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The Success Playbook

Christopher Cumby

Principles and Strategies to Help You Build a Rich and Happy Life!

Success Playbook is a valuable roadmap for anyone who strives to improve aspects of their personal and professional lives.

  Journalism    Self-Help   53,000 words   100% complete   6 publishers interested
102 preorders
$2,224.00 funded



The Success Playbook is for anyone who needs help creating their own unique set of plays to guide them toward the life of their dreams. This book is also for anyone who has ever asked themselves;

Why am I failing? 

Why is this happening to me?

The Success Playbook introduces you to the four pillars of success, four strategies that outline a clear-cut path to abundant living. This playbook will coach you in the creation of your own unique set of plays, personal to you and the goals you've set for yourself. The Success Playbook is a place to write down your ideas, your goals, even your areas for improvement - it will track your growth and hold you accountable - so you can be a great competitor in the game of life. 

Praise for The Success Playbook

"The Success Playbook is a valuable road map for anyone who strives to improve aspects of their personal and professional lives. Christopher helps guide you through your journey to find what you love, do what you love, and be the person you’ve always aspired to be." 
~ Brian Tracy
"Chris and his Success Playbook and his philosophies on life have without a doubt been an inspiration and part of what led me to finding my own purpose."
~ Dave Clare, The Prophet for Purpose
"Chris is a very intelligent man. He is well thought out and is capable of providing great wisdom. An open and positive individual can learn a great deal from Chris."
~ Barry Laub, The Mind Stretch
"Not only is he a servant leader, he provides authentic solutions to complex challenges and opportunities; and he does so with the utmost character."
~ Allan Wich, Author, and Co-Host of Think Bold, Be Bold

The Success Playbook - Principles and Strategies to Help You Build a Rich and Happy Life!

By Christopher Cumby


I believe that "Happiness" is the one common goal that everyone shares, and this video is a representation of what makes me happy and why I am helping others to achieve their true happiness.

I wrote this book for people to connect with their deep desires, and live the life they really want. In this book I provide the path to get you there through time-tested principles and strategies. 

·       Christopher Cumby has gained a well-earned reputation as a vibrant leader who has a tremendous impact on every life he touches. He is an educator, entrepreneur, business and life strategist, and CEO.  His companies have grossed millions of dollars in revenue and he has been recognized as an expert in mastering the basis for success by leading thinkers like Brian Tracy.

·       Christopher is a coveted speaker and presenter, featured on NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and other affiliates to deliver a powerful message to help audiences learn the art of building the life they desire.

·       Heralded as a leading thinker in integrity marketing and high performance strategies, Christopher takes the same skills and thinking that made him a successful businessmen and applies them to living a successful life in his forthcoming book. 

Success Playbook Facebook


Coaches do not prepare for championship games without a detailed and well-considered game plan. CEOs do not lead their companies into a new fiscal year without a thoughtful and carefully crafted budget, marketing agenda, and purposeful goals for the forthcoming year ahead.  So why is creating the life of your dreams any different? The truth is that the practice of living your most amazing life is similar to coaching an important game or leading an organization.  The same rules, principles, and guidelines apply to professional and personal endeavors.  Simply put: if you want to succeed, you have to lead with a kick a$$ plan to cultivate and craft that desired outcome. 

So with that in mind, success is something for which most people strive. We work to be viewed as successful, to feel successful, and to carry all the enormous accomplishments and benefits of actually being successful. But the reality is, success is something entirely unique to each of us. What may be success for you is unreachable for someone else. A promotion, a new car, a bigger house, a happy family - any of these could be your vision of success. The point is that we all view success as something specific to our own lives.

The great thing about success—and what makes it so entirely special—is that we each have the exciting opportunity and responsibility to decide how we define success. We are the ones who determine how exactly it manifests in our lives.

Regardless of how you define success, some basic and fundamental pillars are often present among success as a whole. And that is where this book comes into play. 

The Success Playbook isn't just your companion, it will serve as your guiding light through the journey to build a fundamentally successful life. You get to define success—no one will do it for you.  Together we will help you create your own unique success playbook. This playbook is a product of your agreement to move in the direction of change. It is a place to write down your thoughts, your goals, your desires, your shortcomings, and to track your growth so you can be a constant student of the game of life. When working towards your life's goals, it is important to understand how to build a solid foundation, the basic principles, and the strength of all accomplishments.

