Tumo, an African princess, and Kai, a social anthropologist from North Carolina, met unexpectedly in Mononiko, a fictional African nation. The impending arranged marriage of Tumo complicates their budding romance. Tumo and Kai must work together to get her out of her engagement. The secrets they uncovered during their investigation sent shockwaves through the small island of Mononiko.
The Lost African Princess: The Prequel takes readers on a journey to the captivating and fictional African nation of Mononiko, where they meet Tumo, an African princess, and Kai, a social anthropologist from North Carolina. They fell for each other instantly, but their love hit a snag when Tumo’s father arranged for her to marry Lencho, who belonged to a wealthy family with a dubious past. Despite Lencho’s attempts to sabotage their relationship, Tumo and Kai love continues and work together to find a way out of her engagement. During the process of investigating, they uncover a deeper, more complex story surrounding the engagement. The path to a happy ending for Tumo and Kai requires Tumo, the king, and queen to confront long-standing wounds and buried traumas. .
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I am a self-published author with 2 books on amazon. A Chance Encounter and An Unconventional Love Affair.
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I hear another knock, and Nessa comes in. “The king and queen are waiting or you in.” She looks at me and closes the door. “Tumo, you have that look in your eyes. What’s wrong?” I smile. Nessa has been my maid since I was young, and in some ways, we grew up together. In those years, she has become my best friend and few confidants “just thinking of ways to break free from my gilded cage.” “Maybe the man your parents choose for marriage will allow you more freedoms,” “Nessa you are sometimes too good for this world. I’m praying my future husband is a good guy, but you know how the guys I grew up with are. I’m the only successor to the throne, but I’m still treated like a kid, not like someone who has power from birth.” Nessa hugs me. “I can’t imagine how you feel, but I know you have survived this hellhole of a castle and can survive much more.” With a gentle pat on her arm, we descended the staircase together.
As I enter the dining room, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air and I see my parents sitting at the table, ready to start their day. “Good morning” My dad looks up from his phone. “You are late, don’t make it a habit” before I can respond, the staff comes out with breakfast and places our plates in front of us. “We have a meeting later on Juko, at 4, and we will stay overnight at the Nestory estate. Ensure that you bring something appropriate.” He keeps eating and I’m trying to eat, but my heart’s pounding and I’m worried. He is going to make me marry Lencho Nestory. The Nestory estate is on the surrounding island of Juko, that is under my father’s rule. The Nestory’s made their fortune from the mines in Africa and some shady dealings. There are plenty of other single dudes in other noble families. He keeps mentioning Lencho, and I can’t figure out why. I try to gulp down some more food and when Dad’s done, it’s a sign that the meal’s over and we can leave. Rising from the table, I quickly head upstairs and call out for Nessa to come.
I take off my heels and she comes in and closes the door. “What’s with the 9-1-1?” My toes sink into the plush carpet as I walk around my room barefoot. “my dad wants to spend the night at the Nestory estate and I have a sick feeling he is going to arrange a proposal to Lencho.” Nessa gasps “Isn’t he 41? Why would your dad try to set up an arrangement with Lencho? he and his father Lucas both have a reputation of being cruel to women.” “I don’t know. This doesn’t make sense. Can you help me undress? I want to go out to the market and walk around without being recognized.” Nessa bites her lip. “Tumo, I don’t think that is a wise idea to go out right now.” I look at her. “please can you help me undress? I will be back before 3. I just need to get out of this place and breathe. I will take Golef with me.” That seemed to calm her down, and she helped me take off my dress and crown. I threw on jeans and a T-shirt, then texted Golef to come meet me in the garage.
I checked my email to see if I got a response from the social anthropologist assignment in Mononiko. Currently, I am working as an adjunct teaching in the anthropology department at UNC and although I enjoy teaching students, I prefer working on assignments. There’s nothing quite like the excitement of exploring unknown places, and that it typically pays more than adjunct teaching roles is just a bonus. I got back from my last assignment 9 months ago and I saved enough to help cover some of my bills for a few months until the next opportunity comes. However, this is the longest I’ve gone without an assignment and I’m getting angsty. My parents and sister Moesha are relieved that I’ve been stationary for over three months, but this lifestyle doesn’t suit me. My parents hope I settle down and get a “normal” job and build a family. Despite being two years my junior, my sister Moesha is already married and actively trying to conceive a child. Moesha is my best friend, and she has done a pretty good job of keeping my parents at bay. I see the email and I open it and read that I got offered the position and they want me to start next week.
Glancing at my watch, I realize it’s almost 1 pm and decide to call Moesha. She picks on the second ring, greeting me with a curt “watcha want?” I joke. “damn, no hi, no how are you,” she snorts. “nope now, watcha want.” “I got the job and they want me to start next week. It works out perfectly seeing how my last class just ended.” She yells “CONGRATULAIONS. I am so proud of you, Kai. You were stressing over nothing. I knew you were going to get it.” I smile. “Your optimistic nature is one thing I love about you. My only issue is I just paid for my lease a year in advance and need someone to move in, so I don’t lose the money.” “Well, you are in luck. Khalif and I’s apartment lease ended, and we are currently staying with mom and dad until we find another affordable place. We can move in.” I am thankful because I wouldn’t have to find someone to take over my lease and I can trust my sister. “Alright, so it’s settled and maybe when we have family dinner you can mention it to mom and dad. That would soften the blow of me leaving for another year.” She laughs. “I got your back. Love you to the moon and back,” I smile again. “I got yours as well. Love you to the galaxies and back.”
