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The Self-Care Habit

Aditi Ramchandani

Simple Tools to Transform Stress & Flourish

As a collective, we are more exhausted, depleted, and unhappier than ever and are yearning for another way. The Self-Care Habit teaches simple stress management tools that were never taught in school and that will transform your life. It provides the keys to unlock change in stressful relationships and build a simple and fun self-care practice.

  Mindfulness & Happiness   50,000 words   25% complete   Published by Hybrid Global Publishing
218 preorders
$5,450.00 funded


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Update #4 - We are in the homestretch! June 26, 2022

Hi friend! I officially hit 50,000 words written this past Thursday! I couldn't believe it. I remember when I wrote my first 2,000 words last fall and the idea of writing 50,000 just felt overwhelmingly impossible. 

I have to turn in the full complete manuscript to my book publisher tomorrow. We are in the homestretch and I am at Panera Bread right now going through the entire book, adding finishing touches, and cleaning up some stories.

I can't tell you the amount of panic I have been waking up with in the last 3 days. My entire soul is freaking out. Pizza boxes, cans, and coffee cups all over my kitchen... just trying to get to the finish line.

We are almost there family. Thank you for being with me on this journey.

Once I turn the manuscript into the publisher, it will go to the copyeditor, book designer, title researcher, and so much more for the next round of the process. 

The Self-Care Habit will be a physically published book this year!

Thank you again for your support and a copy of the book will be in your hands soon!

