The Black Hole at the Center of Our Being
The fact that the mysterious super massive black hole pulls us towards the center of our galaxy is a breakthrough in our conscious understanding of why we are.
The discovery of the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy is no longer news, but still remains a puzzle to our understanding.
In the esoteric world, a shift in consciousness from having the sun (and light, symbolizing knowing) as the centre to having the unknown (and dark) as the centre is the major key to a new era on planet earth. Humanity needs to examine it's role as part of a greater cosmos more mysterious than our current understanding.
The works of various mystics and scientist start to coincide in their philosophical approach of what the wisdom of the black hole is.
The 'void' is a concept of nothingness, where everything disappears and can be created out of. It is energy potential but yet, in itself, it is nothing. The sweet place of Nirvana, underlying all experiencing. Our understanding of it is enhanced by both quantum physics and meditation on non-duality.
This book weaves together the understanding of science and of philosophy and gives guided practices to start experiencing the concepts as embodied, living frequencies.
As we adjust to this expanded world view, where we are no longer limited to our individual perspective alone. This can bring us out of depression and anxiety, by facing the darkness within and diving through the fear into a deep, peaceful stillness which lies in the core of being. From this place, creating our reality becomes a magical endeavour.
One of the greatest accomplishments available to humanity is to bridge the immaterial world of energy with the physical form. We create by putting our conscious focus back into reality from a place of greater understanding of the organism that we are part of. Many shifts and changes in our inner and outer world can take place effortlessly.
The aim of this book is to understand and embody the energy of the void and to be able to live from a deeper sense of presence and anchoredness to all of existence. It is a key to the evolution of consciousness in the quantum era.
Part 1 - Mapping Our Cosmic Consciousness
0. The State of Reality As It Is
1. The Shift - what changes in our psyche when we adjust cosmology from being centered around the sun into circulating the black hole?
Introducing the world view of physics, the macro and the micro cosmos and where they meet
Introducing the esoteric philosophy of the shift from solar to galactic consciousness
Practice: Meditation on the Void
2. The Galactic Environment - explaining the scale and processes at play in the bigger playground
Exploring the metaphoric depth of the galaxy, the universe and consciousness. Unravelling time from the perspective of atoms.
Practice: Expanding and including perspectives of more than one
3. Humanity's adjustment - how does our consciousness shift from focus in the detail to expanding vast to include more dimensions?
More practice in travelling through our individuality to the collective and from earth-based perspective to the galactic frequency.
Practice: Changing sides - managing conflict, challenge or the highest good from multiple angles
Part 2 - Exploring the Potentials
4. Into the Void - Nihilism as the surrender to absolute, the many faces of nothingness, returning to the womb
Addressing the challenges of depression, suicide and death as parts of the human consciousness. Exploring the process of gestation from womb to the world and the act of creation from seed to more complexity. Making our earliest experience of creation available to source wisdom from.
Practice: Embracing the darkness
5. Creative Potential, Anti-matter, Dark Light - from stillness rises the urge to be creative through desire, thought and will.
The universal and unique ways of creation from nothing.
Practice: Formation of Manifestation
6. A World Beyond Duality? - discussion on the potentials of a quantum field consciousness
Improving intuition and direct knowing. Dialogueing with the stars. Time travel and changes in our past, present and future.
Practice: Exploring the field consciousness
The known, the unknown and the unknowable.
The book is a teaching on how to shift consciousness and learn to use itas tool to access quantum paradigm. Consider it an inspirational digest for both scientists and spiritual adepts.
Many people who manage to look at the bigger picture start to concern themselves with the planetary suffering. This book speaks to the existentialist, whether he be a nihilist or a lover of life. The shift in consciousness from soular to galactic concerns the next 2000 years according to esoteric philosophy.This book speaks to the educated mind and the body we inhabit. Anyone who has heard of quantum physics but struggles yet to apply it. The stargazers who look into outer space to find answers. Academics will be entertained and those who are sensitive to our collective energy grid, will hopefully find this book a great way to process the density of humanity. Humanity has a drive to understand the void energy.
