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The Incorruptibles

Gregory Borse

A Novel

Could the blood of a miraculous saint combined with the diabolical work of Josef Mengele finally unlock the secret to immortality and rewrite apocalyptic history?

  Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense    Alternate History   108,000 words   100% complete   Published by A&M Publishing
225 preorders
$4,500.00 funded


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Update #19 - 8 Days and No Fewer than 39K Retailers March 4, 2018

Dear Incorruptibili,

I failed to include in my last update that the offer on the table means distribution to all e-book formats (Amazon, Kindle, etc.) but also 39,000 retail outlets worldwide.  These include all the major stores that sell books that you know--Barnes & Nobles, Walmart, Costco, Books-A-Million, Airports, etc.  This offer is now the floor for any offers that come next.  And there will be offers coming next. Publishizer will be querying 30 more publishers at the end of my campaign (8 days left).  So, the more pre-orders, the better quality offers that will be made.  My position has changed as of the "traditional" offer, since now any new offer that's made will have to beat the offer on the table.  And since I teach ethics, any new offer will be subjected to my letting the publishers who have contacted me the opportunity to counter.  Which is the way the free-market works and is the best means to determine the publisher who is the best fit for "The Incorruptibles: A Novel."  I have no doubt there is a huge audience for this book and its sequels--"The Resurrectionists," and "The Apocalyptists."  I want you--my Incoruptibili--to factor in the success of this process.  So, thank you for continuing to promote "The Incorruptibles."  Please know that you will receive your autographed book for pre-ordering and your name will appear in the acknowledgments.  And I've devised a special way to acknowledge your support that has not yet been revealed.  Stay tuned and please tell your family and friends.

I appreciate it so much.  Thank you.

Gregory Borse