We take the long way around the estate and get to see the island and when we arrive, the staff are there to greet us and take our bags. The Nestory’s and my father walk ahead and my mother falls back to match my step. “I don’t have much time, but I wanted to give you a head up that your dad is planning a marriage arrangement.” I gasp, but cover it up with a cough. “Why didn’t you tell me before we left?” “I wanted to, but your father made sure I was busy with engagements, so I couldn’t give you a warning. I tried to talk your father out of it, but he is up to something, otherwise he would’ve never thought of Lencho. I am going to fight for you as much as I can, or at least make sure you can take Golef with you.” “Thank you, mama, for warning me” my mom stops me and makes sure no one is around, and she hugs me and I hug her back. I love my mom and I know she loves me, but she was raised to be a queen and bred kids for a king. It disappointed my dad when it turned out she could only have me because of an infertility problem, since he wanted a son, not a daughter. Mononiko’s law is that only the king’s offspring will get the crown, no matter their gender.
We catch up with the rest of the group and we take our seat next to our father. “My sincere regrets for arriving a little later than usual, as the princess and I had a pressing matter to attend to.” Mr. Nestory looks at us. “no need to apologize for your highnesses,” a waiter comes by to offer me a macaroon and I take it and nibble it. “As I was saying earlier, I am impressed with how much Lencho has achieved. And I hear he is a jetsetter and travels all over the world securing prosperous business deals.” I roll my eyes and catch Lencho looking at me and raise an eyebrow. I humbly thank you for your kind words, Your Majesty. I only hope to please you. My business deals enabled us to invest in the island and produce more revenue for the kingdom.” My dad grins like a Cheshire cat “I am curious how an eligible bachelor like yourself is still single at 41?” Without missing a beat “I am single because I spent so much time helping grown my family business that I haven’t had the time to find a suitable wife.” My heart beats faster again, knowing that this is the moment where my dad offers me up like a present. “My daughter is not getting any younger, and I believe you would make an excellent match.” My stomach drops and just like that, my life is over. I’m gonna be this monster’s victim. I tuned out and joined everyone for dinner. I try to shoulder through dinner while the mindless chatter continues around me until dinner is over. I was brought to my room and Nessa was there to help me prepare for bed. Once the door was shut, I started sobbing, and she embraced me and stroked my head.
Nessa stayed with me while I changed into my PJs, looking after me until I felt better before she went to bed. I’m lying down in bed with the window open and a gentle breeze coming in. I decide to scroll through social media, and I hear a knock at my door, thinking it’s either my mother, Nessa, or one of my guards, and I get up to open the door. Standing in front of me was the monster himself. I look around for my guards. “Your guards are patrolling the grounds you don’t have anything to worry about. I’m not going to bite. May I come in?” I allowed Lencho in out of politeness and agreeableness. I walk away from the door, leaving it open, and Lencho crosses the room and closes it. “I prefer privacy for this conversation.” My heart races again and he sits in the small lounge area in my room and he pats the spot beside him. I sat in the chair across from him. “You came to speak, so speak,” he smiles. “let’s cut the formality princess. I already know you don’t want to marry me and if you could, you would run away. I am giving you a curtesy visit. I did my research on you, and I know how you like to sneak into the market under disguise.” I gasped, unable to determine how he could find that out. I am careful when I go into the market. “Close you mouth princess you will catch flies” I shut my mouth “you will not continue to go into the market, and I expect you to stay with me at least 2 weekends a month and to come to my events to sell it to the public we are in love.” I am boiling mad and before I can stop myself, I say, “I don’t know who you think you are, but I am a princess and you will treat me like one. You will demand nothing of me. I will visit you when I feel like it, not when you call. In case you need a reminder, I am the heir and I hold the power.”
He stares me down and I have a smirk on my face, and I get up to show him the door and he follows. When I get to the door to see him out, I feel him yank my head wrap back and my neck snap back to look up at him. “Let me remind you-you are still a woman, and you hold no power. I am going to be your husband, so you will bend to me or I will teach you.” I try to break his grasp and he only tightens his hold on my wrap and my hair underneath, and tears start forming in my eyes. “you are lucky you aren’t my wife, or I will discipline you, but because you are merely my fiancée, I will let you go this one time. Don’t make this a habit” he releases me and spins me around and kisses me. I lift my knee and before he has time to react, I knee his dick and press the alert button on my bracelet while he is on the ground. I run to the door and before I reach it, he yanks my arm and I see he is pissed and before I have time to scream, the door swings open. Lencho looks up to see Golef. “I recommend you release the princess before I end you,” he releases me and I run to Golef. “Very well, I was just leaving” he walks out the door and I notice a slight limp and Golef hugs me. “I will stay the night to ensure he doesn’t come back.” Through my tears “thank you, I don’t know what I would do without you” “I will lay my life down for you.”
14 chapters read
I'm reaching the end and I find the end harder to finish but I can't wait to finish and begin the editing process
I am excited to announce that I have completed 83% of the book. This story has been a labor of love and I'm excited for …
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