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The Human Solution

Lori Kirstein

How the Feminine Face of Business - and Human-Driven Business Systems - Will Save the Planet

The Human Solution is an unapologetic, paradigm-shifting perspective of male-formed business - with its system of domination, force, mechanizing of the human, and its fundamental disrespect of human drivers and potential - as unavoidably destructive due to the lack of the feminine face of leadership: compassion, emotional awareness/communication, collaboration, financial equality, personal growth and respect for the fundamentals of human quality of life, first. The solution lies in the unexplored professional wealth of the people around you.

  Corporate Culture   50,000 words   25% complete   4 publishers interested
30 preorders
$750.00 funded


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Update #5 - Do you know how much a slave you and I are to our business systems, and how we stop? Feb. 28, 2021

Hi there! 

That's the point of the book, but it wasn't until about 2 weeks ago that I got the missing piece!

You probably know that when you have a certain mindset, you see through that lens and it's difficult to allow a shift of perception.

Well, I had known for a while that the top-down control system we live with was created from post-Industrial Revolution decisions. What I didn't see was that the machine fever that had rendered us more virile, and capable of exponentially greater bottom lines, was seen as the answer to EVERYTHING.

Not just our businesses but our view of what the human could be.


Perfectionism reached a fever pitch and has never stopped being the benchmark of "excellence".

  • With the "right" kind of instruction, any human could - like a programmed machine - be perfect at their job.
  • With the "right" attitude, any human could - like a piece of machinery tuned to the whole - be perfectly happy at any job.


This one is particularly reprehensible, because the thought that we can be treated like a home alarm system - set it and forget it - is cruisin' for a bruisin'. 

The human being is limitless in her/his creative and growth capabilities. Put two or more of those humans together to co-create, and you have a kind of growth that puts the Industrial Revolution's improvement over Cottage Industry to shame!


We have reached a new era in our world. We have gone as far as we can regeneratively go with the mind. Oh, we can keep creating, but we do so without any consideration of our relationship to one another, to our human community, and to our planet.

We cannot keep living with and creating from a mentality that reflects a 200-year-old reality. We upgrade our CARS in a matter of a few years, and we're still working with a 200-year-old mindset?

Time for a change. Time to work - and perceive - outside of that old perspective. Time to put the human being in the driver's seat when it comes to creating systems, motivation, inspiration and opportunities for innovation. Time to put money in the back seat where it can "get busy" making more piles of money. Because that's what happens when you remove the steering wheel from Money's hands, and give the wheel and the road to those with the eyes and the vision to adjust, respond, create...


And this realization I came to about the carpeting of our consciousness with this extremely old mindset gave me the connective tissue I needed to really tighten up the book and give the perfect instruction of my goal to those editors I am now interviewing.

This is getting good.

Thank you for being on the journey with me!

I hope you are well, and finding ways to learn from rather than having to suffer from these challenging times. We are walking it together.

From my heart to yours -
