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Michael Appleton

Michael Appleton

London, United Kingdom

Michael Appleton is a senior psychotherapist in the National Health Service in London specialising in adult and childhood trauma. His journalism has appeared in both the US and the UK.

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About the author

Michael Appleton is a senior psychotherapist in the British National Health Service specialising in adult and childhood trauma. He has consulted for British Airways, has been a clinical lead for MIND and his journalism has appeared in The Washington Times, The Belfast Telegraph, UPI (United Press International) and The Observer. He has also been involved in television documentaries such as Shrinking Childhoods, Facing The Enemy and The Trouble with Peace for the BBC, Channel 4 and The History Channel.

He is based in London
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Working group on shame plus copy of the book. The best way to bust shame is for a group of people to work together on it - because shame rarely survives the collective compassion generated in group settings. We may even organise group follow-ups - and I will be encouraging groups to set up independently.

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Order 10 copies of "The Shame Deception". This option is perfect for a Small Group or Mental Health professionals to engage in conversations and overcome challenges around the topic of shame.

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Update #4 - Update title Aug. 21, 2024

Dear all, I really wanted to thank you very much again for your support - I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I've just posted the new edit of the first nine chapters under Samples 1 (it's a small heading just above the Synopsis). 

People secretly blame themselves for challenges with their mental health, so shame means they often struggle in silence. The proposal only has a few days to run, so just if you happened to know anyone you thought might benefit, notwithstanding the concealment problem, perhaps you'd draw attention to it. People don't have to subscribe, they can still see the ideas, and still preview the sample chapters.   

The link for "The Shame Deception - Why good people hide bad things" runs to September 1st and it's at The Shame Deception by Michael Appleton Publishizer  or at

Gratefully once again!
