Stripping Away Man-made Barriers between you and God
Unlearning Religion challenges the Religious traditions of modern society. We explore the many falsehoods rooted in Religion and explain how to Unlearn Religion by relearning to love God and People.
20 years Robert McNair became a Christian. His understanding of being a good Christian used to range from being a perfect steward of the 10 commandments to having perfect attendance at church every Wednesday and Sunday, but let's not forget the weekly meetings. He learned to pray, how to say 'no' to worldly peer pressure, as well as everything else he could put on his Spiritual Resume hoping to earn a seat in heaven.
However, What if thinking you could get closer to God by satisfying those requirements and duties was was all a lie?
What if you don't have to do any of those things to get into heaven?
What if our attempts to make God happy are pointless, because He is already happy with us?
What if no matter what we do or don't do, God still loves us the same?
Every person in this world has something in common; we are all flawed. And because we are all flawed our our attempts to connect with God will always be flawed. Instead of trusting a flawed, man-made pathway to God, there is a perfect God-made pathway that already exists within us.
Many Christians are waking up on Sunday mornings looking in the mirror, preparing to go to church, and thinking to themselves.
"What am I doing all of this for? "
Something that was once so fulfilling, now makes them feel empty. No matter what they do trying to please God every week, they end up in church emotionally happy, but also leaving church spiritually broken.
Many New Christians, Seasoned Christians, Ministry leaders and Senior Pastors are trying to hide some secret sin. The idea is to try to live as perfect as possible, and if you didn't do that, you are outcasted. If for some reason you didn't fit into what the church wants you to be, people would stop talking to you and ultimately force you to leave and feel like God doesn't love you. There are a number of reasons people leave a church:
Because of this more and more people are leaving the church. However, church should be a place where people heal from past hurts. It should be a place that's welcoming to all people, not just a select few. Church needs to be a place that you can go even if you're unsure of what you believe.
If we are honest with ourselves, we know plenty of people who have been hurt by something they saw in church. These people end up saying things like:
"Church isn't for me."
"God doesn't love me"
"A loving God doesn't exist"
or constantly questioning God.
But one thing that must be understood; it isn't God that started Religion...Humans did.
Pastors and leaders are crying for help and confessing they are living lives of depression and guilt, because they can't live up to the very things they are teaching. However, what if they were never meant to?
After reading this book people will have a better understanding of who God is by:
Religion is at fault and if people understand who God really is, they will live free from guilt and shame, and live not according to rules and regulations, but according to love.
When we live in Love, we can love everyone. From the people we call our haters, to immigrants, people who have had abortions, gang members, drug dealers, Gay people, prostitutes, People from other religions, and most importantly we will learn to love ourselves.
Take a Journey with me through Unlearning Religion and relearn to Love God and Love People.
1. Counterfeit - Religion is a counterfeit of a true Experience with God.
2. The Black Hole - the void that every man/woman has in their life.
3. Naughty by Nature - Why our human nature is naturally inclined to do wrong.
4. Basketball Diaries- How much we attempt to be successful in life but continue to fail. It also discusses the falsehood that we have to live our lives striving to be accepted.
5. Horror Stories about Religion - Interviews about what some people have endured for the sake of religion
6. You might be a religious if... - Common issues found in the church and brings their flaws to light, confronting these issues and offering a way out.
7. The Grace Effect - The Grace of God is the Only Gospel, No matter what anyone says.
8. To Be or Not to Be...a Christian. - Many people identify as Christian however some don't know what it really means to be one. Most likely we've run into the ones that are least like Christ who call themselves Christians.
9. License to Sin? -The idea that Grace gives people a license to live how ever they want to live, is this true?
10. Unlearn - The idea of unlearning everything we believe about God
11. Loving God - Relearning to Love God
12. Loving People - Relearning to Love People
13. The Pitfalls of Self Righteousness -avoiding the thought that you are better than others.
14. The NEW You! - How your life is filled with a new experience.
The Market for Christian books is huge, many people have been spending years on reading about being a better Christian. However, many of these books only explain pieces of what that means. What's trending is the understanding of what it really means to be Christian, and not just say that you are one.