Does living a successful and purposeful life sound exciting to you? It should.  It's exciting, it is the fabric of our existence. At times, failure may be part of that success. It may come in the form of lessons learned, scratches and bruises, and at times, deep and painful wounds.  But The Success Playbook will help you to transfer the energy behind obstacles into the exhilaration that fuels success.

Success is like a house supported by four pillars. If properly constructed, you will find a clear-cut path to abundant living. You will not only get there, but you will get there substantially faster than you would without a strong structural support in place. As we move forward in this book, these four pillars will be referred to as the basics. These basics consist of four rules, and these rules are absolutely crucial to paving the road to success. Once these pillars are formed and sustained, your life and vision will be within reach and easier to create. These basics will become the basis for how you think and conduct yourself in the world. You will learn and use these basics every day, and they will inevitably become automatic for you, eventually leading to habit-forming behaviors that will allow you to master your success.

Success is within reach. It is yours for the taking. The Success Playbook will help get you there.

Opening Big Doors!


The Success Playbook offers publishers and future readers beneficial features such as:

·      Valuable insider tips and tools to help readers visually and virtually create the life of their dreams. 

·      Words of wisdom from innovative leaders to help readers maximize performance and limit distractions on the road to your dreams.

·      Insight and awareness into the mind, heart and soul of how success is created both personally and professionally while answering the crucial question: Do you have it in you?

·      Inspiring and detailing lessons and tools for readers to consider and then implement into their own lives to better build success and deal with the everyday struggles and extensive obstacles we often see on the journey to a desired life.   

·      Teaching readers the four basic pillars that support everything else to come. The foundation of knowledge is the most important asset when endeavoring on your dreams, and your ability to build a STRONG foundation allows you to build HIGHER.

·      Working closely with readers as a companion to cultivate a rich and nurturing environment that will lead to a prosperous and abundant life.

Your Greatest Discovery!


Christopher and his NLP, Hypnosis Coach Donald Currie have designed *The Success Playbook MP3 Meditation System exclusively for The Success Playbook readers. 

Each chapter features a downloadable MP3 that will reinforce the chapter's message through a meditative exercise that strengthens the reader's connection between their conscious and subconscious mind.

*This course is absolutely free with the book and typically sells for $497

Click here to get your free access code!


Dear Reader

Getting Started: Building the Foundation, Introducing the Pillars That Support Your Success
(The basic principles that build a successful foundation)

Chapter 1: The First Pillar: Be Careful Who You Listen To 
(Why it is important to listen to the right people, most importantly, yourself)

Chapter 2: The Second Pillar: Keep Learning - You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
(The importance of continual learning, and stories of some of the greatest students of our time)

Chapter 3: The Third Pillar: Accept Change - Be the Change to See the Change
(The fundamental reason for change and how to make change happen for yourself)

Chapter 4: The Fourth Pillar: Know Why You Want Something - Make the Why Big Enough 
(Define your own "why" - inspiring stories of those who transformed their why into monumental change)

Chapter 5: Becoming the Creator: How to Take Responsibility for This Role 
(Why taking responsibility will ultimately create the life you would love to live) 

Chapter 6: Know Thyself: The Who A.R.E. You? Principle 
(Understand how to self-assess and turn knowledge into wisdom)

Chapter 7: Accurate Thought: Using Inductive and Deductive Reasoning to Attract Success 
(Use reasoning to shape yourself into an accurate thinker)

Chapter 8: The Power of Focus: Applying Faith in Action 
(Discover  the power of the mind and its ability to accomplish phenomenal outcomes through focus and applied faith)

Chapter 9: Dominating Your Thoughts: It’s Your Thinking That Makes It So 
(You are what you think about, learn how to control your thoughts)

Chapter 10: The Path to Your Goals: Fear Indecision, Not Wrong Decisions 
(The art of decision making and how to create a positive outcome)

Chapter 11: Understand Your Belief System: Desire + Awareness = Results 
(Why you think the way you do and how your belief system is created)

Chapter 12: Creating Positive Habits: Rewiring Your Hypnotic Rhythm 
(Discover the power of habits and how to create new ones that serve you)

Chapter 13: The Ultimate Application: Building Your Success Playbook 
(Start applying your new knowledge to create your own Success Playbook and design the life you really want to live)

Appendix: Recommended Reading

Acknowledgements: Thanking the extraordinary people in my life

Come Meet Me...


