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The Incorruptibles

Gregory Borse

A Novel

Could the blood of a miraculous saint combined with the diabolical work of Josef Mengele finally unlock the secret to immortality and rewrite apocalyptic history?

  Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense    Alternate History   108,000 words   100% complete   Published by A&M Publishing
225 preorders
$4,500.00 funded


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Update #20 - 6 Days Left! March 6, 2018

Hello Incorruptibili--

Just six days left on the Publishizer Campaign.  I hope you know how much I appreciate your support.  We have 179 pre-orders.  30 new publishers will be queried at the end of the campaign and, if I get 71 more pre-orders before that time (making an even 250), then at least 40 publishers will have an opportunity to offer a contract on this book.  Bottom line, since I have already been made numerous offers, "The Incorruptibles: A Novel" will be published and will be distributed through the most traditional chains--39 thousand retailers worldwide (including Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and other major outlets) but also all E-book formats (Kindle, etc.) and Amazon.  So, if you know people who are interested and just haven't pre-ordered yet, please encourage them to pre-order their autographed copy today.  They will get an autographed copy plus an acknowledgement in the book itself.   There are other bonus offerings as well, so tell them to go to and find "The Incorruptibles: A Novel" on the main page (or under the "Thrillers" button).  They can pre-order at my page and they can also "Subscribe" to the Campaign so they can get the updates as I send them out from now until the end.  They can also find more information and excerpts at Angie'a Diary Media, where an excerpt is currently featured on its main-page, as well as at my "The Incorruptibles" Facebook page (go here: )

Again--I cannot express my gratitude for your enthusiasm for my debut novel.  I am very excited that it will  actually become a best-seller and reach the widest possible audience.  I am writing the sequel, "The Resurrectionists," even now, and that will be followed by the third in the trilogy, "The Apocalyptists."  So, as they say, STAY TUNED!

With great affection--

Gregory Borse, author

"The Incorruptibles: A Novel"