For years, people have lived with the Mantra "The Bible says it, and that settles it" However, that doesn't cut it for todays generation. CNN said that Millennials are leaving the church in droves. Mainly because it takes more than just sitting in church for 2 hours, but not seeing any results in your life.
Many people are feeling the weight of trying to be a "good Christian" and feeling more burnt out than ever.
There are many books that are looking to offset that by giving people hope and reigniting their faith. For instance, Francis Chan left his church of over 5000 because the thoughts we had about church were wrong.
Unlearning Religion is a perfect fit, because it address even more of the unspoken issues surrounding the church and it offer solutions how we can become better people. Far too often books talk about the issue, but never offer the solution to get things on track.
I'll be marketing Unlearning Religion using these Channels.
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Over 4000 Facebook Friends
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Confirming a NYT Best seller to write the Forward to my book.
Letters to the Church - Francis Chan 2018-
In Letters to the Church, Francis Chan invites readers to wrestle with the fact that many churches have drifted from God’s desire for them. He challenges Christians to ask, “What does God want for His Church? When Jesus returns, will He find us caring for His Bride—even more than for our own lives?”
Unlearning Religion Embraces this concept. The Church is far away from what God originally intended. However my book differs because it looks at everything from faith to Miracles with a different perspective, not just the Church.
Friend of Sinners - Rich WIlkerson, Jr 2018 -
This book focuses on How much God wants a personal Relationship with everyone and not perfection. His viewpoint of the love of God is remarkable and is easily translated to anyone who reads it.
Unlearning Religion is like this, however it identifies areas where entire processes need to change in order for people to understand that God isn't looking for perfection. It's a detailed book pinpointing the very experiences people have when attending church full of tradition.
Jesus Hates Religion - B & H Publishing - Alex Himaya 2014
Himaya passionately discusses his issues with Religion and argues that Jesus didn't come to be a religious leader. His approached is well thought out as he strives to make his point.
Unlearning Religion, agrees with this stance however, It is written in a perspective that people who have had no religious affiliation will understand. Sometimes people have had so many negative experiences with Church before they step through the door. I want people to not only does Jesus Hate religion, as a Pastor I do too, and why I have a problem with most of the things they have a problem with.
Robert McNair is the Sr. Pastor of The BAR Church along with his wife Krislyn. He is an entrepreneur, John Maxwell Certified speaker and works as a Sr. Software Engineer with one of the Largest Churches in America.
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Happy Writings!!
The Black Hole.
When I was younger, I was fascinated with Space: Comets, Meteors, planets, and constellations all garnered my attention. I would become enamored by the vastness of space and the Milky Way wondering about other life forms and if we were “alone” in the universe. But there was one thing that struck fear in me, so much that I would have nightmares. It was a black hole.
As science would explain it, a Black hole is a region of space to which nothing can escape its gravitational pull. This would mean that coming within the vicinity of this huge mass would suck in everything that surrounds it. Planets, stars, meteors, comets, certainly space ships etc. would be sucked into nothingness. But it wasn’t just physical structures…a black hole can actually suck in light.. This would freak me out as a kid and still does because Everything else I’m mentioned is a structure. It’s a matter of just one thing having more power or size than the other. Which means i could fathom something physical being swallowed by another thing...however Light isn’t necessarily physical it’s mass-less. I know when you break down all the physics and formulas you could probably make it something physical. However, you can’t grab it. You can’t touch it. It’s just there.... until it comes in contact with a black hole. The light can then be grabbed and shifted and lost in a dimension that no man will ever know...
So what does this have to do with Religion?
Well, God created man in His image and after His likeness. In Genesis, we read about the creation of Man and his communion with God. It’s the ultimate connection. It’s a closer connection than a songwriter has with his lyrics, or an artist has with his painting. Even a closer connection than a mother and a newborn baby. It’s a connection that only God can create and facilitate.
“Gen 3:8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”
11 And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”
God, the father and creator of all would come and spend time with Adam. The Bible doesn’t say how often God would do this. However, I really believe in my heart that this was something God normally did. In Isaiah, Scripture describes that man can’t even stand to see the face of God due to Sin. However this proves that Adam and Eve did. Nevertheless, This time would be the last time they would do it. As Adam and Eve heard God walking in the garden, they Hid. They removed themselves from being in the presence of God.
The world was turned upside down. when Man was tricked into believing he could be more like God than He already was.
