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When the Earth Slept

Jillian Arena

When the Earth Slept is an illustrated children's fiction book promoting environmental awareness and respect for the Earth. It offers an alternative viewpoint to children and adults to understand the current situation of Covid-19. It is akin to the role that Roberto Benigni played in the movie "Life Is Beautiful" where he uses fantasy to make sense of the reality that surrounds him and his family.

  Children Fiction   1,330 words   100% complete   Published by Isabella Media Inc
154 preorders
$3,928.00 funded


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Update #2 - Keepin' On Keepin' On June 19, 2020

Hi All,

Thank you again for the whirlwind of support you have given me as I step into the very vulnerable space of working to get my book published.  Melissa Wooten (the illustrator) and I have been hard at work to create something truly magical and special to share with you.  Given the current world climate, we've refrained from doing much promotion and have, therefore, opted to extend the campaign out until July 01.  If you know of anybody else who might enjoy the story and want to pre-order a copy for themselves, a family member or friend, or to donate to a library or children's hospital, please direct them back this way and let them know that their support is VERY much appreciated.  You can also send them straight  over to my blog so that they can read the story for themselves before making any commitment.  

Again, you have no idea how much it means to me that you are all helping me to make one of my biggest dreams come true.  I can't wait until you have the finished product in your hands and I hope that you are able to see the love, time and energy that has gone into its creation.   


Jillian Arena