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The Mama Caravan

Cara H. Cadwallader

A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss

How one Mama healed her heart while road-schooling her young son over 22,000 miles, across 17 states and through 3 countries, during 2 years of a global pandemic and after the loss of her life partner. This Mama Caravan has hit the road and will have you believing in the magical power of love once more.

  Parenting   50,000 words   50% complete   4 publishers interested
16 preorders
$561.00 funded


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Update #5 - Thank YOU & Join us for some EMOTIONAL FITNESS this Sunday!!! Aug. 26, 2022

A huuuuge thank you to all of you for just being you and for our connection - past, present or future.

Cee and I arrive back in San Diego this weekend, and we would love to see you. We will be at Dance Church Encinitas this Sunday, August 28. I will be offering an Emotional Fitness Dojo Class before dance church from 9:45-11am. Our class provides the context for the musical medicine setlist I have crafted for the dance church session that follows, from 11-1pm. It will be part warmup, part "work" and part Dance Party!

I/we hope to dance, play and bee with you soon,
~~~ Cara