There are dark retreats that are becoming more and more popular as means to access direct feeling of aloneness, nothingness and surrender to the dark emotions that isolation brings. Though depression has a personal anxiety aspect, it could also be a way to shift from personality into a soul perspective.
The scientist are constantly growing further in discovery but only few have the bigger picture. The spiritual seekers who have reached their high elevated states but are craving for it all to make sense can find solace in this book.
Numbers are hard to find because this is an encompassing book. My reach for audience is somewhere around 5000-10,000 people via social media that I know are interested.
Though I don’t actively collect or promote an email list, I invite readers to pre-order and join a mailing list. This will help keep the attention and interest towards the topic as well as be used as medium to promote upcoming events and courses.
To accompany the book, I am creating a web course to instruct and practice the principles and theories presented. This will allow personal interaction with the audience and add some more engaging practices. The webcourse is particularly interesting to professionals in the field who already have their own followings (and can therefore promote it further down the networks) and also to those interested in studying more with me in person.
I am gathering sponsors for the writing phase of this book and talking to quantum scientists as well as esoteric philosophers and shamans on referencing the facts and potentials without making lectures. An added particular niche is my own writing tying together sexuality and consciousness. This is gaining international interest and many interesting project offers. In this field I am affiliated with the International School of Temple Arts that have an ongoing international outreach.
Not many scientists discussing quantum physics have taken it down to the body nevertheless sexuality - but it is the frontier of most polarity and where the duality of the worlds can start to merge more tangibly. The intention is to make the book sexy, without being about sexuality per say. My connections to the field of shamanic sexuality (which sources itself more from connection to natural phenomena and laws) are helpful. This is a growing market and the basic principle is giving people the ability to choose, use their will and make their own mind - ultimately stepping out of survival and fear-based living into a holistic life from soul.
In preparation for a Europe wide multimodal tour of 'Wild Love' in 2020, there is a number of artists and changemakers coming together to produce text, video, theatre and music aiming to describe a new paradigm of embodied consciousness from which to live. This will be a direct chance to market and sell the book as a key to understanding the 'Core Principle' to which other topics build upon. I have received invites to collaborate with different changemakers in the field of consciousness but wish the book and the course come out first as a base reference to which to build upon. As my own following for other merits like courses and workshops begins to grow, I want this book to accompany me. It is a first of many.
My own website to which I make regular posts reaches monthly views of up to 1346 (mainly in the Netherlands, Finland, USA, Australia and Germany but dozens of countries worldwide are represented). I will give the introduction to the topic shortly and write more opinions on how the book ties into current issues.
The growing group around the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA) and Bruce Lyon's work is wanting to study more and is lacking comprehensible text books. The ISTA community is international and spreading fast in every continent, about 7000 strong at the moment. My creative work is featured in their upcoming book (Secret Lives of Sex Shamans) and I am working on a co-authored book with Komala Lyra. For this book I am receiving the mentorship and dialogue with Bruce Lyon himself, whose work I will reference as part of the lineage of esoteric philosophy and psychology.
God Is Not Dead: What Quantum Physics Tells Us about Our Origins and How We Should Live by Amit Goswani, Hampton Roads Publishing; Reprint edition (April 1, 2012)
Differences: Bridging many of the concepts, Dr. Goswani has a following and is world known in his field. Void will not tangle into the theoretics and intentionally wants to speak in a way directly to the experiential, instinctual human, not the rational brain. Embodied exercises help in this.
The Physics of God: Unifying Quantum Physics, Consciousness, M-Theory, Heaven, Neuroscience and Transcendence by Joseph Selbie, published by New Page Books; 1 edition (September 18, 2017)
Differs from Void: Instead of focusing on the theories and keeping the book in the level of rational thought, Void begins to appeal to layers of metaphor and emotion and focuses on transmission rather than research (as long as the science checks out). Void is an active guide into living and practicing feeling the energies of cosmos in our human body and consciousness.
Occult Cosmology by Bruce Lyon, Astra Print 2011
Differs from Void: As the work is officially a transmission from a transcended teacher to the author, it is complex and dense without pausing to check scientific facts or pull the reader in. It is seminal work for the writing of Void, but the focus now is to bring these teachings to a larger audience from the esoteric niche.
