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Why Your Startup is Failing

Henry Latham

Learn how to be one of the 10% of startups that succeed

Build products that actually matter - and make a profit - by following a process I've used to bootstrap my own startup, Scribe, to profitability

  Technology & the Future   60,000 words   100% complete   4 publishers interested
61 preorders
$1,273.00 funded


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Update #2 - How To Get Your Hands on The Book! Aug. 26, 2019

As the preorder campaign comes to a close at the end of the week, I'll be presenting the book to a few publishers that have expressed interest in publishing the book.

The date I send out the physical copies of the book will depend on the outcome of these conversations, so I will keep you up-to-date with these over the next few weeks, sending out another email as soon as I know the exact date your copy of the book will be sent out to you - regardless of whether I get a deal with a big publisher or not!

In the mean time, any more copies that are ordered, any more links to this page shared on your social media & with your network, any shouting from the rooftops about the launch, etc., are really appreciated.

Thank you for your support in spreading the word,
