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Theme Active: August 2023-November 2023 

When we look at human history, it is clear that the discovery and adoption of every new technology inadvertently changes the status quo. Industrialization may have dramatically transformed every aspect of human life, but the Digital Revolution was what catapulted us into a future of change at blistering speeds, beyond our understanding of its profound effects.

What makes the Internet possible came into existence in 1969. While working at CERN, Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web just 30 years old ago - but the 4th industrial revolution is well and truly underway. Our technology continues to grow exponentially more powerful every year, completely altering the ways we interact with information, our environment and each other.

Today, the world's business environment is fraught with disruptive forces, provoking upheaval and transformation across industries worldwide. Companies like Airbnb, Uber and Netflix have completely reshaped industries with rapid and widespread effects, but not without some unintended consequences as well. What remains clear is that businesses cannot stay alive without being agile enough to adapt to those changes.

Even at an individual level, we have to continually improve ourselves. Rising global life expectancy and ageing populations are forcing us to rethink careers and old age. More jobs will be displaced as automation becomes more prevalent, and new skills will be required to stay relevant in the workforce. 

Transformation is essential to life, occurring externally and internally, on macro and micro scales. But transformation isn’t just about surviving, it is also about achieving full potential. It is a never-ending journey that gives us endless opportunities to reinvent ourselves, create value and deliver extraordinary results.

There are many steps required to transform an idea into real life phenomenon - first you have to share them. Publishizer is seeking authors with revolutionary ideas in our ongoing metamorphosis amid changing times.


Keywords we love: well-being, peak performance, corporate, creativity, networking, relationships, radical empathy, emotional intelligence, happiness, effectiveness, coaches, speakers, startups, entrepreneurs, technology, leadership, habits, insight, change, movement, work flow, optimal, health, lifestyle, spirituality, meditation, evolution, business, innovation


Best Sellers

Top 3 Best Selling in Metamorphic

Experience: The Revolution

Derek Loudermilk

Experience: The Revolution looks at how transformational experiences like travel and festivals are shaping the next generation of leaders.

#1 in Metamorphic

$11,185.00 funded
103% of goal
517 preorders
103% of goal

Broken, Changed and Rearranged

Liesl Hays

Adopt behaviors of the most successful change influencers.

#2 in Metamorphic

$5,093.00 funded
54% of goal
271 preorders
54% of goal

He's Not Broken

Ginger McGee

The story of how one mother learns that her special needs child, who has Tourette's Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is the special child she didn't know she needed.

#3 in Metamorphic

$1,025.00 funded
8% of goal
41 preorders
8% of goal