Supporters for the forthcoming book will tell you:

Christopher Cumby is a Business and Life Strategist and a Mindset Coach.

Christopher is also known as ‘The Kick A$$ Sales Guy’, and has helped numerous companies and entrepreneurs achieve their sales goals by being on the front lines! His recent projects have helped companies reach tens of millions on the public markets. Collectively Christopher has helped sell over $500 million in combined revenue with companies he has consulted and worked with. 

Christopher assists entrepreneurs to strategically launch their businesses using step-by-step tactics. Christopher also mentors business owners, sales people, CEO's and other high profile people.  Highly motivated people understand that having someone see their blind spots is crucial to their success! 

Remaining teachable is the greatest asset of successful people, not knowing or applying this key ingredient is why most people continue to delay their success.

Do what you love, turn faith into action, and find the courage to try!


  • The Success Principles - Jack Canfield 
  • How Successful People Think: Change your thinking, change your life - John Maxwell
  • The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy
  • The Strangest Secret - Earl Nightingale
  • The Psychology of Achievement  - Brian Tracy
  • Think Big: The keys to Personal Power and Maximum Performance - Brian Tracy


(source, Marketdata Estimates)
  • 70/30 split of Female to Male - in the USA
  • Personal Growth books forecasted to grow 4.8% over the $549 Million in the USA Market
  • Coaching Market is $1.5 Billion in the USA Market
  • Personal Development Seminar Market is est. $308 million in the USA Market
  • Overall Personal Development Global Market of $9 billion (includes all mediums)


I am working currently on a Best Seller campaign and planning a successful release of the book to ensure maximum exposure to the target audience. 

As a Sales Consultant to numerous corporations and with a vast network through my own businesses, I have already gained support from everyone in my network to launch my book successfully.

Using the social media outlets, my own personal blogging, and my podcast show "Think Bold, Be Bold" on iTunes, the book will be profiled and promoted to 1000's of followers. 

Through the cooperation of my working and personal relationships I have access to hundreds of thousands of followers on all social media and other media outlets for my launch program.

I am a member of the National Speakers Association and will be leveraging my speaking opportunities to promote my book. 


I've opted to use Publishizer to self-publish my book for a one reason. It helps to engage and connect with my community. To truly make this Success Playbook a co-creation!

Here is where the money is going:

  • Content Editor 
  • Design + layout 
  • Marketing 
  • Bestseller Campaign 

Total budget : $15,000

Thank you very much for your support. 


In addition, I want this book to help children in need of help who need someone to believe in them.

I strongly believe that those of us fortunate to create abundance and happiness in our lives should give back to those who may be struggling.

For each book pre-ordered in this campaign, $1 USD will go to:

Save The Children
Thoughts that win


Christopher Cumby

About the author

Christopher has been coaching and advising clients on both business strategies and personal development for more than 14 years. What began as sales and marketing consulting took on a broader scope of business advisement when he identified a disconnect with his clients. Seeing business growth as an extension of personal growth, Christopher saw that his clients achieved greater success in their professional lives when they also focused on positive personal development. With this realization, Chris saw the opportunity to branch out and offer consultancy services that benefit the person, not simply the organization.

In 2003 Christopher founded Integrity Marketing Inc., a direct sales consulting platform focused on creating new opportunities and new revenue streams for his American and Canadian clients. Integrity Marketing has consistently helped its clients achieve broader market shares, increased revenues and greater profits.

The Success Playbook brand, dedicated to personal enrichment, was developed to provide consulting services to his international clients. Capitalizing on this success, Christopher has authored a book on his approach to personal development allowing him to help more people in their search for self-fulfillment.

Christopher’s core expertise lies in working closely with people to help design, implement and execute their personal development and sales strategies. Christopher has been instrumental in the positive growth of each client he has worked with, contributing to their overall success.

View profile

Agora Publishing

Agora Publishing is a Canada-based not-for-profit organization, founded in 1997 with the aim of making book publishing accessible to all writers across Canada and internationally.

