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The Next Age Paradigm

Denise Roberge

Hope and Healing for Lightworkers

This book provides a “Next Age” look at humanity's needs and offers the wisdom, guidance and constructive tools necessary for the proliferation of hope and healing.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   50,000 words   25% complete   Published by Atmosphere Press
35 preorders
$835.00 funded



People face issues that are different than any Age prior. Along with rapid spiritual expansion, there are widespread issues such as addiction, personal woundedness, family dysfunction, and global trauma which are constantly creating new healing needs.

Humanity is at a crossroads, and the help we now require is Multi-Dimensional in nature. It is imperative for Lightworkers to continue their expansion by healing themselves first. By then learning from their experience and thereby upgrading their skill set, they can more effectively help others. This book provides specific guidance to accomplish these results.

This book provides a “Next Age” look at those needs and offers the wisdom, guidance and constructive tools necessary for the proliferation of hope and healing.

“The Next Age Paradigm” is a metaphysical array of topics to assist in raising consciousness from a 3-D perspective to a multi-dimensional one. Some topics covered are the use of spiritual Light Energy, Spiritual Anatomy, Universal Law, Communicating in higher dimensions, generational healing and more. This book transmutes metaphysical ideas into practical approaches which are effective tools for the progressive Healers and Teachers of this incredible time in history.

Sales arguments

  • David Strickel, internationally acclaimed channel, author, and teacher will provide a foreword to this book.
  • Denise Roberge has over 2K individuals followers.
  • Denise has over 30 years of experience as an Intuitive, Channel, Healer, Metaphysical Teacher, writer, and public speaker.
  • Roland M. Comtois, a world renowned and beloved spiritual medium, healer, author and public speaker has agreed to write a testimonial.
  • Testimonial from Jamie Glowacki, best selling author and world renowned Life Coach.

Similar titles

  • “The Stream” of David by David Strickle, published by Maska Media Publishing 2018. This book is a combination of channeled Next Age information and an autobiography of the author. The book is not geared toward Lightworkers/Healers and it is more theoretical than Denise’s book, which takes theory into actual practice.
  • “Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, published by Hay House, Inc. in 2017. This book is the science behind metaphysics. Denise’s book is geared toward the practical uses of this science for healing.
  • “An Intimate Dialogue with God” by Noemi Grace. Published by Noemi Grace in 2019. This book focuses on using relying on an intimate relationship with God, and using self-love to heal oneself. Denises’s book is a much broader approach and will be more palatable to those who believe in spiritual healing and Higher Consciousness but not in God.


Primarily people who serve others in spiritual, creative, progressive and holistic ways. A common term for this audience is “Lightworker”. This book will enlighten, inspire and instruct Lightworkers in “Next Age” healing ideas, tools and systems. "The Next Age Paradigm" is a beacon of Light and Hope for humanity.

Advance praise


"I really appreciate how Denise gathered and connected various modalities, encouraging us to expand our healing "toolkits" allowing Spirit to guide us to what resonates best with our individual hearts and passions, specific needs and situations. Thank you, Denise, for helping to open this door to deep healing and frequency-raising, not just for humans in need, but for all beings on our beautiful planet who ask for our help, including our dear Mother Earth. I love this way of bringing light and harmony to our world."

-Terry Landis, Student and Spiritual Healer

"If you meet Denise Roberge, you remember the moment because she is such a force of positive energy! I have interviewed her many times for TalkStreamRadio live and experienced her to be a prolific speaker who laced humility and humor into her interviews and teachings, so people of all levels of growth could understand. Having interviewed many speakers, healers, psychics and holistic teachers, I found that she was someone who really lived by the words she spoke. Denise is someone I would trust to guide a closest friend on their journey into and through Spirituality. She is a wonderful public speaker, keeping the audience engaged with her compassionate, empathetic and humor laced presentations revealing the depth of her understanding of all that is light."

-Diane Lupo, TalkStream Radio Host, Spiritual Teacher

"Denise has repeatedly blown past my barriers of fear, mistrust, and resistance to healing. I have experienced a few of the many modalities that Denise is skilled at: EFT, channeling, and guided 5D spiritual work. In each of these distinct experiences, Denise was able to go deep and address core issues that I had built up a lot of resistance to in my own mind.
Denise's work has proven to me that the biggest material shifts in life are brought on by emotional growth, release, and healing. By facilitating these experiences for me, she has opened the door for many new and exciting developments and adventures in my earthly life. After working with Denise, I feel courageous and bold, ready to take on the world lovingly and authentically."

-Kian Xie, Practitioner of Metaphysical Arts.

"In a world of spiritual shysters, Denise is the real deal. Her compassion and insight will help you break through patterns you may not have even been aware of. Using multi dimensional modalities, she has the ability to cut through the negative conditioned thinking and get right to the heart of the matter...your heart."

- Jamie Glowacki, best selling author and world renowned Life Coach.

“I have known Denise since 2008. She has dedicated her life to connecting and enhancing the lives of those of us that work in a variety of metaphysical fields. She created a wonderful organization called “The Metaphysical Network” (aka “MetNet”) that provides a link for many of us to connect with others doing similar work.

This continues to be an important function as many of us are isolated in our own practices. She is a dedicated teacher, healer and leader who is committed to enhancing the quality of life for all beings. I am sure her book will bring much knowledge and needed support.”

-Wendy Marks, M.Ed, CAS, CSS. Author of Your Soul’s Companion.

Denise Roberge

About the author

Rev. Denise is a sought-after public speaker and retreat leader.

Denise has written articles for Awakening People, and is a columnist for Cape Cod Metaphysics e-zine. She has been a contributing columnist for various online sites and a regular guest on TalkStream Radio with Roland Comtois (world renowned speaker/author), guest on Spirituality Gone Wild (an international internet TV show), and an occasional guest host on WARA Radio (locally based with international reach).

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Hopeful Seekers of Healing

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-Invitation for 2 to my closed Facebook Spiritual Healing group
- Channeled Reading Group session on Zoom for 2 people for ½ hour


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-A pdf gift of an article of mine of your choice (choices will be provided!)


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-Up to ten invitations to join my email list
-Invitation for up to 10 people to join my closed Facebook spiritual healing group
-A 90 minute live session for your group or Healing Center on a subject of your choosing (up to 10 people)
-A pdf gift of an article of mine-your choice (options will be provided)
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Teachers, Healers and Supporters of Healing

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-Invitations to join my email list
-A 90 Minute live session for your group or Healing Center on “The Next Age Paradigm” or topic of your choice in your center (only within MA and RI, USA).
-A one hour “Channeled Meditation and Messaging” Session for your group on Zoom or in person (only within MA and RI, USA).
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Collaborators in Blessing Our Planet

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This is a fabulous opportunity for:
*Metaphysical Shops
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*Book Clubs
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I gratefully offer you:
-50 autographed copies
-50 ebooks
-You, Your Shop, Center or Clinic will be mentioned in the book as a Primary Sponsor with “special thanks” from the author.
-A 90 minute workshop on “The Next Age Paradigm” on Zoom for any number of participants from your company. A half-hour of discussion and Q&A included.
-Hosting a book launch gathering
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