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The Wiggly Warrior

Carolyn Bowman

Who Drinks Coffee and Wine through a Straw

Writing my memoir has been a love letter to all those I've encountered along my path. My story is about living and thriving in my wiggly body(cerebral palsy)with the roots of my childhood, my yoga practice and many helpful hands. I invite you to join me on the journey of publishing and promoting my book.

  Biography & Memoir   51,000 words   100% complete   Published by Publish Your Purpose
107 preorders
$3,645.00 funded


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Update #7 - The Wiggly Warrior Feb. 11, 2025

Dear Readers,

     I just sent in my manuscript to the formatting team. There will be decisions to make concerning font, placement, back cover, photo etc. I was told this process will take about a month. 

     I am projecting a release date of early spring. Can't wait to send you all your copy and do some celebrating! 

More soon.
