A young boy's journey with Aspergers
Share a young High Functioning Autistic boy's journey.
Support your child to know that a diagnosis is not who they are...they are bigger, and more special than the Thing.
So today another independent publisher from the US contacted me...but I'm starting to be a little cautious about these companies - they don't charge upfront but I'm not sure they are offering what they say they will - conversations with them have left me decidedly unenthused. I'm thinking to explore self-publishing again - or going back to the likes of Hinton House and Jessica Kingsley. I still have about 4 publishing companies who are 'processing' my submission so a little time to wait...and in the meantime, Zeke has just shared with me the latest on the drawings...I'm blown away.
Have a look and let me know your thoughts:
On- other news.... I'm also blown away by my son...who has decided he can write a book too.
This evening I asked him to find me a book whilst I put his brother to bed.
When I came out he told me he couldn’t find one he wanted so he was writing one…
"It's called - 'Book of Asbergers'...and its for you. I just need some staples for the corners he says....
He then presents me with a carefully written book...in book format...with pictures...and he reads it to me....
I am now blubbing. I need to find a way to get this out to you...and I will...but for now its my little Thing...and he says I can keep it and take it with me to 'God's Land' to remind me of him when he isn't there....