We are the only hybrid book publisher which is also a cable TV show producer; newspaper publisher; social media marketer and search engine marketing organization.

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Applications are due Saturday, May 29, 2021.

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Motivational Press

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Dog Ear Publishing

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ShieldCrest Publishing

ShieldCrest are book publishers based in the UK who fill that vital gap for talented authors where mainstream publishers are unwilling to give them that chance. We strive for excellence and invest in our authors and are listed in FreeIndex as the number one independent publisher in the UK for price quality and service rated author satisfaction. We publish books of all genres including; fiction, historical, biographies and children's books.

ShieldCrest publishing continues to grow rapidly with satisfied authors throughout the UK and overseas. Our range of products includes paperbacks, hardbacks and digitised e-books in all formats used globally in the myriad of e-readers.

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Virtualbookworm Publishing

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Then he discovered self publishing and the endless opportunities it presented. However, such a venture requires countless hours of research of printers, proofreaders, artists, etc. And after publication, even more time is consumed trying to market the book.

So, was established as a "clearinghouse" for authors, since it offers virtually everything under one roof. Although we now charge setup and design fees, those costs are kept to a minimum so as to cover all expenses. And, as with "traditional" publishers, we carefully review each manuscript and only offer contracts to authors who truly have exceptional manuscripts. We don't print garbage, and we want our authors to proudly say they were published by Virtualbookworm. If we accept your book for publication, you can rest assured that it will be sold next to other quality books, and not just work that had enough money behind it. And, you'll receive some of the best royalties in the business!

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* FREE downloadable Success Meditation system valued @ $497


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The Success Playbook - Jump Start Group!

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(1) Paperback Copy of The Success Playbook

* Acknowledgement in the book

* FREE downloadable Success Meditation system valued @ $497


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  • 1 physical copy
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Success Playbook Private Community Group!

7 readers

All of the previous REWARD PLUS!

(1) Paperback Copy of The Success Playbook

*Exclusive Access to my Private FaceBook group that includes some of my network of Successful Entrepreneurs from Think Bold, Be Bold Show . You will be able to interact and ask questions to help you with your career, business, and life.

*Exclusive invite to LIVEStream Online Events to watch the book launch at each venue.

* FREE downloadable Success Meditation system valued @ $497


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  • 2 physical copies
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Success Playbook - Go-Getter's Group!

3 readers

All of the previous REWARDS PLUS!

* Free access to a Group Coaching online event designed and presented by myself and TOP Coaches, Mentors and Authors!

* (1) Signed Paperback Copy of The Success Playbook

* Special Acknowledgement in the book

* FREE downloadable Success Meditation system valued @ $497


  • 1 digital copy
  • 3 physical copies
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The Success Playbook Elite Group!

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All of the previous REWARDS PLUS!

(10) Paperback books to share: for you to send to friends or organisations of your choice

(2) Limited edition signed Hardcover book - one for you, one for your best friend.

(1) “Talk with me:” 60-minute Google Hangout / or Skype video chat with Christopher and Donald Currie to discuss the journey of writing The Success Playbook and the powerful hypnotic rhythm of Success! We will also coach you during the session and help you with your goals. *$750 value

* FREE downloadable Success Meditation system valued @ $497


  • 1 digital copy
  • 15 physical copies
Free shipping 30 of 30 left


The Success Playbook Moonshot Group!

0 readers

All of the previous REWARDS PLUS!

(1) *60-minute Interactive keynote for your organisation. Christopher will deliver a tailor made presentation for your organization. Your leaders will discover how they can shift the mindset of the front line sales group into a Go-Getter Attitude. We will discuss the concept of ABC "Always be Caring" and how to build a thriving sale force with practical steps that will help your team to make an impact in their day-to-day work.
*Travel not included

(10) Limited Edition Signed Hardcover books

(1) 2-hour customized consulting session for up to 10 leadership members of your organisation, following the interactive keynote, to discuss key opportunities outlined in the key-note to take your sales team to a whole new level. We will drive action in your organisation using time-tested principles and strategies I used to build my successful companies.
*Travel not included.

* FREE downloadable Success Meditation system valued @ $497


  • 1 digital copy
  • 25 physical copies
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