How Listening to Yourself Leads to a Life You Love
A unique guide about honoring your needs, following your gut and checking your ego at the door to find personal and professional fulfillment.
Hello! And Happy Spring, Passover, Easter, Earth Day, Ramadan and Lockdown?!
I hope this email finds you and your family doing as well as possible in the reality we currently find ourselves. Who woulda thought we'd be in this completely new existence since my last update - which was only two months ago - yet seems like a lifetime!
I just wanted to check in with the latest on my publishing journey, but also to remind you I can be a resource to make sense of and get you through this challenging time should you need some perspective, support and inspiration. Click on this link to find all the ways I can help and feel free to share with anyone you think might benefit.
If you’re not already following me on social media, please note it's a great way to keep up with what I’m doing, as I’ve upped my posting since the crisis began with thoughts and videos to help you navigate through this historic period. Be sure to follow me on Instagram or Facebook and subscribe on YouTube so you can be in the loop as soon as messages are uploaded.
And now for The Smoothie Principle update. Well, please refer to my previous missive with some explanation of where I’m at with that. To be totally frank, I have not made much progress – just some writing and editing - since February 14th due to all the aforementioned activity.
However, just like I mentioned last time, my philosophy and what a lot of the book is about, has to do with listening to yourself and trusting your inner voice and that the process is unfolding organically and happening “in time and on time.”
The pandemic situation hit right has I was about to dig into my manuscript in a big way so you can imagine it through me off course a bit. But then again, did it??
I can’t go into detail here, (I will at some point either in the book, a PGG, a lecture or all three), but this global shutdown made sense of where all of my life’s work and experience – and recent hermit lifestyle – were leading me. It’s coming together for me to be of service at this extraordinarily challenging and transformational time in human history.
Although I’m not an “essential worker” – and god bless those who are, thank you! – I have a lot to offer folks on a more internal level to help them cope. So that is where I pivoted my energy for the time being and have received feedback that I am indeed easing many people’s anxiety and lightening their experiences.
And then there’s this “coincidence:” When the book idea for The Smoothie Principle was born – and I have all the “receipts” to prove it – it was in 2008/2009 right at the time of, you guessed it, the last recession. I was speaking to audiences about job loss and how to approach it as an opportunity for personal growth etc. The original book proposal and query letters back then when I started to shop it around all had a preface and angle/pitch relating it to that time of extreme unemployment and uncertainty.
Sound familiar??? And this time around looks to be more extensive and far-reaching than last.
The other thing I realized is that if I had written the manuscript and got a deal right away 1. It might not be as relevant or reflect the current reality as acutely (even though the concepts are evergreen, it’s always best to tie to the zeitgeist) and 2. If it was published and I needed to be promoting and traveling to do a book tour this Spring, Summer of Fall, well, what do you think would be happening??
Excuses, procrastination or divine timing? Who can say for sure, but to my heart and gut and sense of cosmic logic, it makes sense that this is all sorting out as it is. I thought I would share all of this so you can follow along and understand the status the way I see it 😉
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments or if I can be of service in any way. In the meantime, I will continue to keep you posted when the occasion warrants it.
Stay strong and be positive as we birth a new existence for ourselves and the world in which we live. Make sure you are taking extra-good care of yourself <3
Deep breaths….one moment, one hour, one day at a time...
Big hug,
P.S. Here are some recent relevant PGG's that address the current crisis:
Quality Control: How to make the best of these times of quarantine and questioning