The Business of Influence teaches anyone to tap their business into the influencer economy and achieve massive results.
Hey Everyone!
It has been a LONG time since my last update for which I apologize. Like any other entrepreneur, current client work and business travel must come first before I can create content, and the work and travel has kept me busier than I had expected. That being said, I am happy to announce that I just passed the 50% completion mark for the rough draft and am hoping to have a final manuscript ready by the end of August - fingers crossed! The campaign has now sold 465 books (THANK YOU!), only 35 away from my original goal of 500. If you think your friends and network might find value from my book, I do hope that you will share this link: The Business of Influence Link with your communities so that, with your help, we can reach 500 and expose the book to more publishers. THANK YOU!
Speaking of publishers, I have yet to sign a contract with one and am still in the decision making process ... but in all honesty I am placing priority on making sure I finish the book by the end of the month, so for those publishers reading this waiting to hear from me, hope to get back to you in the next few weeks!
I also wanted to make sure that you are aware that I am hosting a free webinar tomorrow on "Organic Social is Dead. Do this instead." It is based on my latest thoughts on what businesses should be doing vis a vis social media TODAY.
Check out the details for the webinar by clicking on the link below:
Neal's Free Social Media Webinar on July 25
On Thursday I am back to Tokyo for a B2B marketing event on August 1. If you will be in Tokyo during that time let me know and I'll make sure you get a free pass. Otherwise, make sure you follow me on Instagram @NealSchaffer ( as I find myself providing the most personal updates to my community there and spending less time on Facebook....
That's all friends. I promise to stay in better touch as we get closer to completion!
Warm regards,
Neal Schaffer