I believe Before the Fall of Man, God and Man (being identical) were 1. And Man could actually see God and not die because death wasn’t introduced yet. If the wages of sin is death, and no man had yet sinned. There would have been no separation from God
So here’s what happened:
"Gen 3:23
So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side[e] of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life."
God had banished man from The Garden.
The moment Adam and Even thought they weren’t like God, was the moment they were thrust into an eternal separation From Him. Thus, creating a God sized black hole. Ever since the days of the Garden, man has been trying to find his way back to God. A black hole had been created in the soul of man and Religion has been born.
Even though nothing can escape the grasp of a black hole and all becomes a sea of nothingness, the only thing that could plug a Black hole could be its creator, God. See the thing about a Black hole is that some theories say that it doesn’t even exist in time. You know who doesn’t exist in time, either? God.
So if the only thing that could plug a black hole is God. Then equally every man, since the expulsion of Adam and Eve essentially has a God-sized black hole. No matter what man does, he cannot fill the God sized Black hole. Everything he tries to put in that hole is sucked in and distorted into a sea of nothingness. No lengthy prayer using the biggest words can fill it. No number of times a person prays can do it. No amount of good works, walking elderly people across the street, giving to the poor, etc. Nothing we can do can fill this God-sized hole. However, Religion is our way to try and fill it.
57,000 denominations of Christianity can’t do it.
4200 religions all over the world can’t do it.
However, This shows that well meaning men and women all have the God-sized hole.
This is why I cannot understand how we can dislike someone based on their belief. Every religion is a man-made attempt to fill a God-sized black hole. The only thing that can fill that hole? Love.
Through love and Kindness have I drawn Thee. Jeremiah 31:3
The Goodness of God draws men to Repentance. Rom 2:4
So even when we see others worshipping a different God. It’s only by His love that they will change...not by what we preach at them.
It actually helps us live in harmony with others. Because instead of us condemning everyone to hell, we have an opportunity to Share Gods love to embrace everyone we come in contact with. It’s by His love that others will change. We can’t make them experience’s God’s choice to draw them we are just the vessels God uses to plug the God sized Black hole.
HELLO! I know, it's been a while! Writing a book and getting it edited and published is hard work! But I'm almost there! Thank you so …
Good Morning! I'm excited to let you know that so far we have sold 85 books with only about an hour left in the campaign! …
Hello! A little more than a week into our campaign we have hit 50 books! I really appreciate everyones support! If you know of anyone who …
Thanks Keith I really appreciate you bro!
Pastor Rob, I am excited and proud to see you walking in the plan and purpose God has for you! H. Tate
I know Unlearning Religion will be awesome! You are a true man of God. Proud of you!
Wishing you and Krislyn the best!
I am so happy for you.
We wish you much success on your book launch Rob!
Thank you all for your support!
Love you bro
Excited about this book Rob! Happy to support!
YAY! Excited!
Wish you much success my friend!
Wishing you God's very best!!!
We are on the same wavelength my brother! Looking forward to reading the book!
Bro, we are hoping for the best for your team!
Also thanks for being willing to step out.
We love you.
No problem and I'll be purchasing more soon for others
Super proud of you! Congrats in advance on reaching 500. I cant wait to read your book.
Man I’m so excited to watch you and your wife be so committed to your assignment in ministry. Love you guys.
Happy Birthday
I know this book will empower and bless many! So excited and happy for you and the entire BAR family! Much success and God bless!
Congratulations again, Broham!!! SO proud of you!!!
Religion has crippled alot of us, it's time we unlearn it. I believe this book is needed for a time like now, I'm excited to read it.
Looking forward to this read from such a talented and gifted young man!
Beyond proud of you! We cannot wait to see this legalistic spirit exposed and for people to truly experience the love of Christ!
Excited for you!
Looking forward to reading your book.
Hey! Excited about your launch and journey!!!!
I'm excited & so proud of you for creating this book. It is needed!
Bridgett and I support you!
Wishing you the best with your literary work. I look forward to reading mine.
Congrats on your book, Alum!!
Great job!!!
Excited about this important message! We love you!
Congratulations on your new release!
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on Oct. 1, 2018, 3:46 p.m.
Congrats my Brother! Can't wait to read it!