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Aditi Ramchandani

Aditi Ramchandani

Tampa, Florida

Aditi Ramchandani is a certified Life Coach & Emotional Wellness Speaker. She writes for Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Forbes, and, and helps professionals transform stress habits into self-care habits.

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About the author

At age 20, Aditi experienced a half-paralyzed face due to stress. Trying to keep up with the hustle culture, she found herself in years of depression, burnout, and exhaustion. Her wellness journey kicked off when she realized she couldn't live this way anymore. In her deepest points of depression, she vowed that if she ever got to the other side, she would help others through their emotional pain.

She became a certified Life & Health Coach, quit her corporate job to pursue entrepreneurship full time, released 60 pounds of weight, and lived as a digital nomad traveling across the country. It is her personal mission to equip others with the wellness tools that were never taught in school. Aditi has been published in Forbes, Addicted2Success, Thrive Global, and writes for She is excited to share this information that saved her life through her book.
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Success! The Self-Care Habit has already sold 218 pre-orders , was pitched to 9 publishers , and will be published by Hybrid Global Publishing .
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$25 Limited Edition

61 readers

✔️1 limited edition print copy of The Self-Care Habit Book
✔️Access to the Self-Care Starter Kit which includes a collection of written guides to kickstart your own self-care journey with personal stories and activities for you to start right away. This will be delivered to you within 30 days of purchase.
✔️The Self-Care Starter Kit includes the Self-Care Kickstart Guide eBook, 10 Self-Care Activities Handout, and a 30-day jumpstart roadmap. ($97 value)

1 copy

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$75 Friendship Edition

9 readers

✔️3 limited edition print copies of The Self-Care Habit Book, for you and 2 friends
✔️1 personally signed book hand mailed to you
✔️3 tickets to a Self-Care Circle event, for you and 2 friends
✔️The Self-Care Circles are a 90-minute journey that is held once a month and are a gathering of souls who want to deepen their self-care. During this time we do self-care activities together to dig into the depths of our soul, clear tension, and enliven our spirits. You will leave feeling cleansed, lighter, and open to miracles. You will receive a ticket to join the next self-care circle as soon as June. ($132 value)
✔️Access to the Self-Care Starter Kit as detailed in the Limited edition ($97 value)

3 copies

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$250 Coaching Edition

1 reader

✔️10 limited edition print copies of The Self-Care Habit Book for your book club, colleagues, or friends
✔️1 Private Self-Care Coaching Session with Aditi
✔️In this 45-minute session, we will get on a call together and do a 360 wellness assessment. We will uncover your current stressors and discuss a unique self-care plan that is tailored to your personality and the work-life balance you desire. You will be given a link to book your time within 30 days of purchase. ($500 value)
✔️3 tickets to a Self-Care Circle event, for you and 2 friends as detailed in the Friendship edition ($132 value)
✔️Access to the Self-Care Starter Kit as detailed in the Limited edition ($97 value)

10 copies

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$1000 Bronze Package

1 reader

✔️40 limited edition print copies of The Self-Care Habit Book
✔️1 Self-Care Group Session for your company, team, association or a 1-month Self-Care Coaching Package for an individual
✔️-> For a company, Aditi will conduct a 60-minute Self-Care Group Session and lead participants through a journey to uncover their current stressors and learn tools to practice stress management. The goal of this class is for each individual to understand themselves better and feel confident to create more ease in their day-to-day moving forward. ($1500 value)
✔️-> For an individual, you will get a 1-month Self-Care Coaching package where you will meet with Aditi 1:1 over 4 weeks. During this time you will get to understand your current stressors, learn strategies to work through them, and feel more empowered to navigate day-to-day life. You will be given a link to start your package within 30 days of purchase. ($1500 value)
✔️Special Thanks mentioned in the book
✔️Access to the Self-Care Starter Kit for attendees as detailed in the Limited edition ($97 value)

40 copies

Free shipping

$2000 Silver Package

1 reader

✔️80 limited edition print copies of The Self-Care Habit Book
✔️Includes: Self-Care Keynote Speech for your company, team, association or a 2-month Self-Care Coaching Package for an individual
✔️-> For a company, Aditi will deliver her signature keynote speech on stress management for your group. In this presentation, participants will learn how to clear mental fog, break through tension, and create personal and professional breakthroughs. The goal of this talk is for each individual to feel empowered to connect to the root of their stress so they can create more ease in the long term. ($3000 value)
✔️-> For an individual, you will get a 2-month Self-Care Coaching package where you will meet with Aditi 1:1 over 8 weeks. During this time you will get to understand your current stressors, learn strategies to work through them, and feel more empowered to navigate day-to-day life. You will be given a link to start your package within 30 days of purchase. ($3000 value)
✔️Special Thanks mentioned in the book
✔️Access to the Self-Care Starter Kit for all attendees as detailed in the Limited edition ($97 value)

80 copies

Free shipping

$5000 Gold Package

0 readers

✔️200 limited edition print copies of The Self-Care Habit Book
✔️Includes: Self-Care Keynote Speech & Workshop for company, team, or association or a 5-month Self-Care Coaching Package for an individual
✔️-> For a company, Aditi will deliver her signature keynote speech on stress management to your group. In this presentation, participants will learn how to clear mental fog, break through tension, and create personal and professional breakthroughs. To complement the speech, Aditi will also conduct a workshop where she will lead the participants through live activities to uncover their personal stressors and build a self-care plan for the work-life balance they desire. ($7500 value)
✔️-> For an individual, this will be a 5-month Self-Care Coaching Package where you will work with Aditi 1:1 over the period of 5 months. During this time you will get to understand your current stressors, learn strategies to work through them, and feel more empowered to navigate day-to-day life. You will be given a link to start your package within 30 days of purchase. ($7500 value)
✔️Special Thanks mentioned in the book
✔️Access to the Self-Care Starter Kit for all attendees as detailed in the Limited edition ($97 value)

200 copies

Free shipping

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Update #4 - We are in the homestretch! June 26, 2022

Hi friend! I officially hit 50,000 words written this past Thursday! I couldn't believe it. I remember when I wrote my first 2,000 words last fall and the idea of writing 50,000 just felt overwhelmingly impossible. 

I have to turn in the full complete manuscript to my book publisher tomorrow. We are in the homestretch and I am at Panera Bread right now going through the entire book, adding finishing touches, and cleaning up some stories.

I can't tell you the amount of panic I have been waking up with in the last 3 days. My entire soul is freaking out. Pizza boxes, cans, and coffee cups all over my kitchen... just trying to get to the finish line.

We are almost there family. Thank you for being with me on this journey.

Once I turn the manuscript into the publisher, it will go to the copyeditor, book designer, title researcher, and so much more for the next round of the process. 

The Self-Care Habit will be a physically published book this year!

Thank you again for your support and a copy of the book will be in your hands soon!

