This book imparts practical wisdom on dealing with life's adversities through the fictional story of a young woman guided by her perceptive, enlightened and humorous dog, Blue.
Done, done, done.... except for editor suggestions - I am done. Cried buckets tears as I do everytime I read it. If any of you want to read the manuscript - because it will still take some time to go to print and be on ereader - I will forward the manuscript to you, but you will still get a copy(ies) and ebook(s) asap!
Thank you so much for your support! It means the world to me. I really couldn't have done this without knowing I had readers waiting for me. I would probably still be writing, rewriting, or procrastinating. Now that it is done, I don't know what to do! I am so proud of myself, even if no one else loves it as much as I do. And I really do love this book.
I hope that the book's message of enduring love, hope, growth, courage, and overcoming loss is one from which you will learn something, but more importantly- will entertain you.
Much love,