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Wellness Influence

Sebastian Hilbert

A Journey towards personal growth to become an influential wellness entrepreneur attracting highly profitable clients on autopilot

Helping you as a wellness business owner to find your magic, gain the confidence to positively move the hearts and souls of millions and feel fulfilled with what you do.

  Entrepreneurship & Small Business   60,000 words   75% complete   Published by Something or Other Publishing
103 preorders
$2,045.00 funded


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Update #2 - 5 months already? Sept. 6, 2020

Hello, my dear 'Wellness Influence' Supporter!

It's been five months since the conclusion of my campaign for the book 'Wellness Influence'. 

Now that I have some incredibly exciting news, I thought it's time to send you an update.

I know we all get a lot of emails, so I keep this short, sharp, and punchy! ;-)

Last Tuesday, on the 1st of September 2020, I finally signed a publishing contract with a fantastic publisher. They are deeply invested in making 'Wellness Influence' a global success.

So stay put for more great news and updates over the next few months.

We aim to get the book shipped to you in the first quarter of 2021 to help you kick off the next year like a Pro!

If you want to know what happened over the past five months in my world and the significant changes I have been through to take this book to a whole nother level, then check out my article here:

Talk soon
Sebastian 'Soon-To-Be-Published-Author' Hilbert ;-)

PS: If you have any questions or want to redeem your free 'Wellness Business Growth Session' simply respond to this email and we book in a time