The Physics of Miracles - Tapping into the Field of Consciousness Potential by Richard Bartlett DC ND, Melissa Joy Jonsson
Published October 13th 2009 by Atria Books/Beyond Words
Differs from Void: Before going into the realm of manifesting through quantum consciousness, Void brings in the depth of felt-experience of the cosmos. Surely Bartlett's work is supportive of the same kind of use of consciousness for healing and manifesting
Mia has spent her life travelling the world's far corners and tuning into various wisdom traditions as well as intuitive knowing. With a poet's clarity, she writes powerful, mystical prose.
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The Black Hole at the Center of Our Being
No way to run as it has become a scientific fact:
the black hole pulls us towards the mysterious event horizon where no matter escapes.
Our little composition of a solar system, that used to be our whole universe, is actually being dragged by a greater vortex.
A dance of the galactic proportion is about to begin.
Look out
the stars, as souls, are watching our course and welcoming us through various initiations of consciousness
to deeper levels of the cosmic mystery;
resonating with our emotions
as we undulate our energy-bodies.
And the whole of earth
is becoming more of a spearhead than a sphere -
and yet more an etheric multi-layered minicosmos
than a planet.
For the souls’ that inhabit it are not here in vain.
Understanding inevitably grows though
lightyears are speeds that only the consciousness in a state of absolute surrender can encompass.
Welcome to the cosmic choir, the stars sing once they notice our ability to communicate includes them.
There will be galactic diplomacy, star councils, planetary perspectives and humanity’s heart
all in discourse and process of conscious evolution.
But understanding the principle of the black hole remains most important:
it is the understanding of void, of depression and nothingness, purposelessness and the feminine principle of creation
all interlinked.
The void is our origin, it is the blank/black canvas, it is the unimposed.
It lives on in all of us, surrounds us, the dark energy of potential to be but choosing not to - the antimatter.
The part of me refusing to be a cosmic creator, yet
having visions of the universal father filling my womb with a gust of stars and the one particle that
conjoins the other at an exact perfect moment..
that is the universe creating itself.
It needs the spaciousness of the womb
and the timing of the phallus.
The void, the black hole, is the something that swallows our thoughts,
the one place we may voluntarily or against our wills fall into
in dark times, in meditative scapes, in outer space.
Once entered, it either scares us
or seduces us to go deeper
the void;
where fear does not exist - you check it out at the threshold
where love does not rule - it is given birth to
in stillness, no movement of passion, no intention.
The primordial source
about to be
the snake swallowing its tail.
The jump from non-duality into intentional universality
is a giant leap
let us linger on that threshold
discover the journey
from seed to fully manifested life
the seed came from a will, that came from an idea, that came from desire
that came from an eternity spent in that nothingness.
The void was soothing yet - a yearning began for the other polarity
the principle,
the thought
a definition of reality
that vibrated through
the primordial womb
enlivening the space itself.
The author hasn't added any updates, yet.
Envisioning blowing the target out of the water and your book being a huge success xx
Yes, lets learn and grow with Void!!!! Thank you!!!
love and light to you dear siSTAR! from Nicola/Fern
After reading the exert that Dane posted I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the book.
Love you and your roar into the world. Cant wait to read xoxox
Delighted to support your work, dear Mia. :)
Looking forward to receiving inspiration from your adventures in consciousness and adding to my experiments and experiences 🙏💗😊
I look forward to it
Looking forward to the transmission. Love, a fellow cosmonaught ;) xoxo
Kaikenlaista mahtavaa kuunvaloista, lohikäärmeisiin ja kultasydämistä täydellisin kypsiin hedelmiin! Kiitos, että inspiroit ja kirjoitat. :) -Reeta
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Exploring the universe has been my main occupation. I have travelled the worlds, inside and out. My transmission is the wisdom that comes through experience.
You will receive a session - guided embodied practice and further continued guidance and support in level of consciousness, relationships and lifestyle.
on Aug. 19, 2018, 12:23 a.m.
My darling Mia, I'm honored to support you and your poetic musings from the void. please check with me before mailing the book, as surely my address would have changed. Love you dearly ❤️