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The Incorruptibles

Gregory Borse

A Novel

Could the blood of a miraculous saint combined with the diabolical work of Josef Mengele finally unlock the secret to immortality and rewrite apocalyptic history?

  Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense    Alternate History   108,000 words   100% complete   Published by A&M Publishing
225 preorders
$4,500.00 funded


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Update #17 - 10 Days and Counting March 1, 2018

Dear Incorruptibili,

Well--10 days to go and counting down!  Thank you so much for your support!  I am truly grateful.

I received this message today:

"Gregory - I definitely enjoyed what I read and I am pleased to offer you the attached publishing agreement where we will absorb all costs of creating the book."

So, I've had offers from publishers who want me to lay out some $$ in order to get "The Incorruptibles" to market.  Today, I was contacted by a publisher that is willing to absorb the costs and offer me a "traditional" deal for royalties.  The Publishizer campaign, thanks especially to you, gives me the option of accepting an offer from a hybrid publisher who will give me a greater percentage of the back-end sales receipts. But a traditional deal (as described in the quote above) is and has always been the goal--every hybrid publisher who has contacted me has basically said, "It you get a traditional deal, you have to go with it."

So--I write tonight to thank you all for your helping me get that first traditional offer. I'm going to see the Publishizer Campaign to it's end.  But things today are looking UP.

And that's because of you.  Thank you.

Gregory Borse, author

"The Incorruptibles: A Novel"