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Who Am I If You're Not You?

Lynn Thorne

Love's Journey Beyond Gender

Real-life couple Jennifer and Marika are soulmates who dream of being two moms raising a family. Six months after their wedding, Marika announces she wants to transition to become a man. A true story, Who Am I If You’re Not You? explores Jennifer’s reactions—Should she stay? Can she love Marika as a man? Jennifer goes through hell to find out.

  Society & Culture    Narrative Nonfiction   65,000 words   50% complete   Published by Mascot Books
326 preorders
$6,850.00 funded


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Update #5 - It's in the mail ... or is it? Sept. 2, 2017

September has flown by.  I started the month by picking up my books. What a rush to hold it in my hands for the first time!

Book in Hand
Holding my baby for the first time!

I diligently signed, wrapped and addressed each pre-ordered book individually - all 323 of them! As of this moment, all pre-orders have been mailed. If you have NOT received your book yet, please reach out to me. I did have a few of them that were returned because folks had moved since they ordered this in February but I've worked hard to get those re-sent.

Again, if you have NOT received your book yet, please let me know.

If you've received it, and read it, would you be so kind as to leave a quick review on the Facebook page ? It will help inspire others to consider purchasing a copy!
My booth at Cville Pride
My booth at Cville Pride

I've spent the rest of the month marketing and lining up marketing opportunities. I had a booth at Cville Pride in Charlottesville on Sept. 16 and Va PrideFest in Richmond on Sept 23. I also had a chance to tape a 7-minute segment for a show called Dew Drops and Words, which airs as part of a weekly TV show called Women's Worldview on the MHz Network in Northern Virginia. It won't air until November (which ties into the launch) but I'll share the link when it does.

MHz Networks
In the lobby before taping

I've also had several other future marketing opportunities pop up: an article in OUTCOAST magazine, a possible spot in a documentary called Beyond Pronouns, a speaking engagement at a Richmond-area church, and a book signing at the world-renowned gay bar, The Abbey, in Los Angeles.

Oh, and the LAUNCH PARTY! It will be held at Over the Moon Books, in Crozet, VA, on November 14. Would love to have you join us if you're able!

It's been quite an overwhelming journey so far and NONE of it would be possible without each and every one of you, who are reading this right now. You supported this book when it was still just a dream of mine and if you hadn't pitched in to help me, it never would've become a reality.

I'm eternally indebted to you.

With love and gratitude,
