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War and Vegetables

Robert Run

A Chronicle of the Last Gas Station

Follows three college grads and a small town as it recovers from the low intensity warfare of corporate dominance.

  Literary Fiction   70,000 words   75% complete   1 publisher interested
20 preorders
$377.00 funded


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Update #8 - Sample Chapter Available Jan. 2, 2016


I'm winding down this campaign. Another couple of weeks to go. I lengthened the campaign because I felt like it.

I have another chapter available for you. Chapter 28. If you read it and you like it.. will you share the link to my campaign with some friends or on social media?

I want you to read it. I also want to get an email back from you so I know you're getting these updates, if you don't mind.

I'm not making any New Year Resolutions. I just want to have nice days and nights. I hope that's good enough for you.

I'm having fun looking for editors. I think I have a line on someone, referred to me by a writer friend who is published. I need help! :) 

I hope you enjoy the chapter. 
