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Dhruv khanna

Dhruv khanna

Delhi, India

A story maker in morning who loved to fantasize with imagination holding a cup of expresso, A author in evening and a Poet in the witching hours.

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About the author

I have been weaving tales of fantasy and romance through my poetry for the past seven years. My words are raw, passionate, and unapologetically edgy. With a heart that beats for love and a mind that dreams in magic, I’m on a mission to create a book that will captivate readers and leave them spellbound. Get ready to dive into a world where love knows no bounds and dreams come to life. From the early age of my life, I have been fantasizing about a story that is diluted with love and romance, with some unexpected turns and an unbelievable end. Writing it with all the blood of my heart I have reached finishing my own first romantic-suspense story that will keep you interested till the last word.
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If The Lady Luck hits 500 pre-orders by Sunday 15 December 2024 noon UTC, then it will be pitched to 34 traditional publishers when the campaign ends. If The Lady Luck hits 250 pre-orders by Sunday 15 December 2024 noon UTC, then it will be pitched to 27 hybrid publishers when the campaign ends. If The Lady Luck hits 500 pre-orders by Sunday 15 December 2024 noon UTC, then it will be pitched to 76 publishers when the campaign ends.
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Publishizer is a crowdfunding literary agency. If 500 pre-orders is reached, then we pitch this proposal to traditional publishers. If not reached, then it gets pitched to non-traditional publishers.

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Update #7 - "The Lady Luck" Reinforcing Outdated Gender Tropes? Oct. 5, 2024

In a world where female empowerment is celebrated, does Alia's manipulation as a "femme fatale" undermine the complexity of strong women? And is Richard, the male protagonist, merely a “damsel in distress,” trapped by Alia's influence? Join the debate: Are we challenging stereotypes or simply reshaping them in modern romance?

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