A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss
How one Mama healed her heart while road-schooling her young son over 22,000 miles, across 17 states and through 3 countries, during 2 years of a global pandemic and after the loss of her life partner. This Mama Caravan has hit the road and will have you believing in the magical power of love once more.
A huuuuge thank you to all of you for just being you and for our connection - past, present or future.
Cee and I arrive back in San Diego this weekend, and we would love to see you. We will be at Dance Church Encinitas this Sunday, August 28. I will be offering an Emotional Fitness Dojo Class before dance church from 9:45-11am. Our class provides the context for the musical medicine setlist I have crafted for the dance church session that follows, from 11-1pm. It will be part warmup, part "work" and part Dance Party!
I/we hope to dance, play and bee with you soon,
~~~ Cara