A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss
How one Mama healed her heart while road-schooling her young son over 22,000 miles, across 17 states and through 3 countries, during 2 years of a global pandemic and after the loss of her life partner. This Mama Caravan has hit the road and will have you believing in the magical power of love once more.
Hi beauties,
This path to publishing The Mama Caravan: A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss has already reminded me that we all have magical tales to tell.
In asking others to contribute photographs of themselves as mothers with their children, or their mothers (or grandmothers) with their children, a swiftness in response came - a deep resonance that we each have stories ready to be revealed.
And, because I so thoroughly enjoyed my Insta Live with Publishizer CEO, Bethany Marshall, I figured "Why not?" So, I am going ahead and creating a platform for other magical Mamas to share their experiences of life, love & loss specific to the most primal relationship of our entires lives ~ which is the one we share with 'Mama.'
(Don't worry, Papas. Your turns are coming soon!!! ; )
I am still accepting photographs (bonus points for old, black and whites!) of Mothers. As well, if you would like to be profiled in a Conversation with Mama Cara, just let me know. You can email me those images to beelovenow@gmail.com. Or, just direct message me anytime.
I am here to bee of service.
I hope you will hop on today's Conversation with the magical Tes Kempner.