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The Incorruptibles

Gregory Borse

A Novel

Could the blood of a miraculous saint combined with the diabolical work of Josef Mengele finally unlock the secret to immortality and rewrite apocalyptic history?

  Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense    Alternate History   108,000 words   100% complete   Published by A&M Publishing
225 preorders
$4,500.00 funded


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Update #29 - Update No Update Update Aug. 10, 2018

Dear Incorruptibili: 

Sorry for the long delay in updating here. I have not done so because there has been little to report. My book is with the editors at Isabella Media and I'm told that "no major changes" have been recommended. This is good news. I still have not, however, received the recommended changes from the Publisher and await them, patiently, as you do (no doubt). As soon as I receive the manuscript back, I will go through it to approve the recommendations and then we are off to the races (with graphic design and marketing decisions, etc.). My hope still is to have "The Incorruptibles" online (in all e-formats and in all markets) and at all the major retail outlets by Christmas. Thank you for your continued support! Like you, I cannot wait to see this great book in print. And this "in-between" has been a bit stressful, but I am learning a new form of patience thereby. Which is a good thing.

With my sincere gratitude,

Gregory Borse, author

The Incorruptibles