Nataliya Y.

  • Kirsten Senbrunch
    on May 22, 2020, 8:05 p.m.

    This paid from Kirsten Senbrunch to be delivered to Kim Bellisimo for pick up.



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The Free Sessions Starter Pack

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Get two free 30 minutes 1:1 sessions with either Kim, Emil or both (worth $200), where we coach you to apply the key concepts of “The Business of Being”. We will also include free access to an exclusive 5 hours Zoom Seminar (worth $200), eight printed copies to share with friends, family, or colleagues and everything else listed here.

✓ Free two 30 minutes sessions with either Kim, Emil, or both (worth $200)
✓ Free access to 5 hr Zoom Seminar (worth $200)
✓ In-Book Acknowledgement as Supporter
✓ Printed Copy (x8)
✓ eBook (Kindle, ePub or PDF)


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The Patron Pack

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Get two free 60 minutes 1:1 sessions with either Kim, Emil or both (worth $400) to go deep into any aspect of your life, where you are looking for transformation. We will also include free access to an exclusive 5 hours Zoom Seminar (worth $200), twelve printed copies to share with friends, family, or colleagues and everything else listed here.

✓ Free two 60 minutes sessions with either Kim, Emil, or both (worth $400)
✓ Free access to 5 hr Zoom Seminar (worth $200)
✓ Only 10 people will be personally acknowledged as Patrons in the book
✓ Printed Copy (x12)
✓ eBook (Kindle, ePub or PDF)


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The Benefactor Pack

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Get free an eight episodes documentary, where Kim and Emil discuss every aspect of the book in person. We will also include two free 60 minutes 1:1 sessions with either Kim, Emil or both (worth $400), free access to an exclusive 5 hours Zoom Seminar (worth $200), sixteen printed copies to share with friends, family, or colleagues and everything else listed here.

✓ 8 episodes documentary where Kim and Emil discuss every aspect of the book in person (worth: priceless)
✓ Free two 60 minutes sessions with either Kim, Emil, or both (worth $400)
✓ Free access to 5 hr Zoom Seminar (worth $200)
✓ Only 5 people will be personally acknowledged as Benefactors in the book
✓ Printed Copy (x16)
✓ eBook (Kindle, ePub or PDF)


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Kim's Coaching Clients

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