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Rachel Jackson

Rachel Jackson

Ipswich, United Kingdom

Rachel's evocative writing brings together a background in Psychology and NLP, a career coaching adults in emotional intelligence and resilience and 7 years parenting two boys - one with HFA.

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About the author

Rachel has never published a book before...but has been writing in various guises for many years.  

From a background studying Psychology, working as a Psychodynamic Counsellor, running a local pub whilst learning NLP - and then as a consultant for over 15 years.  Rachel has used her days training, facilitating and coaching in leadership and emotional intelligence to hone her ability to put into words what others are struggling to understand or verbalise. She has written articles for professional publication (Selection and Development Review 2004), countless proposals and interpretative reports for her client and she has recently composed a comprehensive online learning platform for adult resilience development. Rachel writes an occasional blog on her reflections from consulting and life at https://racheljackson.wordpres...

As a traveller she has also captured her journey across Asia in a number of carefully crafted blog posts at https://racheljacksontravel.wo....  

As a mother she continues to work as an independent consultant alongside a difficult journey self-teaching in Autism, Aspergers and Sensory Processing as a support to her son Leo who is now 7.  Drawing on her own training to navigate through the maze of diagnosis, and currently grappling with the education system, Rachel has built up a broad knowledge and a far deeper wealth of personal experience in the very personal, at times painful and often amazing experience of bringing up not only a young boy with High Functioning Autism, but also a younger brother who loves him desperately and is struggling to understand why he is different.

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Success! The Thing has already sold 101 pre-orders , was pitched to 45 publishers , and is in discussions with publishers .

$5 Friends and Family

15 readers

Ok so you don’t have any connection to Autism or Aspergers besides me, and you don’t want a book or a print or a call....but you’d like to show your support anyway. This is for you.

The system works in $ but don’t fret - your faithful £ and € will do just as well. Xx


Ebook included

$9 Early Bird draft Sold out

50 readers

So the book is written...but it's in draft awaiting your support to get it into a nice pretty cover with beautiful picture so you can buy it for your families.

If you are prepared to put down a small donation to the cause, I'll let you read the copy...and would appreciate your feedback, advocacy and support in moving me towards my target. You may even know some people who know some people.

Ebook included

$10 Last orders please!!!!

20 readers

So - the $9 Early Bird offer has sold out!

So I’m introducing a latecomers “Last Orders offer” - put your $10 on the table to help me past the finish post and I will send you draft of the full final text via email plus a signed picture of The Thing for your wall on publication.

NB - don't panic about paying in dollars - its just how the site works. the total cost of $12 is about $8.75.

1 copy + ebook included

$2 shipping

20 of 40 left

$20 Signed Copy

16 readers

A signed copy of the book will be delivered to your door beautifully wrapped for your enjoyment.

NB - don't panic about paying in dollars - its just how the site works. the total cost of $25 is about $18.20.

1 copy + ebook included

$5 shipping

34 of 50 left

$30 15 minute Skype call

1 reader

This book is about my own personal experience with my son. Yours will inevitably be different. I'd love to hear your story and share my own learning about High Functioning Autism.

Ebook included

$70 Personalised Content

0 readers

Given the huge variation in behaviours on the Autistic Spectrum, and my own experience of switching out words and skipping bits for a son who is rapidly learning to read well enough to challenge me...I would like to offer 20 purchasers of my book the chance to receive an individually tailored version of the book with your own behaviour examples and a photo and inscription in the front cover for your to share with your child.

1 copy + ebook included

$5 shipping

10 of 10 left

$500 ! Named patron !

0 readers

If you really believe in this, be part of it.
For $500 you will receive 25 signed copies of the book for use with your audience.
Your name will appear in the opening pages as one of the key people/companies who made this happen.
If you’re in the UK I will come and deliver the book in person and talk about why I wrote it - or further afield I’ll do a live chat.
Come on - help me to help so many other children and their parents or carers .

25 copies + ebook included

$10 shipping

5 of 5 left

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Update #8 - Illustrated draft...and a new author in the house... Feb. 21, 2018

So today another independent publisher from the US contacted me...but I'm starting to be a little cautious about these companies - they don't charge upfront but I'm not sure they are offering what they say they will - conversations with them have left me decidedly unenthused.  I'm thinking to explore self-publishing again - or going back to the likes of Hinton House and Jessica Kingsley.  I still have about 4 publishing companies who are 'processing' my submission so a little time to wait...and in the meantime, Zeke has just shared with me the latest on the drawings...I'm blown away.  

Have a look and let me know your thoughts:

On- other news.... I'm also blown away by my son...who has decided he can write a book too.

This evening I asked him to find me a book whilst I put his brother to bed.

When I came out he told me he couldn’t find one he wanted so he was writing one…

"It's called - 'Book of Asbergers'...and its for you.  I just need some staples for the corners he says....

He then presents me with a carefully written book format...with pictures...and he reads it to me....

I am now blubbing.  I need to find a way to get this out to you...and I will...but for now its my little Thing...and he says I can keep it and take it with me to 'God's Land' to remind me of him when he isn't there....