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The Venn Playbook

Bill Rader

How to win the startup game.

From the author of The Venn Effect comes a practical step guide to achieving your full potential in business. The Venn Playbook is a deep dive into the principles that have led him and successful entrepreneurs to start, grow, and sell a successful business. Using the book as a guide, readers will be able to gain actionable information to move from a purpose-driven startup, through the valley of death and on to profit and security.

  Entrepreneurship & Small Business   40,000 words   25% complete   4 publishers interested
53 preorders
$987.00 funded


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Update #4 - Circling back Oct. 24, 2020

Hi, Bill Rader here.

Iā€™m just circling back since I'm down to the wire and in urgency mode... as you know, I have written a book ā€œThe Venn Playbookā€ and am doing a campaign to attract readers and publishers...(which is now in the final days).

The more books sold, the more publishers I will be pitched to...
I'm shooting for at least 250 books sold. I'm not close yet...

PLEASE (if you are able) click on this link and preorder a copy for yourself, a friend, loved one or a lot for your group.   Every order counts!

Thank you