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Carolyn Bowman

Carolyn Bowman

Saratoga, California

Before writing The Wiggly Warrior, Carolyn received a Master's Degree in Special Education and taught preschoolers thru community college. She has consistently practiced yoga for 30+years.

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About the author

Carolyn Bowman is the quirky author of The Wiggly Warrior. After completing a 30 year career as a public school teacher, she found her writing discipline through daily meditation and yoga. Most of her life, she desired to chronicle many of the grand adventures and life lessons she learned while negotiating her physical world in her wiggly body due to cerebral palsy.
Life has thrown her a few curveballs along the way. Thanks to finding yoga in her 20's, the physical postures and calming intentions kept her moving forward. She now offers yoga to others using a chair, a mat and/or warm water in the swimming pool.
She lives in the Bay Area with her cat Lorelai. Carolyn enjoys book groups, participating in her Unitarian Universalist Church and hanging out with Emma, her twenty-something daughter.
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Success! The Wiggly Warrior has already sold 107 pre-orders , was pitched to 5 publishers , and will be published by Publish Your Purpose .
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$15 A copy of : The Wiggly Warrior

43 readers

A copy of The Wiggly Warrior.

$5 shipping

$25 Signed copy of The Wiggly Warrior + Book Mark

33 readers

A signed copy of: The Wiggly Warrior + Promotional Bookmark
**Must pay more for my unique signature that never looks the same twice.

1 copy + ebook included

$5 shipping

$40 Book Bundle: two books + two book marks (buy one for a friend)

16 readers

Bonus description

1 copy + ebook included

Free shipping

$50 The Wiggly Warrior: + 30min chair yoga video

8 readers

Personally signed copy of The Wiggly Warrior+Promotional bookmark

A digital copy of a 30 min chair yoga practice

Invite to the upcoming book launch party in San Jose/virtual on-line book launch party

1 copy + ebook included

$5 shipping

$100 A copy of The Wiggly Warrior + video + in person 45 min yoga session

7 readers

Includes a personally signed copy of The Wiggly Warrior + promotional bookmark

Copy of a 30 min digital chair yoga session

One in-person/or on Zoom: 45 minute yoga class for individual or group

Invitation to upcoming book launch party in San Jose/virtual on-line book launch.

1 copy + ebook included

$5 shipping

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Update #3 - Final day for preorders Aug. 30, 2024

Hello Wiggly Warrior Subscribers!!!

      I am thrilled with the results from my pre-order campaign. This is the last day for this phase of my Wiggly Warrior Project. If you could check in with others who may have not ordered yet, that would be appreciated. 

     Having you all along on this adventure has really allowed me to deepen my story. Each time I get an order, I am inspired to polish things up. So many of you are in the story either directly or indirectly. I hope to finish up my edits for this round of developmental edits by September 13th. 

    The next day I will be facilitating a yoga session at a Unitarian Universalists Women's Retreat in Santa Cruz. I am looking forward to sharing a few exerts from the Wiggly Warrior to support others in their own Wiggly Warrior story.

   Stay tuned to learn how my next steps towards publishing unfold. Thank you so much for the awesome support.

